Saturday, 27 October 2012

I Don't Know What to Put Here

Uhh. Hi? *waves awkwardly* I know. I haven't been around, and I know exams have been over for a week. And I know my Taiwan post seems to be still non-existent. *shrugs* I don't really see the point in blogging about Taiwan, actually. Cause... Well, it has been more than a month since it happened and my memory's fuzzy. Yes, you can pelt me with stones. Sorry.

But! I shall blog about what happened today. Mainly because I looked good today *evil laugh* And I went shopping! Which I didn't do all throughout exam season (3 #ASDFGHJKL WEEKS!!!). Today was a happy day :)

Okay. So I was sick throughout Thursday and Friday :( Had a random fever. Not, the happy kind. The infectious-virussy-kind. I woke up in the middle of the night and knocked on all my family member's door. Well, to tell them I'm sick of course. What? Don't laugh! I really really really was feeling weak and helpless. I spent the day sleeping and sweating. Hmm. Attractive.

So Saturday came and I was feeling better. So I agreed to go shopping! :) I needed to load up on books.

And... I dressed up :P Well I can't resist dressing up.
Oooh. I have sparkly eyes xD <-- syok sendiri mode. And I know that's a cool cap and top and bag. Hohohohoho. Jealous? 

We went to Times Square, then to Lot 10 (H&M) then finally tea at Ben's Kitchen. I am a pig. A very grateful one :)

Obviously, this post has nothing interesting and it is centered entirely on my extravagant lifestyle and a pretty photo xD Yeahh.

Oh, and my face seems sharp in that photo. I've lost weight cause of fever. But more on the 'losing weight' issue in the Majlis post, hmm?

I'm working on the Majlis Perpisahan Pengwas / Prefectorial Annual Dinner 2012 post, kay? Be patient.

Okay. Yeah. Pelt me with stones, people! xD

Hipster-fied Angel

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Exams are over and I plan on blogging. Like, real soon. REALLY SOON.

Prefectorial Annual Dinner 2012 :)

Yay. Gonna blog soon. Seriously.

Going to Blog Soon Angel 

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