I suck. Seriously. Have you ever seen a person following his/her own blog?? Well i do. Probably cuz i'm doing it myself...
HAIZ...... It's so pathetic!
I'm doing it cuz nobody wants to read my blog. I followed my brother's blog out of forcement. He said if i follow his blog, my blog will be known.
It's been weeks now and no one even looked at my blog for God's sake.
Friday, 21 August 2009
These Are Apparently Popular
* evil laughs * This Angel actually ran 4x400m relay today! * shock, horror! * Yeah well, I got half cheated-half bribed into it. (There was...
Hi. I'm still on cloud 9 :) Yesterday, was the best day ever . I can't stop smiling. Oookay. I was camwh*ring :) My friends (...
I'm currently addicted to two songs. Well, addicted means trying to learn the lyrics and chords. Here they are: It Will Rain by Bruno...
Ah, yes. Busking. For you people who don't realize what the hell this is, its street performing. Something like this: Yeah, cool righ...
You walk on the sidewalk, a little skip in your walk. Flash-backing about your day today. They sky is already dark. You shiver a little in ...
Hello, Humans! Guess what? Its EXAM SEASON AND I AM BLOGGING ! Well, we have one week of Exam left. Can't wait for it to be over. We...