Hmmm. This is gonna be a last post. Well, says me. After this, I will put my head into studying. I'm serious.
Tomorrow is 801! It has a lot of meaning.
1. It's World Scout Day tomorrow!!! Woo-hoo!!! I'm so, so excited! =] We're gonna perform in school tomorrow. Too bad I wont get to post about it. =[
2. Its the First of August tomorrow! Its gonna be a month after my birthday... (I'm just sayin'~) And, at the start of a month, I always get my allowance. XD
3. Yay. The Ghost Gates open?! Or as the Chinese says 鬼门关开了... There's nothing to rejoice about... They say more ghosts roam the streets during this month. Ah well. Scary.
4. The Muslims are gonna start Puasa (Fasting) tomorrow. Happy Fasting? =]
And? And? And? I'm gonna start studying tomorrow. *cues dramatic music* No, really I am. Stop laughing. =.= I'm really determined now.
Oh, yeah. My phone went bust. Gonna buy a new one. Mum says no Wi-Fi phone. Cuz then I won't stop touching my phone. *roll eyes* I think I need an upgrade. I think I want a Sony Ericson Hazel phone, too bad it has Wi-Fi. Mwahahaha.
And Mum says my electric guitar will only be bought after PMR. Which is when I receive my results. Which is when the results are straight A's. Which I don't really think that will happen.
I work hard. Which I will. Which makes what I was saying up there crap. Which I don't know what I'm doing now. Which mum is nagging me to sleep now.
Last Heard Angel.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Cannot stand them B*TCHES
A Pengawas Post.
Some of you may know, I have been promoted! To Assistant Group Leader in our Lembaga Pengawas (Prefect Society??) I'm so happy! Its what I was aiming for.
Well, this happened a few days ago.
I was lepas-ing (letting) the students go back to their classes. And I usually stand at the 4 Daisi's (the so called 'GOOD' classes of the Form Fours, they study pure science.) cuz I expected them to be easy to control. Well, they are. Just SOME of them........
So, that day, we were supposed to check package. Which included school badge, collar, name tag, hair clips and rubber bands. And one unlucky girl, she was in 4 Daisi 3 or 4, I think. She was using a light blue rubber band, with white stripes. That was against school rules of course.
So, as a Pengawas, I asked her to change her rubber band. And I held my package out and took out one rubber band. We were selling it one for One Ringgit. Which was a total rip-off, I tell you. You can buy a whole packet outside with that money. But oh well, just the more reason to sell it to them. That girl was queasy and she kept asking her friends:'Ei, got rubber band? Got rubber band?' I tried to stop her, but then ah well. She didn't want to be stopped.
After running along her class's line, begging for rubber band, one of her short-haired classmate very kindly borrowed her one rubber band. *roll eyes* Then, Short-haired Girl needed to comb her hair. So, she borrowed a comb. SPIKY COMB! (Called rat-tail comb) From her friend.
I was like: '喂!尖梳不可以带来学校!要没收哦!' (Hey! You can't bring a spiky comb to school! I have to confiscate!)
Short-haired Girl: '不是我的!不是我的!'(It's not mine! It's not mine!) she said as she was frantically combing her hair.
I said: '不是你的我也要没收!' (I still have to confiscate it even if its not yours!)
Then, another girl stepped in. Let's call her St. John cuz she was wearing the uniform on that day. Another short-haired girl (DISLIKE).
St. John said: '什么?!这样也算是尖梳?已经剪掉下面了的啦!' (What?! This is also considered as Spiky Comb? I already cut it's bottom!)
Well, woman, it still is!
I said: '剪掉了又怎样?它还算是尖梳呀。把它拿出来。' (So what if you cut it off? It still is a Spiky Comb. Give it to me.)
You know what happened?? She acted as if I didn't say a thing!!! What the EFF??!! The anger started building up inside me.
I told the whole class's girls : '如果她不交出尖梳,全班不用回班!' (If she doesn't give me the comb, the whole class wont get to go back class!) Yeah, I get to do that!
Everyone groaned.
So, I let the other classes go. Leaving the girls in the hall. Then, I asked YiWen, the Penolong Ketua Disiplin (Assistant Discipline Head). She loves her job too. =D
Then, behind her, unexpectedly, came the Penolong Ketua Pengawas (Assistant Head Prefect). Freaked me out slightly.
Well, she asked St. John: 'Did you bring a Spiky Comb?'
She rolled her eyes, took out the comb and asked: 'This is a spiky comb?'
