Wednesday, 27 June 2012

*Snip Snap Scream!*

Hi :)

The school photography session is over now. And I had fun being a Sidang Redaksi (School Magazine Board) member :)

2 days. Many screaming. Many fooling around. I'll just do pictures. Mostly ME :P

1st Day! 20/06/2012

2nd day! 21/06/2012
okaaay. This is schocking. 

Goodness. I'm so lazy to write anything.

Well, these are the pictures. Piece them up together. If you're curious who those faces belong to, just ask in the comment.

BWahahahahaha. I still have the Youth Rally to update about and June is almost over... #FingersCrossed


I wanna update more.

Frantic Angel

1 comment:

  1. O__O That's a lot of pictures. How do you manage them? XD You're cute! Lol. I love the pictures. ^__^


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