Hah! That sounds really boring right? Actually, it's quite exciting!
Ok, the night before, I set my alarm. Set it to 5.15am... And? I went of to Dreamland...
I awoke. Well, I was having a dream. But then, that was the kind of dream that you wake feeling scared but then forget immediately... I checked my phone. It said: 5.12am... What? So early? I was about to dump my phone and go back to sleep when i did the Math... It was 3 minutes away from my alarm!
LOL... So I jumped up and went to brush myself... Got dressed, hmmm... My uniform was slightly tight... Oh well, it looked good (or so I say... =p) I had no tie... I washed it and I didn't know how to tie it back again... I put in my contacts... (Yes, I wear them... Hah! They're totally transparent... Not those colour ones!!!) That took a slight amount of time...
I went downstairs and surprise, surprise, my maid wasn't up yet... Urgh. I woke her up to make breakfast for me while I wore my shoes and stuff... Then, I waited... Oh yay! It wasn't even 6 yet... I was... too early...
So finally, my van came... It was strange cuz everyone was so sleepy... They were all nodding off... Got to school... I was early so no one I knew was there yet... And I walked around again. Looking for people to socialize with... Then I found Meng Fatt, who I forced to tie my tie for me.. *evil laughs* He's a sweet guy.
After that, I met up with the Joy's. Yes! I hugged Joyanne! And we were gonna give each other our Christmas prezzies but then we went to taklimat (briefing) first... We were all excited cuz this was Form 3! We went from the oldest in morning session to the babies in morning session... It was a weird sensation. We were being bossed around! Yikes.
The duty at perhimpunan (assembly). It was confusing, but then it was exciting too. I couldn't keep myself from enjoying myself... I also caught up with Phuah and Ash... It was all giggles and fun... =]
We had a speech form our dear principle... We did not enjoy that. I mean, he was talking about... LOVE... Eww.
Yay! Then we went into class! It was at the bottom floor, so there were no stairs to fend!!! XD Awesome!
We just got into class when we prefects had to go duty already... O.O That was really really fast. And then it was like rush hour... We were eating, and the bell for the students went. We were gaping at each other. Gah. Even tough there was no time, we literally ate slowly and dragged the time... Then we rushed around asking those stray seniors about the duty place... It was so confusing! Then when we settled down, the bell rang again! And it was over. Oh dear.
We then went back to class. Me and Phuah were in the same class, which is the first class (supposed to be best class!) and Joyanne and Ash were in the 2nd class. There was a hole in between our classes so we could chat... ;] My teachers were quiet... Very quiet. And so is my class. Wow. First time.
Woohoo! The school bell rang signaling the end of school. Wow. That was really really really fast! Time passed in a blur in morning session. It was so quick! We were slightly hyper from the end of school and we four girls linked hands and started walking down the slope towards the gate.
Suddenly, the SKIES OPENED. It started raining HEAVILY! It was really a shock. We started running towards the gate. Unfortunately, so did everyone... Yeah. I was cursing because I was holding Joyanne's Christmas prezzie (A L.J. Smith book-- The Forbidden Game) And I seriously didn't want to ruin it on the day I got it! So I screamed goodbye to them and I ran to my van cursing all the way... 'What the hell?! Oh My God! I can't believe this!!! Oh Sh*t!!!'
Arrived at the van. And we all got home! Yay!!!
So, the first day of school ended in rain... But, I enjoyed it so much!!! =] Haha! You must think I'm a bloody nerd... Oh well.
Cheers! =]
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