BITCHES... My school is so full of them...
UUURRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!! I hate my school!!!! It's so annoying......
Once, i bumped into a bitch. Well, thecnically, she's a girl but... she has an *ahem* boyish edge... so... i'm not sure i'm supposed to call her a bitch or a son of a bitch......
Anyway, I was chatting with my pals and was not looking where i was going so bumped into her and i immeadiatly said sorry. I really meant it. It's not like i did it on porpose. And i am not the kind of person who demands an aplogy when we're not even sure who did it.
I was like: "Oh my God, sorry, sorry, sorry!!!"
And that bitch just glared at me walked away. As she was walking away, she told another bitch in hakka (It's like their 'cool' language in school... which just makes them sound and look mega cheap): " That girl can't even look where she's going! I hope her whole family gets cursed!!!" when she thought i was out of earshot.
WTF???!!! i just bumped into you for gods sake!!!! It's not like I wrecked anything off you!!! I was so angry, i immeadiately turned around and said loud enough for the people around her to hear: " BITCH"
Nothing happened.
My pals around me were staring at me, wide-eyed. They speak good english so they understand whats going on. But obiviously, she didn't understand that word.
I was actually quite dissapointed that she could'nt understand that word. (Yes, the people in my school are so retarded they don't know that simple word... See why I hate my school??!!)...
If she did understand... i would probably be sitting in the disipline teacher's plastic chair with him thinking that I needed counseling...
Too Bad!!!