At least I even bothered to post... XD ok... so the photos I steal from facebook cuz i lazy to upload.... =p (actually is not yet allowed to) so... see pics first... =]
ok, intro...
From the left...
On Guitar-- Zheng Guo!!!
On Drums-- Dai Fai!!!
Singer-- Ashley!!!
Guitar/Backup Singer-- Dark Angel!!!
Singer-- Joyanne!!!
Bass-- Joylene!!!
We make a pretty cool team... =] the guys are OK, despite what i said about in my earlier post... LOL
And... When we performed it was like... really... Dumb? No one was listening cuz we were the first act and they all rushed out to get food... Slight disappointment... =[ But, we still had to sing and perform... Well, I blame it on the audience when Ash was rapping Baby, I was like clapping, Joyanne was like clapping, the drums were drumming an infectious beat... But... everyone was busy eating... =.= LOL? Am i supposed to laugh at that...?
Ok, i wasn't happy bout the amps. Cuz the organizing form 4 pengawas said there was gonna be an amp for me. Ok. I believed them. MAJOR ERROR!!! They couldn't gimmie one... Then after some debate they finally found a way to plug in my guitar. But during the performance, Oh my GOD. My guitar was soundless!!! =[ I was so unhappy cuz during rehearsal we went through this before. I was so unhappy then I asked them:'If I can't have and amp, and i don't have a mike, what is my POINT in being here onstage?!' Yeah, they fixed it after that...
So our performance was 2nd-rate. If we wanna sound better, we should practice more... =] *looking forward*
Then, majlis went well, there were the stupid speeches... Then the ceremonies... Then our crappy performance... Then lucky draw (didn't win anything ><)... Then some stupid game which includes eating wasabi? O.o....
Oh, then there were the dancing... Well they put on Poker Face and I dragged Ash out to dance. Sadly, Ash said it wasn't her type of song... So I was like, to the hell with her... make my LIFE WORTH LIVING!!! So I did my stuff which resulted to battling with our dear Ketua Pengawas, Ho Khoon Meng... LOL It was fun... He can break... Damn him. My hand not enough muscle... =p But yeah... When I went down to the bridge... LOL he was speechles... XD (yeah, I'm showing off!!! XP)
Then, they put on some Korean Pop song by SNSD -- Chocolate Love. Personally? I don't think that song is nice... And the moves? *snicker?* Then a Form 5 SNSD Fan, Shee Yun went up and danced.... And the form 4 all asked me to follow... +.+?? I was so damn blur following her... XD So I made up my own moves? It was a confusing moment there...
So, I loved the form 3 performance. They did Imagine-- John Lennon It was very very TOUCHING... =] But sadly, the audience too ignorant... Then form 4 drama... =.= No comments on that. It was good but don't know how to describe... LOL And form 5? Lynnel and Nydelene? I do NOT want to compete with them. Damn. They were freakin good!! =p
So... All in all... Majlis was FUN =] can't wait to go next year!!!
oh, our band was apparently called THE BLACK ROSES (cute eh? =])
Oh, one more thing, for those who wants to see our video? Teach me how to upload on blogger and I'll do it!!! =] Thanks for helpin our this ANGEL... =]
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