Saturday, 12 January 2013

I'm Unsure Of My Sanity

I should update this thing more. But I've been going outta my head with homework. Yes, it's in my resolutions, see? I've been a very good girl and doing ALL my homework, especially my Add Maths. Feeling slightly proud of myself here x)

Well, I just wanted to say that all this stay-up-late-to-finish-my-homework thing really has crashed my immune system. I'm currently S-I-C-K. *Boo-hoo.* But Biologically speaking, I don't understand  why I'm sick. I'm not usually that weak. But... Meh.

I've been a good good girl, staying in class all day, doing all my homework.

Ahahaha. I'm just sayin' :P

There isn't a real reason why I'm blogging this. Possibly because I slept for almost 20 hours today.

So I'll share some GIFs of chocolate here :D
Muahahahaha. Yep, I'm evil xD

Sleepy Angel

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