I am SO happy!!!!
I am here too tell you about my day at Talentime!!!
Ok, here goes...
Went to school lugging my guitar. Reached the place where we prefects dump our bags. Yi Wen was there already so I said hi to her and asked her wether she's seen J or not. She said no. Oh well, I reached for my phone inside my pocket and checked my messages. Dammit. There was one from J asking me wether to bring phone or not. I simply replied:'Dammit. I at school already. Where are you?'
Then, I followed Yi Wen in the search of the other contestants which was Kah Ye and Pik Hung. She said they were at the toilet. So we went to look for them. Unfortunately, the toilet was empty except a bunch of girls standing in front of it double taking me and my guitar. Yi Wen suggested us to go to the den. Which was just behind the toilet.
Duh. Of course we found them there. We had to wait for Pik Hung to finish off some scout stuff... So me and Kah Ye along with Yi Wen sat behind the toilets and I took my guitar out to practice. I had a little fun... LOL
Then, we decided to go to the pondok(some sort of sheltery thing with a nice roof and people usually hang out there) to practice some more. (Yi Wen isn't in the competition... But I guess she just wants to tag along?)
On the way there, we bumped into J who appears to be searching for me. Oops. Well, I didn't feel her call. Not my fault is it? XP
So we all hollered to the pondok and started practicing until 12.30p.m.
We arrived at the library. We were supposed to have our competition there. It's kind of ironic because aren't we all suppose to keep quiet in the library?! LOL We met with A and S there. We fooled around in the library again. We got told off by Chee Jun Tian... LOL Then, Pn Akmal came in and told us that we have to change the venue again because the there was one teacher who said that we shouldn't do it in the library... Boo shucks...
So we held an emergency meeting. To postpone it? Or too change venue?
Naturally, we decided on changing the venue. We decided on the Kekwa classes on top of the library.
So I packed up my guitar and moved upstairs.
We reached an empty classroom and went inside.
We gave our names to the teacher. Here's the list--
Me & J
Pik Hung & Kah Ye
LOL... 5 entries only... and I signed up for solo and duet.... As I said in my last post. XP
Then we had to draw our numbers...
1. Me & J--Two Is Better Than One
2. A-- Leaving On A Jet Plane
3. J-- I will be
4. Kah Ye & Pik Hung-- Way Back Into Love
5. Me-- My Happy Ending
So me and J went first. We sang ok. It wasn't our best performance cuz I played some chords wrong... *blush*
Then it was A's turn. OMG. I couldn't believe it. That was the first time I heard A sing seriously. Because usually when we sing, we sing those dancing songs... Fast-beat and totally melodiless... But I've never heard her sing country... She was really really good.
Then, J.... *sigh* she sang ok... but... she doesn't know her lyrics that well... So... It was quite disastrous... = =' sorry babe, but its kinda true...
Then Kah Ye & Pik Hung... They were really sweet... Their voice was good... Pronunciation a bit off... But oh well...
Then... ME. It was quite ok... And I shivered slightly during the bridge... It gave me goosebumps... It wasn't because I was scared or anything... I think I was so into the song that I actually felt the song... =] It felt really good.
Teacher said she was gonna give us a second chance to do it... *sigh* that meant saving the duet... but ruining my solo??
Oh well...
We went trough the same thing again but everyone was a little better than the last. But my solo wasn't... I didn't feel the song... T.T
As I said... Oh well...
1st place-- Dark Angel & J
2nd place-- A
3rd place-- Dark Angel
4th place-- Kah Ye & Pik Hung
5th place-- J
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Friday, 23 April 2010
Talentime~ Talentime~ Can't Wait to S-I-N-G!!!
Oh God... Its True... I can't wait to S-I-N-G!!!
I have been practicing with my guitar...
And I sound pretty good... XP
I decided to go for Solo and Duet...
As you must have realized from my earlier entry...
I am gonna do a duet with J... Singing-- Two Is Better Than One
But then...
When I heard that A wanted to go in for solo... I had the urge to go for it!! But inside, I had a nagging feeling that J wouldn't like it... Cuz we were supposed to sing together... And I was afraid that if I did it alone... Hmmm...
So I went and asked her.
Me:'Hey! J!! Would you be mad if I went for the solo in Talentime??!!'
J:'Huh? What?'
J:*looked thoughtful*'Hey, you know, I was thinking of going for the solo too!'
Me:*wide eyed* 'OMG really?!'
haha~ We're like sisters...
I'm planning to do-- My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne (accompanied by my guitar of course!!)
J's planning to do-- I Will Be by Avril Lavigne
I'm really nervous to do this but I'm excited as well... LOL
My spirits are really high right now!!!
I have been practicing with my guitar...
And I sound pretty good... XP
I decided to go for Solo and Duet...
As you must have realized from my earlier entry...
I am gonna do a duet with J... Singing-- Two Is Better Than One
But then...
When I heard that A wanted to go in for solo... I had the urge to go for it!! But inside, I had a nagging feeling that J wouldn't like it... Cuz we were supposed to sing together... And I was afraid that if I did it alone... Hmmm...
So I went and asked her.