Well, YEAH it is, woman! *roll eyes*
PKP: 'Well, so sorry to disappoint you. But yes, it is.' She turned to me and asked: 'Did she do anything else besides not giving up the comb? Did she insult you?'
I said: 'Not really. Besides her sour face.'
St. John was glaring at me as she said: 'My sour face has nothing to do with you! It wasn't even aimed towards you!' Rolled her eyes again. What a B*tch!
I fought back: 'Well, it has EVERYTHING to do with me now! If I say it is it is!' The air sizzled with electricity. I could feel my body was on fire.
PKP: 'Chill, chill.' She turned to the St. John: 'You, you know that spiky combs aren't allowed. So why did you still bring it? Now, I'm gonna let you take this back home. Do not. I repeat, DO NOT. Ever let me see you bring this to school anymore.' Then she turned and spoke to all the girls:' Now, go back class. All of you.'
After all of the students left, PKP said to me: 'Well done Noel, you handled it really well. Good job!'
I was like, Seriously? I didn't even do a thing. Besides made an enemy. And if it was me, I would've taken the damn comb anyway. She didn't deserve a second chance. Too bad I'm too small. And young. *Grrrrrr!* And my feeble height doesn't help too. =.=
Well, let me tell you this, b*tch, you are nothing. You're not even pretty. You're just a plain plain girl who thinks she's got some attitude. Well, MY attitude overpowers yours and this is just an FYI. You're not worth it. And this post is just to tell the world this kind of scum exists. Damn you.
Anti-B*tch Angel
Some of you may know, I have been promoted! To Assistant Group Leader in our Lembaga Pengawas (Prefect Society??) I'm so happy! Its what I was aiming for.
Well, this happened a few days ago.
I was lepas-ing (letting) the students go back to their classes. And I usually stand at the 4 Daisi's (the so called 'GOOD' classes of the Form Fours, they study pure science.) cuz I expected them to be easy to control. Well, they are. Just SOME of them........
So, that day, we were supposed to check package. Which included school badge, collar, name tag, hair clips and rubber bands. And one unlucky girl, she was in 4 Daisi 3 or 4, I think. She was using a light blue rubber band, with white stripes. That was against school rules of course.
So, as a Pengawas, I asked her to change her rubber band. And I held my package out and took out one rubber band. We were selling it one for One Ringgit. Which was a total rip-off, I tell you. You can buy a whole packet outside with that money. But oh well, just the more reason to sell it to them. That girl was queasy and she kept asking her friends:'Ei, got rubber band? Got rubber band?' I tried to stop her, but then ah well. She didn't want to be stopped.
After running along her class's line, begging for rubber band, one of her short-haired classmate very kindly borrowed her one rubber band. *roll eyes* Then, Short-haired Girl needed to comb her hair. So, she borrowed a comb. SPIKY COMB! (Called rat-tail comb) From her friend.
I was like: '喂!尖梳不可以带来学校!要没收哦!' (Hey! You can't bring a spiky comb to school! I have to confiscate!)
Short-haired Girl: '不是我的!不是我的!'(It's not mine! It's not mine!) she said as she was frantically combing her hair.
I said: '不是你的我也要没收!' (I still have to confiscate it even if its not yours!)
Then, another girl stepped in. Let's call her St. John cuz she was wearing the uniform on that day. Another short-haired girl (DISLIKE).
St. John said: '什么?!这样也算是尖梳?已经剪掉下面了的啦!' (What?! This is also considered as Spiky Comb? I already cut it's bottom!)
Well, woman, it still is!
I said: '剪掉了又怎样?它还算是尖梳呀。把它拿出来。' (So what if you cut it off? It still is a Spiky Comb. Give it to me.)
You know what happened?? She acted as if I didn't say a thing!!! What the EFF??!! The anger started building up inside me.
I told the whole class's girls : '如果她不交出尖梳,全班不用回班!' (If she doesn't give me the comb, the whole class wont get to go back class!) Yeah, I get to do that!
Everyone groaned.
So, I let the other classes go. Leaving the girls in the hall. Then, I asked YiWen, the Penolong Ketua Disiplin (Assistant Discipline Head). She loves her job too. =D
Then, behind her, unexpectedly, came the Penolong Ketua Pengawas (Assistant Head Prefect). Freaked me out slightly.
Well, she asked St. John: 'Did you bring a Spiky Comb?'
Then one girl piped up: 'Hey! This has nothing to do with us. So can we go back now? Its so unnecessary!'
PKP: 'I wasn't talking to YOU. So you have to shut up. Please don't interrupt my conversation! Girl, I ask you ONE MORE TIME. Did you bring a Spiky Comb.'
