I'm missing Taitung and I really shouldn't do that cos I can't really go back soon and it's just another way for me to ignore what's important: My academics.
Thus, in a fit of smooth internet and unlag laptop, I created some GIFs to reminisce my time in gorgeous Taitung.
On the train to Taitung, we shared a coach with a litter of tiny kindergarten children on their class trip. Us being NCKU Guitar Club decided it was a good idea to entertain them by singing. It was absolutely adorable how they got distracted everytime the train went through a tunnel. They would pause and count the seconds we were in a tunnel. You can watch the video below but I made some GIFs of myself being happy on the ukulele.
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Ok this quite blur + chubbs but it's my face so *shrugs* |
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How is it possible that music can make one so happy? |
Damn terharu ok. I really like performing spontaneously. This is the only way we can live in the moment. And transferring music to other people feel so amazing. Maybe one day the little kids will decide to learn the guitar or ukulele and continue spreading this warmth to other people. That's what I want.
Another cute thing that happened on the trip was, 巧思 (QS) decided to stay at home and ditch us during the trip. But our whole band (although we graduated from New Minyaotuan, still, we're super close) went. So we decided to bully her through the internet, posting photos of us 'searching for 巧思' everyday. It's bloody hilarious. And the captions Xuncheng comes up with. I s2g. Here there are, I damn lazy to translate lah, if don't understand then bobian loh.
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伯錚團出遊囉 尋找巧思大作戰 |
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伯錚團出遊 只能在 那夢境中 尋覓千百回 思,巧思。 |
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台東到囉 夢裡尋思千百度 驀然回首 那人卻在…………處 |
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這沼澤的泥濘就如愛情 越陷越深 巧思…… 奕融 加一 |
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一日的旅程漸漸走向 結局的篇章 用盡了體力 那人 依然不知去向 我們還能在團聚嗎 |
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點點燈火象徵 團圓 是啊 團員 |
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Day 2 天色漸陰 尋找嗆辣火龍果的機會 也 渺茫 鹽焗的干貝 躊躇的裹上皮蛋納豆 好吃 |
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思思細雨 我們在飄雨的長桌上 從長計議 今天好思 |
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(we decided not to post a caption for this cos we pretended we didn't get 巧思 a bracelet) |
Ok lah, we damn evil. Sorry 巧思, we love you.
When you travel with the right people, even rain won't drag your mood down.
Here are some of my favourite shots (some I took, some I didn't) throughout the whole trip.
On day one we went to Tiehua Village, on Wednesdays they open up a spot for normal people to go upstage to perform. And we did. It was a magical experience. What's even better was that after the event, a Belgium guy approached our club and we had a spontaneous jam session. It was extremely surreal.
It was one of those nights you look back and think: "Really?" but yes, really.
Day 2 was super wet. One of the awkward things to happen during a trip is to rain and it did. But i honestly think it wasn't a bad thing, cos I can vouch that I will never ever forget riding the scooter going uphill in the rain.
Wet n' wild woohoo. Okay, by now you can see Literate Noel is starting to leave me and Nonsensical Noel is taking over. I started this post with something to write in mind but looking at all these happy photos made me lose focus. Ah well, I can always start another post.
Yay we are now at Day Three! Honestly I think The photos we took during the last day was the best, the sun gave face and showed up with glory. And we went to the beach. I also turned a shade darker but that's not the point.
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Taking this photo at the exact same time |
Syok lah. So many nice photos. Syok syok syok.
Okies I'm done. Time to work on my deep and thoughtful next post.
*drops mic*
Missing Taitung Angel