Me:'Hey! J!! Would you be mad if I went for the solo in Talentime??!!'
J:'Huh? What?'
J:*looked thoughtful*'Hey, you know, I was thinking of going for the solo too!'
Me:*wide eyed* 'OMG really?!'
haha~ We're like sisters...
I'm planning to do-- My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne (accompanied by my guitar of course!!)
J's planning to do-- I Will Be by Avril Lavigne
I'm really nervous to do this but I'm excited as well... LOL
My spirits are really high right now!!!
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Practicing for Talentime!!!
I remember what you wore on the first day Am You came into my life and I thought F G C "Hey, you know, this could be something" C 'Cause everything you do and words you say Am You know that it all takes my breath away F G C And now I'm left with nothing F 'Cause maybe it's true G That I can't live without you F G Maybe two is better than one F There's so much time G To figure out the rest of my life Am G F And you thought that it got me coming undone Am G C And I'm thinking two is better than one C I remember every look upon your face Am The way you roll your eyes F The way you taste G C You make it hard for breathing C 'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away Am I think of you and everything's okay F G C I'm finally now believing F That maybe it's true G That I can't live without you F G Maybe two is better than one F There's so much time G To figure out the rest of my life Am G F And you thought that it got me coming undone Am G F G G And I'm thinking two is better than one (do some of the intro here to add effects :D) C I remember what you wore on the first day Am You came into my life and I thought, "Hey," F Maybe it's true G That I can't live without you F G Maybe two is better than one F There's so much time G To figure out the rest of my life Am G F And you thought that it got me coming undone F And I'm thinking I can't live without you G 'Cause, baby, two is better than one F There's so much time G To figure out the rest of my life Am But I'll figure it out G F When it's all said and done Am G C Two is better than one Am G C Two is better than one
This song is titled-- Two Is Better Than One
By-- Boys like Girls feat. Taylor Swift
Its a really beautiful song.
Me and J are planning to sing this for Talentime...
Which means I'm bringing my guitar!!
That has been my dream since... When?
I'm confident that we'll win something but...
small thing that is nagging me...
What if I play wrong chords? That would really really be stupid!!
So here I am.
Practicing like crazy!!! =]
Oh yeah, for those who don't know what 'Talentime' is, it's a singing competition at our school. It's for afternoon session only...
It's SK Idol for morning session... To say the truth, SK idol sounds waaaaay cooler than Talentime!! Oh well!!
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
I Don't Know What to Think...???
I felt stupid.
Why did I have to force it out of you?
I mean....
It was obvious...
I guess I'm just too curious...
And annoyed...
For you being so weird
Oh well,
all thanks to me,
I don't know
what to do
what to think
what to react
All thanks to me
Our friendship is totally ruined
All thanks to me
I don't know
What we are anymore...
All thanks to me
I lost a good friend
Should I be
I'll settle for confused then...
Why did I have to force it out of you?
I mean....
It was obvious...
I guess I'm just too curious...
And annoyed...
For you being so weird
Oh well,
all thanks to me,
I don't know
what to do
what to think
what to react
All thanks to me
Our friendship is totally ruined
All thanks to me
I don't know
What we are anymore...
All thanks to me
I lost a good friend
Should I be
I'll settle for confused then...
Saturday, 17 April 2010
I am NOT a DOG!!! I am a PENGAWAS!!!
I really can't believe this... I thought she was my FRIEND. Oh well, maybe she's not considered one since we are just from the same class and we've never had a real conversation...
Anyway, it happened like this... i was reading my friends blog. Then I saw that person's blog. I clicked the link. Then.
I saw it.
She wrote: ‘一些狗就check书包咯!妈的!那些‘狗’新来的!药也要没收的啊!我就直接顶他!虽然不是我的东西可是是我朋友的!
他就骂我 DIAM 喔!你是狗介!我不是嘛!
你叫我 DIAM 我就要 DIAM 的咩!?
Translation: Some of the dogs check my bag la! **** **! Those new dogs! They even wanted to confiscate medicine!! So I just scold them, although the medicine wasn't mine, it was my friend's.
I scolded(in chinese): 'You so poor meh?! Medicine also must confiscate ah? You so poor until no money to buy medicine meh?!'
Hahaha! She won't understand what I just said!! She's an Indian bitch ma!! Hahaha
Then, she scold me to DIAM (shut up) o!! She's the dog! Not me!! (meaning she dosen't take orders from people)
She ask me to DIAM I must DIAM meh?!
Yup. That was about what she said. There were loads more but they were about her hiding her so called 'FRIENDs' handphones and such. And feeling really happy that the 'dogs' were too stupid to find it.
That pissed me off. That really really pissed me off.
I mean... WTF?!
This isn't just looking down on Pengawas! This is pure RACISM!!!
I don't really mind if you look down on us just because we wear a black tie.
But treating Indians this way?! Who do you think you are?! C'mon!! You're human. Exactly like her! Just because you are Chinese doesn't mean you own the school!
I may be sounding like betraying my own race but I don't believe that.
I believe every human being in this world is equal.
And just because you don't want to be shut up... doesn't mean you can bully someone in a different language.