She rolled her eyes, took out the comb and asked: 'This is a spiky comb?'
Well, YEAH it is, woman! *roll eyes*
PKP: 'Well, so sorry to disappoint you. But yes, it is.' She turned to me and asked: 'Did she do anything else besides not giving up the comb? Did she insult you?'
I said: 'Not really. Besides her sour face.'
St. John was glaring at me as she said: 'My sour face has nothing to do with you! It wasn't even aimed towards you!' Rolled her eyes again. What a B*tch!
I fought back: 'Well, it has EVERYTHING to do with me now! If I say it is it is!' The air sizzled with electricity. I could feel my body was on fire.
PKP: 'Chill, chill.' She turned to the St. John: 'You, you know that spiky combs aren't allowed. So why did you still bring it? Now, I'm gonna let you take this back home. Do not. I repeat, DO NOT. Ever let me see you bring this to school anymore.' Then she turned and spoke to all the girls:' Now, go back class. All of you.'
After all of the students left, PKP said to me: 'Well done Noel, you handled it really well. Good job!'
I was like, Seriously? I didn't even do a thing. Besides made an enemy. And if it was me, I would've taken the damn comb anyway. She didn't deserve a second chance. Too bad I'm too small. And young. *Grrrrrr!* And my feeble height doesn't help too. =.=
Well, let me tell you this, b*tch, you are nothing. You're not even pretty. You're just a plain plain girl who thinks she's got some attitude. Well, MY attitude overpowers yours and this is just an FYI. You're not worth it. And this post is just to tell the world this kind of scum exists. Damn you.
Hehe. He looks funny! =D
Anti-B*tch Angel
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Look at the time. Oh God, it's 2.50a.m.. Why am I not asleep? Asking myself the same thing too. =[
I woke up at 2.30a.m.. Head was itchy. That was weird cuz Its not like I didn't wash it or anything. You know what time I thought it was? 5a.m. Cuz that's when I usually wake up.
I had this annoying feeling of being very hot and flustered and I just couldn't get back to sleep. Hate this feeling. Pisses me off. So, I decided I'd write my blog. Oh God, I love this blog. Honestly.
It's the middle of the night. Everyone's asleep. I'm the only one awake.
I've kinda decided that I'll blog about my studies. I haven't quite updated on that in a while.
Co-curriculums are finally receding! *phew* There are no more MAJOR co-co activities anymore! Just maybe some minor ones. I finally have time to sit in class and listen to teacher. Though... My homework? That's another story... *evil laughs*
Trials for PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah, some major test we're having) are coming soon. In fact, they're next month! Oh God. Reality Check. Am I ready? Am I? I can say I'm always ready for English. Duh. But for them other subjects? Bahasa Melayu? Chinese? Science? Maths? Sejarah? Geografi? Kemahiran Hidup?
Even Puiyan started studying. =[ This proves just how undedicated I am.
Okay, question time.
Are you prepared for PMR?
Excellent question. No excellent answer. Of course I'm not. Have loads to study. Loads more of stuff for me to understand. Especially Maths. *Grrrrr*
How many A's do you wish to score in PMR?
How many? ALL All 8 subjects. I believe I can do it! All I need to do now, is to focus on my Maths and Chinese. Hope the tuition helps.
Are you gonna shut up and study like Puiyan?
Hell Yeah. I shall start NEXT WEEK. On Monday. I'm being serious here. No more dilly-dallying. I am gonna use the time in between tuitions to study my f**king ASS off. Gonna do all them exercises till I'm foaming in the mouth.
Are you going to slack off? Like how you usually do?
Oh, for God's sake. Don't ask me that. I think I will. I always do. But then. I HAVE to start working hard. Its midyear already. I have no more excuses. I HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to! I need to prove to Mum that I can do it. That I'm BETTER than my brother. Just because I'm the second child doesn't mean I'm dumber. I NEED THIS!
So, see my determination? See it right there? Yeah, being a 15 year-old Malaysian sucks. But its gonna rule when I get my results. =]
Oh yeah. That means starting from Monday. No more Internet. So sorry, guys. So sorry blog. So sorry YOU. =] Although maybe I can't resist and I'll update this blog. I promise I'll B.O.P (Blogging on Paper) though. Tee-Hee. But seriously? No more facebook. Just hope I don't die of suffocation.
Gotta sleep. Got a stupid chinese Debate tommorow.
Determined Angel
I woke up at 2.30a.m.. Head was itchy. That was weird cuz Its not like I didn't wash it or anything. You know what time I thought it was? 5a.m. Cuz that's when I usually wake up.
