Thursday, 28 June 2012


Hey Humans! Me and my bestie edited all of our silly mistakes into a video (well, I did all the work). Its funny. And silly. 

Just enjoy :)

A few days before, in school, I passed by an afternoon session teacher, with my usual skip-and-bounce.
Naturally, I said cheerfully: 'Hi, teacher!' And I flashed her my silly-happy smile. 
Teacher replied: 'Hi, Noel.' And she said: 'Wah. You everyday also so happy happy one ah. Why ah?'
Me being in a cheerful and silly mood replied: 'Because there is nothing to be sad about!'
The teacher thought about my words for a while, and she said: 'Yeah. You're right. I should learn from you.'

Recalling back this short conversation, it has reminded me to be happy. Because life is good. God makes my life very good. 

I have lots of things to be sad about. But I'll try not to be sad. 

I may be losing my grip on my beautiful dreams. But I will keep moving forward. 

I'm still feeling weird. 

Trying To Smile A Genuine Smile Angel


  1. Aww, Angel. Smile! You have such a cute smile. =) Don't let petty (yes, no matter what, they'll always be petty in the end) things get to you. It just isn't worth it. Smile. I'm sure you'll do fine. Lol, and the bloopers are so hilarious! XD

  2. Thank you for watching us being idiots. Studies say its very healthy x)

    Thank you for making me smile :) You're amazing, you know that?


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