AHHHH!!! So hard to be a good pengawas and remain a balanced social life. Oh well.
Anyway, it happened like this... i was reading my friends blog. Then I saw that person's blog. I clicked the link. Then.
I saw it.
She wrote: ‘一些狗就check书包咯!妈的!那些‘狗’新来的!药也要没收的啊!我就直接顶他!虽然不是我的东西可是是我朋友的!
他就骂我 DIAM 喔!你是狗介!我不是嘛!
你叫我 DIAM 我就要 DIAM 的咩!?
Translation: Some of the dogs check my bag la! **** **! Those new dogs! They even wanted to confiscate medicine!! So I just scold them, although the medicine wasn't mine, it was my friend's.
I scolded(in chinese): 'You so poor meh?! Medicine also must confiscate ah? You so poor until no money to buy medicine meh?!'
Hahaha! She won't understand what I just said!! She's an Indian bitch ma!! Hahaha
Then, she scold me to DIAM (shut up) o!! She's the dog! Not me!! (meaning she dosen't take orders from people)
She ask me to DIAM I must DIAM meh?!
Yup. That was about what she said. There were loads more but they were about her hiding her so called 'FRIENDs' handphones and such. And feeling really happy that the 'dogs' were too stupid to find it.
That pissed me off. That really really pissed me off.
I mean... WTF?!
This isn't just looking down on Pengawas! This is pure RACISM!!!
I don't really mind if you look down on us just because we wear a black tie.
But treating Indians this way?! Who do you think you are?! C'mon!! You're human. Exactly like her! Just because you are Chinese doesn't mean you own the school!
I may be sounding like betraying my own race but I don't believe that.
I believe every human being in this world is equal.
And just because you don't want to be shut up... doesn't mean you can bully someone in a different language.
AHHHH!!! So hard to be a good pengawas and remain a balanced social life. Oh well.
Monday, 12 April 2010
Baby I'm Back!!
Oh yeah! I'm back~!
Had a great time at Australia. =]
Wanna thank my friends who missed me... LOL You really are great, guys!!
Too much stuff happened to put in plain words... Sorry! So I'm gonna upload some pretty pics... Enjoy!
Saturday, 3 April 2010
April Fools =]
Today is April Fools!!!
Had a wonderful time at school today...
First of all, I wanna wish the unfortunate or extremely lucky Ong Ei Ling a big BIG BIG BIG...
Had a wonderful time at school today...
First of all, I wanna wish the unfortunate or extremely lucky Ong Ei Ling a big BIG BIG BIG...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (no presents!)
I'm so annoying...
Well, had fun tricking people today...
First victim== P.
I found her easily in the canteen chatting to our Malay friends. I put on my sad face and walked towards her.
She jumped up with a great BIG smile, linked arms with me, and dragged me away...
Obviously, she sensed something wrong. She asked me:'Hey you okay?'
I smiled a sad smile.
She exclaimed:'Oh my God! You showed your parents your report card? Your seni (art)!! You failed it!!Oh! What did your parents say? I didn't dare to show my parents you know? My daddy bought loads of my favorite food... Cuz our food cupboard was totally empty... Oh my God, I felt so guilty I couldn't show him... So what did they do to you? Did they ground you? I'm grounded too you know, for having shitty results... So? What did they do to you?'
She jabbered away like that from the canteen to the outside of the library which was our favorite hangout place. Which was very very long.
I told her:'Yeah, they grounded me...' My expression was sad.'But, that's not the only reason I'm sad...' My expression now very very sad...
'XXX broke up with me' I said.
I watched her expression closely. This was what went trough her face. Disbelief. Shock. Doubt. Pity. Then doubt again. Then more pity.
She said:'Oh my God!! I can't believe it!! Oh my God!!'
I couldn't contain it anymore.
I started laughing and screamed: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!!
oh... that was the BEST April fools ever!!!!
I found her easily in the canteen chatting to our Malay friends. I put on my sad face and walked towards her.
She jumped up with a great BIG smile, linked arms with me, and dragged me away...
Obviously, she sensed something wrong. She asked me:'Hey you okay?'
I smiled a sad smile.
She exclaimed:'Oh my God! You showed your parents your report card? Your seni (art)!! You failed it!!Oh! What did your parents say? I didn't dare to show my parents you know? My daddy bought loads of my favorite food... Cuz our food cupboard was totally empty... Oh my God, I felt so guilty I couldn't show him... So what did they do to you? Did they ground you? I'm grounded too you know, for having shitty results... So? What did they do to you?'
She jabbered away like that from the canteen to the outside of the library which was our favorite hangout place. Which was very very long.
I told her:'Yeah, they grounded me...' My expression was sad.'But, that's not the only reason I'm sad...' My expression now very very sad...
'XXX broke up with me' I said.
I watched her expression closely. This was what went trough her face. Disbelief. Shock. Doubt. Pity. Then doubt again. Then more pity.
She said:'Oh my God!! I can't believe it!! Oh my God!!'
I couldn't contain it anymore.
I started laughing and screamed: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!!!!
oh... that was the BEST April fools ever!!!!
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