I had this annoying feeling of being very hot and flustered and I just couldn't get back to sleep. Hate this feeling. Pisses me off. So, I decided I'd write my blog. Oh God, I love this blog. Honestly.
It's the middle of the night. Everyone's asleep. I'm the only one awake.
The Dark, Dark Night
I've kinda decided that I'll blog about my studies. I haven't quite updated on that in a while.
Co-curriculums are finally receding! *phew* There are no more MAJOR co-co activities anymore! Just maybe some minor ones. I finally have time to sit in class and listen to teacher. Though... My homework? That's another story... *evil laughs*
Trials for PMR (Penilaian Menengah Rendah, some major test we're having) are coming soon. In fact, they're next month! Oh God. Reality Check. Am I ready? Am I? I can say I'm always ready for English. Duh. But for them other subjects? Bahasa Melayu? Chinese? Science? Maths? Sejarah? Geografi? Kemahiran Hidup?
Even Puiyan started studying. =[ This proves just how undedicated I am.
Okay, question time.
Are you prepared for PMR?
Excellent question. No excellent answer. Of course I'm not. Have loads to study. Loads more of stuff for me to understand. Especially Maths. *Grrrrr*
How many A's do you wish to score in PMR?
How many? ALL All 8 subjects. I believe I can do it! All I need to do now, is to focus on my Maths and Chinese. Hope the tuition helps.
Are you gonna shut up and study like Puiyan?
Hell Yeah. I shall start NEXT WEEK. On Monday. I'm being serious here. No more dilly-dallying. I am gonna use the time in between tuitions to study my f**king ASS off. Gonna do all them exercises till I'm foaming in the mouth.
Are you going to slack off? Like how you usually do?
Oh, for God's sake. Don't ask me that. I think I will. I always do. But then. I HAVE to start working hard. Its midyear already. I have no more excuses. I HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to! I need to prove to Mum that I can do it. That I'm BETTER than my brother. Just because I'm the second child doesn't mean I'm dumber. I NEED THIS!
*PHEW* Studying!
So, see my determination? See it right there? Yeah, being a 15 year-old Malaysian sucks. But its gonna rule when I get my results. =]
Oh yeah. That means starting from Monday. No more Internet. So sorry, guys. So sorry blog. So sorry YOU. =] Although maybe I can't resist and I'll update this blog. I promise I'll B.O.P (Blogging on Paper) though. Tee-Hee. But seriously? No more facebook. Just hope I don't die of suffocation.
Gotta sleep. Got a stupid chinese Debate tommorow.
Determined Angel
Monday, 25 July 2011
YAY! Updated!
Have you gotten really really bored with my blog? Haha. I think you have. It was so dark and boring and emo and lifeless!
Don't say it wasn't. I know it was!
So. What do you think about my new look? Hmmm. I like the big big picture up in the Blog Title there. It looks so creepy. Took it myself! Hehe. And I like my new fonts. It's so cool. Hahaha. I'm so vain.
ANYWAYS! I hope you guys (whoever you are) enjoy my blog. Seriously. And you are free to leave comments and suggestions at my cbox or comments! =D
Updated Blog Angel
Don't say it wasn't. I know it was!
So. What do you think about my new look? Hmmm. I like the big big picture up in the Blog Title there. It looks so creepy. Took it myself! Hehe. And I like my new fonts. It's so cool. Hahaha. I'm so vain.
ANYWAYS! I hope you guys (whoever you are) enjoy my blog. Seriously. And you are free to leave comments and suggestions at my cbox or comments! =D
Updated Blog Angel
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Sports Day 2011!
Boo-Yah! Today was our Spots Day! It totally ROCKED! =]
First of all, I went for pembarisan (parade) for Prefects. It was really fun because we got to dress up as Form 5 (Senior) Pengawases!!! It was so cute! And we weren't that bad! Considering we just started practicing this week.
Yay! And that was the pembarisan... After that, I changed and went to support my beloved Bangau!!! (Its my Sport team, by the way.) It was really really really CRAZY!!! What with my blocked nose and sore throat and all?
Our sorakan (Cheerleading) team was AWESOME! Well, to me. They danced a remixed version of Chris Brown's YeahX3, Rihanna's S&M and Lady GaGa's The Edge of Glory! It was so cool! Plus, we were all screaming like crazy!
Some of the Bangau members who are scouts built a gajet (Gadget? Or pioneering project) in less than half an hour. Awesome. It was a little bit wobbly, but then I'm an experienced climber.... xD We climbed up there with empty tins and buckets, sat there and started banging on them HARD!
