Thursday, 2 January 2014

Post SPM Feelings + 2014

I guess I want to tell you a long-winded story about how I was the last person to end my SPM in my school because I take EST and how lonely the school was and how annoying it felt to know that everyone had finished except you and that the girl who was taking the exam with you didn't bother to share tips and how to answer the paper and you leave the exam room feeling so odd and contradicted.

But I won't. Because that would make me lame. And I don't want to be lame.


Alright. Let me list out the things I said I would do after SPM.
  1. Buy a new guitar. 
  2. Get a laptop. 
  3. Get a smartphone. 
  4. Work out. 
  5. Dye my hair. 
  6. Drive everywhere. 
  7. Learn cooking.
  8. Get a boyfriend.


Now let me list out the things I actually did after SPM
  1.  Got fat.
  2. Acquired insomnia. 
  3. Read books. 
  4. Failed to update blog. 
  5. Got and internship. 


*Moans like a walrus* Helpppppp I don't know what to tell you guys.

Have you any idea how many drafts I started but did not complete? I just had a spur-of-a-moment thing and decided to write something, anything, but then I would get distracted by butterfly fluttering about or something and float away. Yup. Attention span of a squirrel.

 Okay. I'm gonna make another list y'know. So that ya'll know what I have in store for you in 2014 (this should be a whole new '2014 I'm gonna...' post but MEH)

  1. Book reviews. 
  2. Music covers.
  3. Food posts. 
  4. Travel posts. 
  5. OOTD posts (that one I'm still contemplating mainly because I'm currently overweight and all and my outfits usually suck anyway) 
  6. Nicer blog template + layout.
So yeah. 2014.  May you be fun and awesome and stuff.

Oh yes, one more thing. On 1/1/2014 I went out with some of my church buddies
Anyway we were deciding what to do, and we wanted to watch movies. So we were discussing what to watch, and then there was this 18 over movie - Riddick. And I said: 'But we can't watch that.' And they all stared and my and said: 'Noel, it's 2014, we're 18 now.'

And I had to process that fact in my brain for a few minutes.

Oh yeah. 18 this year. Hmm. But honestly, I don't want to watch 18 over movies. They are much more gory and filled with swear words. I would rather watch something like.... Frozen (yes I'm desperate to watch it) or something superhero-ey.

So ironic. 18 and still wants to watch G-rated movies.

Anyway, I just came back from Thailand and my Hometown, Kedah.

So I guess I'll be writing on that soon (VERY SOON OKAY)

Um well, this is an extremely awkward post.

Have a great 2014 everyone. May it be the year you smile when you remember.

Sneakily Using Somebody Else's Internet Angel

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