Sunday, 5 January 2014

URL Change

Hi Humans!

I am here to announce something of utmost importance.

As you can see, I have changed my blog template. It is now bright and beautiful - something I've been trying to achieve since I've started blogging.

Do you like my new header?

I designed it myself. I know it's extremely plain, but I'm afraid if I added anything to it it'll ruin the whole thing.

Where did I come up with this name for my blog?

Well, honestly, I've had that phrase in my head for years now. It all started when I saw Teressa's (@CheekyTeressa_X) photo on her facebook page.(Oh and you should check out her photography facebook page: Teressa's Photography. It's gorgeous.) She went to the Zoo and she photographed one of her friends holding out a large feather. I stared at the photo and the phrase just popped in my head. Ooh. Noel was feeling poetic then.

And then I guess it has just stuck since then. If you follow me on tumblr (which I'm assuming you don't because nobody follows me on tumblr), I am a-feather-for-a-dream there. I suppose I thought that the name is tumblr enough (not really).

And what is the announcement of utmost importance? I'm getting to that.

My blog has been since the dawn of time. Well, basically since 2008, back when I started the blog out of pure boredom. You can read my first ever post in the world here: NOEL WAS SO AWKWARD BACK THEN. I cringe at my grammar errors, but it seems so ever cruel to change 12-year-old Noel's first post on her blog. I was such a dork. Not that that has changed.

Anyway, me being the 12-year-old that I was, seemed to be obsessed with the fact that I had to have a cool online persona and have a dark and mysterious name. And.. I decided on Dark Angel because it was cool. And I like being cool. I even designed a logo guys. I'm not even joking:
I don't remember how old I was when I did this. But I remember I was not 12 anymore. (Yes, using Paint; because I'm fabulous like that)

I am such an artist.

I created this blog when I finished primary school. And thus, finishing secondary school, I am going to change my url. It won't affect those who already follow me on blogger, but I don't doubt that it will confuse some of my usual readers who type in my url into the bar the old-fashioned-way (Baba I'm talking about you).


It's important. Very important. 

I tried googling how to redirect people from my old url. And there was a lot of technical terms on the blog that made me want to sob. However, for my loyal followers, I am willing to give it a shot. Just for you guys. 

I'll be changing my url tomorrow okay? Meanwhile, I am still currently However, starting from 8pm tomorrow (Malaysian time), I am changing to 

I hope you guys have fun in the meantime. 

(Please don't stop reading my blog once I change my url. Please.)

Big Changes Are Happening To This Angel

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