Well, Shelvin, Raja and Dhipa won lots of stuff. Dhipa, especially. She beat Shevin in 100m! That was really scareh. And then she probably won Olahragawati (Sportswoman).
Yay! Bangau got 2nd overall!
Little bit more and we could've gotten CHAMPIONS! But, never mind. There's always next year! If it rocked so much this year... Wonder what would happen next year? =]
Well, that put an end to this awesome sports event. =] Had loads of fun. Will have more next year!
Sporty Angel *winks*
First of all, I went for pembarisan (parade) for Prefects. It was really fun because we got to dress up as Form 5 (Senior) Pengawases!!! It was so cute! And we weren't that bad! Considering we just started practicing this week.
We look so matured?
So, COOL! =]
The rest of them
Our sorakan (Cheerleading) team was AWESOME! Well, to me. They danced a remixed version of Chris Brown's YeahX3, Rihanna's S&M and Lady GaGa's The Edge of Glory! It was so cool! Plus, we were all screaming like crazy!
Our team captain, Wilson!
Some of the Bangau members who are scouts built a gajet (Gadget? Or pioneering project) in less than half an hour. Awesome. It was a little bit wobbly, but then I'm an experienced climber.... xD We climbed up there with empty tins and buckets, sat there and started banging on them HARD!
Honestly? I look like a child
It was so NOISY. Dhipa said:'Memekak! (Deafening!)' She was pissing me off, obviously, Haha.The BIG BIG BANGAU =]
Well, Shelvin, Raja and Dhipa won lots of stuff. Dhipa, especially. She beat Shevin in 100m! That was really scareh. And then she probably won Olahragawati (Sportswoman).
These people are really sporty! Except for the one in blue... xD
Little bit more and we could've gotten CHAMPIONS! But, never mind. There's always next year! If it rocked so much this year... Wonder what would happen next year? =]
Me and baby PHUAH
Well, that put an end to this awesome sports event. =] Had loads of fun. Will have more next year!
Sporty Angel *winks*
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Canteen Day
Oh yeah! Today was the first ever Canteen Day that I was involved in my school. (Lame much?)
Anyways, my stall was the Julie's Biscuits stall. It was kinda fun. It was probably because I didn't do anything? I just sat there and played my guitar. Oh wait. I did do stuff. I was the.. Umm... Attracter? Whatever you call it. I stood on a rail, holding my guitar. And SCREAMED:'帅哥,美女!来买饼干啊!' (Hot dudes, Hot babes! Come and get your biscuits!) Here's what I looked like:
Yeah, I looked really stupid. I lost my voice midway though. A lot of people actually thought I was using the megaphone! But then... I really got my hands on one. And the results? A lot of deaf people. *evil laughs*
And, basically mostly Aunties and Uncles came and bought our biscuits. I didn't get to do much things though. I mean, play games and stuff. =[ Sad. Most of it looked interesting though. There were a lot of Angry Birds. Prizes of Angry Birds, Games of Angry Birds, the librarians actually recreated the game! (They said it sucked though) And there was a Mystery House? A Horror House? And war game. There were tons and tons of games!!!
Yeah, the birds are cute, but then too much of it suffocates me. =.=
Anyway, selling biscuits was really boring. (never knew) And the Julie's people were here. So practically, we were just there being a drag. But I managed to scare a lot of people with my screaming.... *Achievement!*
So, nothing to do. Went and disturbed Shelvin, Ash and Dhipa. They were at the field. Their Athletic Club had this basketball and football thingy. So I went and sibuk. It was funny. The dudes pays to play and the winners get cold drinks. Phuah told me that the un-smarter people got cheated into playing. Whereas the smarter people could actually calculate how much was their loss if they play. It was damn funny.
Oh, and some crazy people are probably dying to read this.
Well, something interesting did happen. I jammed with Furqan today. Yay? He was good. Better than me. Well, duh. He plays tabs, which is really cool. Unfortunately, he uses a classical guitar. But then the stupid 24 Season Drums were banging loudly to attract people. *Grr* So I couldn't really hear what he was playing. So sad. But we played some chords to a song which he himself didn't know. There was guitar one, guitar two and a lead. Well, it sounded cool but then guitar one and guitar two's chords are the same. Its just that its differently placed on the guitar. Tee-Hee.
Anyways. It was FUN.
How come I always jam with dudes only? Where are all them Guitar Chicks?!
Oh God, I feel hot and cold. I hope I don't catch his fever.
