Hey my dear humans... This Angel has got her brain bust with Geo facts... =] I don't really think it's much use in real life... I know it HAS it's use... But... yeah.. XD
So, have you guys ever really wondered? Why my blog is filled with stuff from music, friends, pengawas, school and scouts stuff but never EVER about my L*OVE life? =]
The thing is, my parents read my blog... =.= I'm not really happy bout it cuz its considered as invading my privacy and that is so not cool. Plus, my mum has Facebook too, so yeah, I'm not a happy Angel.
So, I'm not bothering anymore... *sigh* ok... Here goes...
There's this boy... Yeah, maybe the whole world already knows I like this boy... But I'm gonna tell you anyways... His name? Hmmm... You might wanna find out yourselves.... ;] I've had a crush on him since... well, since standard 4... Which is when I was (10...)... >< and I started it cuz I had nothing better to do and I thought he was cute... Hahahha... He was a menace last time... The troublemaker... I was sitting so far away from him in class then... And J was just sitting behind him!!! Oh, I remember thinking what I would do! Just to sit next to him!!! =] Then, when I confessed to J bout my crush... She said she had a crush on him before too... But then she told my it kinda wore off... So I kinda went and had a really really schoolgirly crush on him... Hahaha~ it was kinda cute...
Standard 5... Well... It gets a little confusing here cuz I used to keep a diary/notebook which I wrote in school... But now, I can't find it... I used to write bout school life and shit like that... *life before blogging...* And I shared it with my besties... =]
Then, standard 6... That was the most incredible yet confusing days of my life... Not counting this year...
Ok, well, my crush started to get a little over the board when nearly the whole class (and even teacher =.=) knew bout my crush... And of course, he too, knew about it... I wasn't sure it was a good thing or not... But I went along with it... Then, around the middle of the year, he announced that he liked my friend who was very very close to me... Yeah well, that kinda broke my heart and made me sad... But i decided to pretend it was everything was okay and just went along with it. My friend was nice. She kept saying that she didn't like him and that did not help. And i just smiled and went along with it.
Then, hey presto! He starts to fall for me... Its a bit hazy. I don't really remember when, I just remember that he did. And then, well, nothing really special... Just that he gave me a jar of stars which he folded himself and a dolphin when he went to a school trip I didn't go too... It was a cute/sweet relationship we had... But that was going to turn quite sour...
Singapore trip. Need I say anymore? It was a nightmare trip. First of all, I had to go through so much freaking trouble just to get there... Mum even calling the stupid PRINCIPLE... Then, when I got there... Zi Qing (my friend I mentioned?) was being queen bee cuz her relationship with our own 6B dai gor (boss) has just started blossoming... I was jealous and slightly disgusted but couldn't stop myself from being envious too...
Then we played truth or dare... Well, I suggested we do it cuz i was damned bored. So we did it. And well, J asked him wether he really likes me or not. His answer was very vague... I can't remember. All I know was that he said that he was a flirt and he only likes to play... Telling me to give up? I don't know. The memory is very hazy because everytime I think about it, I push it away. I just knew that I ignored him throughout the whole trip and I couldn't stop listening to the song-MY HAPPY ENDING. Yeah, I was being Emo...
Well well well... Thats a little too much isn't it? I've revealed a lot bout myself to you...
And... There's more... =]
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Exam Blues...
Exams are today and I'm not prepared...
Go to hell exam! I hate your FREAKING GUTS!!!
What I'm feeling right now
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Ok, i know its late... Ok, fine. More than ONE WEEK LATE... =p
At least I even bothered to post... XD ok... so the photos I steal from facebook cuz i lazy to upload.... =p (actually is not yet allowed to) so... see pics first... =]
At least I even bothered to post... XD ok... so the photos I steal from facebook cuz i lazy to upload.... =p (actually is not yet allowed to) so... see pics first... =]
ok, intro...
From the left...
On Guitar-- Zheng Guo!!!
On Drums-- Dai Fai!!!
Singer-- Ashley!!!
Guitar/Backup Singer-- Dark Angel!!!
Singer-- Joyanne!!!
Bass-- Joylene!!!
We make a pretty cool team... =] the guys are OK, despite what i said about in my earlier post... LOL
And... When we performed it was like... really... Dumb? No one was listening cuz we were the first act and they all rushed out to get food... Slight disappointment... =[ But, we still had to sing and perform... Well, I blame it on the audience when Ash was rapping Baby, I was like clapping, Joyanne was like clapping, the drums were drumming an infectious beat... But... everyone was busy eating... =.= LOL? Am i supposed to laugh at that...?
Ok, i wasn't happy bout the amps. Cuz the organizing form 4 pengawas said there was gonna be an amp for me. Ok. I believed them. MAJOR ERROR!!! They couldn't gimmie one... Then after some debate they finally found a way to plug in my guitar. But during the performance, Oh my GOD. My guitar was soundless!!! =[ I was so unhappy cuz during rehearsal we went through this before. I was so unhappy then I asked them:'If I can't have and amp, and i don't have a mike, what is my POINT in being here onstage?!' Yeah, they fixed it after that...
So our performance was 2nd-rate. If we wanna sound better, we should practice more... =] *looking forward*
Then, majlis went well, there were the stupid speeches... Then the ceremonies... Then our crappy performance... Then lucky draw (didn't win anything ><)... Then some stupid game which includes eating wasabi? O.o....
