Haven't update you for so long... I feel kinda sorry... =[
Ok! Update on my life...
First of all...
School's ok...
Errmm... Nothing special...
Well, I missed out a lot on scout activities...
I remember once.
It wasn't too long ago.
Rabbit (nickname) came into my class. She held a pass. And started jabbering away that she wanted to see James and Pik Hung.
Naturally I was surprised. there was no connection between them... Unless... Its scouts. So they both went out.
*Chilling out in class.*
Pik Hung and James returned, both of them breathless and a little dirty.
I asked Pik Hung:'Whoa. What you did?'
She grumbled:'Went and moved the buluh (bamboo)'
My eyes opened wide.
'Why didn't they asked me go?' I sounded disappointed. Well, of course I did. I felt left out.
'Oh. They forgot.'
I think I must have exploded slightly.
'What?! They forgot?! How could they forget?? Do they still treat me as a freaking scout?!'
'The juniors wrote the passes. They didn't mean to do it...'
I think that made me even more mad. But then my mood shifted to sad and disappointment.
I couldn't believe it.
Do they honestly still treat me as a scout??
Do I still treat myself as a scout?
Honestly, I really have been missing out a lot...
meetings, gatherings, duty...
Yeesh. You must be really tired. Hearing me grumble about scouts... =[
I'm just really pissed that even the juniors don't know who I am... *sadness*
Ok. Enough about that....
Oh yeah! Something interesting I wanna share.
I got 8 1/2 marks out of 19 for my Cathecism class.
Shitty right?
I never memorized the Apostle's Creed.
So I just put one:'I believe' there.
Yeah. Sucked. I know.
Well, thats about it.
hey,i know ur feelings,probably bcz we`re once left out..but..if u still hav the heart for scout, juz continue it lar..maybe go for meeting once & a while..at least, let others know that u ARE a scout..