Hot and Cold Angel
Anyways, my stall was the Julie's Biscuits stall. It was kinda fun. It was probably because I didn't do anything? I just sat there and played my guitar. Oh wait. I did do stuff. I was the.. Umm... Attracter? Whatever you call it. I stood on a rail, holding my guitar. And SCREAMED:'帅哥,美女!来买饼干啊!' (Hot dudes, Hot babes! Come and get your biscuits!) Here's what I looked like:
Chubby much?
And, basically mostly Aunties and Uncles came and bought our biscuits. I didn't get to do much things though. I mean, play games and stuff. =[ Sad. Most of it looked interesting though. There were a lot of Angry Birds. Prizes of Angry Birds, Games of Angry Birds, the librarians actually recreated the game! (They said it sucked though) And there was a Mystery House? A Horror House? And war game. There were tons and tons of games!!!
Yeah, the birds are cute, but then too much of it suffocates me. =.=
Anyway, selling biscuits was really boring. (never knew) And the Julie's people were here. So practically, we were just there being a drag. But I managed to scare a lot of people with my screaming.... *Achievement!*
So, nothing to do. Went and disturbed Shelvin, Ash and Dhipa. They were at the field. Their Athletic Club had this basketball and football thingy. So I went and sibuk. It was funny. The dudes pays to play and the winners get cold drinks. Phuah told me that the un-smarter people got cheated into playing. Whereas the smarter people could actually calculate how much was their loss if they play. It was damn funny.
They're so crazy.
Fatty. XD
Oh, and some crazy people are probably dying to read this.
Well, something interesting did happen. I jammed with Furqan today. Yay? He was good. Better than me. Well, duh. He plays tabs, which is really cool. Unfortunately, he uses a classical guitar. But then the stupid 24 Season Drums were banging loudly to attract people. *Grr* So I couldn't really hear what he was playing. So sad. But we played some chords to a song which he himself didn't know. There was guitar one, guitar two and a lead. Well, it sounded cool but then guitar one and guitar two's chords are the same. Its just that its differently placed on the guitar. Tee-Hee.
Anyways. It was FUN.
Crazy people, crazy fun!
We look so serious! LOL?
How come I always jam with dudes only? Where are all them Guitar Chicks?!
Oh God, I feel hot and cold. I hope I don't catch his fever.
Hot and Cold Angel
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
*evil laughs* This Angel actually ran 4x400m relay today! *shock, horror!* Yeah well, I got half cheated-half bribed into it. (There was 100 plus when we finished! xD).
Results? We won! The last place. =.='' Ah well. I don't blame them. =[
Results? We won! The last place. =.='' Ah well. I don't blame them. =[
See? It goes like this. I wasn't supposed to run in that you know? I just signed up for the 100m and 4x100m relay (for the awesome adrenaline rush!). But then the girl who signed up for the 4x400m relay has conjunctivitis... Blame her stupid contacts. (You hear that, Puiyan?) So she couldn't run. So these really lame people *points to self* had to run in her place... Well, I was the only lame one, honestly.
Let this Angel introduce you to our lovely team:
First Baton: Ong Ei Ling a.k.a. Watermelon Head! ;p
Second Baton: Yvonne Low! (The really really tough one!)
Third Baton: Hui Ying! (The ballerina! xD)
Final Baton: Lame Angel (Me lahhh!)
Yeah. When it started, Eiling did a good job... Nabbing the 2nd spot. But then when it got to the 2nd and the 3rd baton, things started to get a leetle bit ugly. We started getting the last spot. But then I don't blame them both! Yvonne replaced the red-eyed girl in the 800m race. She has no more energy left. And Hui Ying, she just ran in the 200m race like 2 minutes ago? *sigh*
Well, I tried my best, but then... Tee-Hee. My efforts were in vain.
It was fine in the first round... I... I... *whispers* ran really really fast! (By my standards, anyway) But then when I got to the second round. NO MORE ENERGY. Goodness me, I didn't know I lacked stamina so much... =[ I thought I could like, not sleep for 36 hours? Geez.
So, basically I was like dragging myself across the padang (field). Thoughts of giving up crossed my mind.
It was fine in the first round... I... I... *whispers* ran really really fast! (By my standards, anyway) But then when I got to the second round. NO MORE ENERGY. Goodness me, I didn't know I lacked stamina so much... =[ I thought I could like, not sleep for 36 hours? Geez.
So, basically I was like dragging myself across the padang (field). Thoughts of giving up crossed my mind.
I heard...
'Go NOEL! You can do it!!!'
'Yeah! You're the ROCKER!!!' (my favourite one! xD)
'NOEL!!! You're nearly there!'
These really gave me strength. I'm not joking. I even smiled. How could I smile when I was nearly fainting? Only God knows.