Oh, then there were the dancing... Well they put on Poker Face and I dragged Ash out to dance. Sadly, Ash said it wasn't her type of song... So I was like, to the hell with her... make my LIFE WORTH LIVING!!! So I did my stuff which resulted to battling with our dear Ketua Pengawas, Ho Khoon Meng... LOL It was fun... He can break... Damn him. My hand not enough muscle... =p But yeah... When I went down to the bridge... LOL he was speechles... XD (yeah, I'm showing off!!! XP)
Then, they put on some Korean Pop song by SNSD -- Chocolate Love. Personally? I don't think that song is nice... And the moves? *snicker?* Then a Form 5 SNSD Fan, Shee Yun went up and danced.... And the form 4 all asked me to follow... +.+?? I was so damn blur following her... XD So I made up my own moves? It was a confusing moment there...
So, I loved the form 3 performance. They did Imagine-- John Lennon It was very very TOUCHING... =] But sadly, the audience too ignorant... Then form 4 drama... =.= No comments on that. It was good but don't know how to describe... LOL And form 5? Lynnel and Nydelene? I do NOT want to compete with them. Damn. They were freakin good!! =p
So... All in all... Majlis was FUN =] can't wait to go next year!!!
oh, our band was apparently called THE BLACK ROSES (cute eh? =])
Oh, one more thing, for those who wants to see our video? Teach me how to upload on blogger and I'll do it!!! =] Thanks for helpin our this ANGEL... =]
Hey, people down there... I'm feeling slightly down... Well, its mostly because the mess me and J got ourselves into for the Majlis Perpisahan Pengawas (Pengawas Farewell Party) performance...
If you were reading my last entries, you could probably see how hyped up I am to perform...
There are loads of trouble we got ourselves into...
First. The Practice Problem.
As some of you may know, I am currently studying in afternoon session. And, two of my so-called-band members are from morning session... And, this current week is apparently PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) [Lower Secondary Exam]. And its really really important to them... So, the bass and drums are unpracticed...
Then, even without the morning sessionners, we still can't find time to practice. We can only practice before school and during recess... And... WE ARE NOT GOOD
The vocals have no understanding. I mean, J is good. A is good. But they don't match. J is doing her stuff and A is doing hers. It hurts to watch... And to listen to too...
My guitar and Zheng Guo's guitar sucks. Obviously. He doesn't play spontaneously. He reads notes. Not chords. Oh God. And I have to be the one teaching him to play... But thank God he's smart...
And bass? Joylene? I put my trust in thee, honey...
Drums? Dai Fai... =.= never came to practice...!!! So what we gonna do bout him?!!!!!
Keyboards? I wanna cry. No point reliving the guilt and the torture... =[
So, as you can see...
If you were reading my last entries, you could probably see how hyped up I am to perform...
There are loads of trouble we got ourselves into...
First. The Practice Problem.
As some of you may know, I am currently studying in afternoon session. And, two of my so-called-band members are from morning session... And, this current week is apparently PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah) [Lower Secondary Exam]. And its really really important to them... So, the bass and drums are unpracticed...
Then, even without the morning sessionners, we still can't find time to practice. We can only practice before school and during recess... And... WE ARE NOT GOOD
The vocals have no understanding. I mean, J is good. A is good. But they don't match. J is doing her stuff and A is doing hers. It hurts to watch... And to listen to too...
My guitar and Zheng Guo's guitar sucks. Obviously. He doesn't play spontaneously. He reads notes. Not chords. Oh God. And I have to be the one teaching him to play... But thank God he's smart...
And bass? Joylene? I put my trust in thee, honey...
Drums? Dai Fai... =.= never came to practice...!!! So what we gonna do bout him?!!!!!
Keyboards? I wanna cry. No point reliving the guilt and the torture... =[
So, as you can see...
Saturday, 2 October 2010
KLCC-DOME (free food!)
Ok. So today I went to KLCC with my mum and bro. Cuz bro wanted to go to some Australian Education fair... So mum and me went shopping... was kinda boring cuz Topshop was renewing... So, nothing to do...
Then, we went for lunch at Dome. Nice place... Freaking expensive bill...
We managed to eat four things for the price of TWO. *evil laughs*
First, we went there, and mum went crazy and started taking pics... so she dumped me and I ordered my lunch:
So we ordered brownie... With ICE CREAM!!! Ahhh!!! I finished almost the WHOLE thing.... SO FAT FAT FAT!!! =]
Then, we went for lunch at Dome. Nice place... Freaking expensive bill...
We managed to eat four things for the price of TWO. *evil laughs*
First, we went there, and mum went crazy and started taking pics... so she dumped me and I ordered my lunch:
Chicken pie! yum yum!
Then... eat eat eat... (fat fat fat!)
After that, bro came to meet up with us... And he ordered beef lagsane...
That's when the problem occurred.
We waited for like, what? Half an hour?! And the stupid lagsane didn't come.
My mum called the waitress... And asked about the food. She replied in HORRIBLE English that we couldn't understand...
Then, the manager came. A nice girl. About in her 20-ies and was wearing a LOT of makeup... My mum started scolding her and she said she would go and check... 5 minutes later, she came back and apologized that the order didn't even go through! Then, she said that the order will come as quickly as possible...
Naturally, mum was MAD. She scolded her AGAIN. Then she said we don't wanna eat anymore. But then, that was when the food came. No choice but to eat. But, you know what? The chicken pie came again!!! So we have it... AGAIN!!!
Here's Bro eating his lagsane... LOL looks nice... he swiped it all up in 5 minutes... XD
Then, the freebie... the manager asked us what we wanted to eat... Of course we don't! But then she said on behalf of her... *evil laughs* Thats a different story...
So, that puts an end to our Dome story... Free food...
I am SO HAPPY~ =]
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