Friday, 23 November 2012

Tepuk Tepuk Pengakap

Hi Humans! :)

You might've noticed it, you might've not. I've recently joined Nuffnang! Its this platform where they give you ads, you put them on your blog, people come and click it, and you earn money! Easy as PIE right? LOL, no. i tried so ASDFGHJKL hard last night. How many freaking hours spent just placing my butt in front of the laptop and trying to freaking just sign in. Because Nuffnang seems to think that I already signed up. But when I log in, they refuse to send me the password. Arrgghhhh. Then after hours of placing the ads on my blog, I realized I misread the instructions and I felt like killing myself. Sometimes, its really wrong to act smart. *sigh*

So, conclusion. I still don't know how Nuffnang works. So, if you like me. And you want me to be rich. CLICK on those damn ads! :) Thank you and stuff.

I guess. I just wanted to voice out the fact that I miss Scouts. I miss it a lot. So, so much. 

I miss the campfires.
I miss the sour scent of sweat. 
I miss the heat from perfect sunshine.
I miss the musky scent of burnt wood. 
I miss the drowsy night watches. 
I miss the last-minute dramas.
I miss the confusion during drills. 
I miss the awkwardness of sleeping with girls you barely know. 
I miss the feeling of ice-cold stream water. 
I miss the fear of leeches. 
I miss the uncontrollable laughter together. 
I miss the cheeky teasing. 
I miss the scout songs. 
I miss the un-practiced dance around the fire. 
I miss the feel of the navy blue pants. 
I miss the cheekiness of sneaking snacks. 
I miss the thrill of screaming yells and claps.
I miss the feel of mud soaking into your skin.
I miss the joy of winning best patrol. 
I miss the rightness of following my leader. 
I miss the wrongness when being punished by seniors.
I miss the craziness of singing scout songs in the rain. 
I miss the silence of nature during night walks. 
I miss the bad cooking we cook.
I miss the smiles.

I miss Scouts. 
Obviously, we're not as cool as this but you get the idea of a 'campfire'.

If you're wondering, my title means literally: Clap Clap Scouts. It basically means the commando clap. When I scream that command, you have to clap: tak-tak-taktaktak-taktaktaktak-taktak

If any of the Scouts are reading this. You might ask me: "Why don't you come back? We never said you weren't part of us."

Unfortunately its not as simple as that. I would of course blame it on my parents. They don't understand why their daughter wants to get tortured by seniors in the sun. They don't understand why their daughter is willing to do so much for something that is so useless. 

They don't understand. 

But of course. I am the one to blame. It is my fault that my grades slipped because of 'over-activity' in Scouts. *sigh* I tried to save my grades. I tried. But not hard enough. 

And I'm not sure I'll be able to even go to the Shiang Yang campfire :( I really wanna go. But parents said no more camps. Even if I've paid a hundred ringgit. for it. *Sigh*

Enough ranting. I should be showing you how much I love and miss scouts. 
I miss this :) So fond of this. 

I wanted to find pictures. But I realize I've been so inactive, I don't have super duper epic photos with them. *Sigh*

So here's our Father: Baden Powell. He's the man. The very first man. Or boy. Cause he came up with the idea of Boy Scouts. Whatever. He's awesome. 
"The real way to gain happiness is to give it to others."
- Baden Powell

My hero is so wise :) 

I want to be able to wear my beautiful scarf again. Seriously. I want to wear my untouched uniform again with pride and glory. 
At the ASEAN Jamboree 2010
Awkward silence.

Peace, Love, Respect. 

Listen to this song! Its my favourite scout song! :)
Shaliwali shaliwali OOMPA OOMPA OOMPA! 

Missing Scouts Angel

1 comment:

  1. I see a scout girl here :) Envy the chance you have to go camping :)


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