So, many thanks to those who gave me strength when I was weak. You guys are Angels! (A little bit of Celine Dion? LOL)
I'm so, so, sorry Liew Wilson (Bangau House Captain), for not winning. We really tried our best! But, still... So, so, sorry! Disappointment...
So, many thanks to those who gave me strength when I was weak. You guys are Angels! (A little bit of Celine Dion? LOL)
I'm so, so, sorry Liew Wilson (Bangau House Captain), for not winning. We really tried our best! But, still... So, so, sorry! Disappointment...
And... I've got 100m tommorow. God save me. I'm gonna be the last one again!!! *freaking out*
Damn CUTE!
Peace Out.
Sporty Angel
Monday, 11 July 2011
Perfect Prefect
Oh, wow. Some people actually care about me. Thank you. Your kindness towards this weird and emo girl is largely appreciated... Made me =]
So. Haven't heard much from me about school eh? *evil laughs* Well, you're gonna get bombarded by some!!!
The prefects just had the Annual General Meeting (AGM) last month, right after school holidays. And it was really important to us Form 3s cuz we get to vote and get nominated for a jawatan (post?). Anyways, I was really hyped up cuz I really longed for a post.
LOL! The ex-Head Prefect!!! |
So when we sat down and started the AGM, I was nearly jumping off my seat. I won't go into the dire details but as we chose the Penolong Ketua Kupulan (Assistant Group Leader?), I was nearly fainting from excitement! There are four groups-- A, B, C and D. In a few months, the members of the group will rotate from one group to the other and different groups have their own responsibilities. (Why am I even telling you this?!).
Anyways, as they nominated people, my heart thudded non-stop. I think my name was the 2nd or 3rd to be nominated? The surprising thing was that I was nominated by Jing Mun, the Penolong Ketua Pengawas (Assistant Head Prefect)!!! That was clearly unexpected! So they closed nominations after four nominations. And we were led out of the room whilst they voted.
After voting, we were then led back in. It was clear who got that spot. It was a boy. An arrogant one. He's a total suck-up. But of course, the seniors don't see that.
As I sat down beside Joyanne, I asked:'What were the odds?'
She said:'Just by one vote.'
Oh Damn. Just by ONE measly vote?? (Oh, Joyanne got the Penolong Setiausaha [Assistant Secretary]! =D ) Kinda pissed me off.
Then, for the Penolong Ketua Kumpulan B, I was nominated again. This time, as I went inside the room, everybody cheered!!! I had got it! *swoon!!!* I was so, so, happy! =D
So, enough of that boring AGM. Now, lets get to the real stuff.
So, I've started being the Penolong (for short). And life is kinda good... xD I mean, I don't have to duty. I just stand there and scold those older prefects. I can walk around the tapak perhimpunan (assembly area) like I'm the damn Queen. I get to do stuff no other prefects can do...
But of course, everything has its downside.
Have I ever mentioned how terribly bored I am during recess cuz there's nothing for me to do?
Have I ever mentioned how scared I get when I brief them during a briefing?
Have I ever mentioned how unprepared I am whenever I have to give a briefing?
Have I ever mentioned how tangled my words are when I get dirty looks from a senior because I screwed up?
Have I ever mentioned how depressed I get when those students him me back with words so hurtful?
Have I ever mentioned how frustrated I get asking those damn stubborn students get their heavy asses into the stupid line?
Have I ever mentioned how useless I feel when I see the students making noise and my Ketua seems to think I can't accomplish such an easy task?
Yeah. I hope I don't get kicked out of the committee next year. I really love being an AJK. =[
Peace Out
Hope Angel
Saturday, 9 July 2011
This is a word that I use a lot. When I say Hello. When I'm happy. When I sing. When I get pissed off. When I scream out a slogan.
*change topic*
Hey, you know what I'm thinking now?
No, I don't.
Well, I was just reading my friend's blog... And then she has a friend who actually cares about her... I'm... Jealous?
Jealous of what?
I ask myself that too. Jealous of her being cute. Jealous of her having lots of guys fawning all over her. Jealous that she has a happy life. Jealous that her problems seem so minor. Jealous that she hasn't really grown up yet. Jealous that she hasn't been stabbed in the back by some looser. Jealous that her blog is so bright and beautiful, just like her. Jealous that she has a heart of pure gold.
I thought you wanted to be yourself?
Yeah, I thought that too. But what's the point of being myself when I fail at everything I do?? I mean, look:
I am NOT beautiful.
I am NOT nice.
I am NOT smart.
I am NOT creative.
I am NOT original.
