Wednesday, 22 August 2012

A Short Whispery Message

To My Baby Blog:


I desperately need to update you.

I'm sorry.

I'll do it as soon as my (extended) exams finish.

Dang, I miss you, my dear blog :)

I love this :)

Okay. Bye! I'll come back soon, I promise :)

Update of what's been happening is needed.

Timeless Angel

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Of Covers and Music

Hi! My dear humans, I guess you need a break from all my schooling and Prefect problems right? Well I need a break from them too :)

I guess I don't really have anything to say. 

For those who stalk me continuously without me knowing (YES, I'm talking about YOU!) You must've noticed that I haven't posted a cover with my babe for so, so long. I know

Its not that we don't want to. We made a list of songs we're gonna do on our playdate :) We're gonna do lots of songs in one freaking day. And the bloopers are gonna be super hilarious :D 

But we were talking about the dust collecting on out channel one day. And Joyanne said that it was okay for me to post covers on my own. Of course, that naturally freaked me, the-one-without-the-nice-voice out. But I've been practicing on my voice... And by practicing I mean singing really loud in the shower and playing guitar in the middle of the night. 

So, I did a cover. Well, not exactly did. More like experimenting on my own. And the end result was really scary, like seriously. I sang Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Bob Dylan because I love that song. And... Throughout the video, I looked seriously pissed and Emo. I can explain, I was focusing on controlling my voice, until I forgot to control my face. Oh dear. How sad. 

So... I'm actually debating with myself, wether I should post the video on Youtube or not. Its not very very good. And I assume that I can do better... But I don't really have time to record videos too. 



I don't know. We see how it goes first. And of course, everything depends on my mood and I'm currently suspecting I'm PMS-ing. Oh well. Female problems. Males will never understand. 

Uhhh. Yeah, I was supposed to be studying, instead, I took crazy pictures of myself. 
Uhhh. Yeah. I just washed my hair and it felt good to do that :P
I Love this Native American Headband :) Mum calls me crazy when I wear it. 

I hope I'll get the skill to make nice covers for ya'll, solo. Even though I love my babe so much :)

Oh, you're so silly. And that makes me smile :)

Peace Out Yaww ☮

Scared of Singing Alone Angel

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