Wednesday, 12 October 2011


What the hell is wrong with me?

I can't believe I screamed in school today.

I didn't do it on purpose.

I freaked out. Then I freaked out because I freaked out.

Embarrassing much.


I bought a new book today. Its called Angel written by L.A. Weatherly. I have been staring at this book on the shelf for a very, very long time. Every time I survey books in the bookstore (read every back cover of books), I stop and stare at this book. That girl on the cover is just too creepy (appealing). 

And its about ANGELS!!! I am so into Angels. =] I've just started reading. Its... Interesting. The girl, Willow, she's really weird. Which makes her very interesting. 

I'm totally not gonna sleep tonight! I shall finish this book. Woo-Hoo!


Oh my goodness. =[ I Facebook chatted with you today. It was... Kinda awkward. 

We're just friends. 

That's. Fine with me (I think, no no, I WANT to be just friends

Its time to delete you from my life, Loser. 

Bookworm Angel

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