Today was a crazy day. It's one of those kind of days that makes you smile and think: 'What the eff happened?!' when you recall back. =]
We barely stayed in class today. There was this major event -- Majlis Mohon Restu. The students were supposed to give their thanks to the teachers, ask for forgiveness and receive a blessing for our upcoming PMR exams (gulp!). It was a very... Malay thing. (Chinese Primary School, remember?)
It started off with an inspirational video. Me and my babes weren't really paying attention. It was just some really awesome pictures with a bunch of motivational quotes and phrases. We were passing notes. Childish? I know. But it was really funny. Look:
It was pure nonsense. Pity we had to stop. Some other bunch of students were caught passing notes, love letters, apparently.
Then there were them speeches. Boring! It was raining. The hall was dark and and the weather was cold. Perfect for sleeping. But of course, no one dared to sleep when the principle, Mr Tay, was speaking. The whole damn school is terrified of him. Wonder why? *Innocent Smile*
And another guy. Some Dato'. Hah! He tried to make us more spirited! Seriously, And the way he did it... *Yawn* He asked us to show the PEACE sign (or as he calls it, victory). And scream: '.............. (win?!)' It was so boring I forgot. Lame.
And after that, another inspirational video about Nick, a man born without limbs. Joyanne was shocked that they played it in school, it was a Christian video. He was so inspiring. He could swim! Without arms and legs!!!
Then there was food. Meh. It was 杂饭 (Mixed rice?) Boring. We were supposed to go receive our food by race. (My school is kinda racist).
So we asked Ash: 'When you fill in those official forms, what do you put for "Race"?"
'Lain-lain' (Others), she said. She's Portuguese Eurasian, if you didn't know. Hah! We teased her after that. =D
After that break, things got really really crazy. We (pengawas, Prefects) weren't dutying. So the whole hall was seriously messy. The teacher's tried their best... BUT... *evil laughs* Oh God, they forced us to sing I Had A Dream by ABBA! Freaky. But, I was already hypering then... xD
THen came the time which we had to mohon restu (seek blessing? says Google Translate). By the time I was already really, really crazy and hyped up. I blame Ash! We kept singing LMFAO's I'm Sexy And I Know It. Utterly HILARIOUS.
We lined up to give thanks to the teachers. It was an awesome sight. Over 700 students lining up to shake hands and hug 30 plus teachers. *ooooohhhh....*
There were some heart-warming moments with some teachers who are practically friends with me. They hugged me and wished me all my best in PMR, blessing me with luck. Miss Low (Discipline Teacher) even lifted me off my feet! I squealed like a little girl. =D There were also some awkward moments with some teachers who you don't know! Specially with guy teachers. Sadly, I didn't get to hug Mr. Tay. xD Haha! After receiving a bag of (free) stationary, we started wishing the other students good luck.
This was the most illogical part of the day. My body was pumping adrenaline and LMFAO was replaying in my head over and over again. I remember a lot of laughter, squeals, teasing, butt slapping, hugs, handshakes...
Good Lord, the most memorable moment was at astaka. =.= All that fuss just for a hand shake. I would've shook his hand if the 'audience' hadn't started howling. The noise freaked me out and I did the only thing I could think of -- escape. Which I did. *sighs*
And that Zulhilmi! Along with my so-called best friends!!! They kept trying to set me up with Furqan!!! Yeeeeeesh. Awkward.
That about sums up my day.
BOPing Angel
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