I am NOT hardworking.
I am NOT determined.
I am NOT talented.
I am NOT attractive.
I am NOT musical.
I am NOT thin.
I am NOT curvy.
I am NOT girly.
I am NOT real.
I am NOT perfect.
I am NOT human.
I am NOT a dancer.
I am NOT an artist.
I am NOT a writer.
I am NOT a guitarist.
I am NOT a pianist.
I am NOT a singer.
I am NOT a songwriter.
I am NOT a scientist.
I am NOT a mathematician.
I am NOT a historian.
I am NOT a poet.
I am NOT a performer.
I am NOT a lover.
I am NOT a dreamer.
I am NOT a wisher.
Sometimes I wonder what am I doing here. Roaming the world. Trying to be a somebody. When all I was, a NOBODY.
Why do you bother to act anyway?
Why? Because that's what everybody's doing. All they wanna do is fit in. But now, I think I'm lost in the Sea of Lost. I can't even recognize myself anymore. I don't know the things I do. Do I do it to please someone? Or do I do it for myself?
I feel FAKE. I feel UNREAL. I don't feel like ME.
So what can I do?
I'm waiting for the answer to appear.
So, I'll just...
Runaway to my own world. Where I can be free and happy.
Depressed Angel
I'm 15 now!
I am, so so happy. I'm 15 now. And this is the best best birthday I've ever had.
Okay. So let's start with the countdown....
After it turned midnight, my Facebook started receiving wishes! Wow. LOL. I was thinking:'Yay! I'm kinda popular?' Haha, but that's just me. Then you know what happened?? Mum and dad gave me an Avril Lavigne album!!! The Newest!!! Goodbye Lullaby!!! I was so hyped!!! Its what I really really Wanted!!!
I couldn't sleep for half the night!
Then, morning came. I jumped up at the first ring of the alarm. (That's how excited i was!). So, when I reached school, I straightaway went and disturbed my besties-- Joyanne, Shelvin and Ashley. Goodness me, they were so cold. I said:'Hey babes! To them and they just ignored me!' I tried like, a few times and they still ignored me. Grrr. Of course I knew something was up but then it still kinda pissed me off. So, I turned around. And... Suddenly? They all screamed:'Happy Birthday!' and hugged me.
Well, I screamed! xD That was awesome.
Then? What happened? Haha. During taklimat (briefing) Ash told the whole group that it was my birthday today. And they sang the birthday song to me!!! OMG!!! So, so unexpected! Throughout the whole day, people kept wishing me:'Happy Birthday!' It was so, so, extraordinary!!!
Then, we went back into class. Teacher was missing, so I took my guitar out and jammed by myself. Hah. It was kinda lonely but at least I was happy? ;] Then, it was recess!!! Yay! Recess!!! Where er go there and EAT!
And when I went down there, guess what? They had a cake! A cake!!! AHHHHH! Black forest cake!!! My apologies for not taking pictures... No one brought one. =[ Ah well, that's what memories are for, right? We all ate it.. It was NICE! Then, they presented me my birthday card. Oh my Goodness. It was... REMARKABLE! They got almost everyone I knew to sign!!! Then they smeared my face with cream. Haha. Thank goodness no pictures! =D
After that, there was this launch for some run in school and I was involved... Then whilst it was going on, Dayang and Jessica gave me a kiss! On the cheek! Shocked me to the bone! The sang me my birthday song then *kiss!* *kiss!* Goodness me.
Then, then, I don't really remember... Just the teasing when I received Furqan's prezzie. It was a box of Morrison guitar strings. And a puppy. According to him, the puppy reminds me of him... (WTF?) Yeah, that was memorable...
Yeah, that was kinda what happened in school...
Now, family time! We went to this place called Hall Market. It was really cool.
That was really awesome. Had to withstand funny stares from people as I trudged through the streets in my dress! Then, the next day, I celebrated with my aunt and cousins. They are all so ADORABLE! We had fun there too!
That was really fun! But then, later in the evening, I had an even bigger surprise! I had a gathering with my old classmates.. And guess what happened??
Yeah, that puts an end to my AWESOME birthday celebration... I have put on weight, trust me... xD
About the presents? I'll post it as soon as possible... Cuz my camera is currently unavailable. But a big big THANK YOU to my parents, besties, old classmates, and So on... LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Hyped up Angel
Okay. So let's start with the countdown....
After it turned midnight, my Facebook started receiving wishes! Wow. LOL. I was thinking:'Yay! I'm kinda popular?' Haha, but that's just me. Then you know what happened?? Mum and dad gave me an Avril Lavigne album!!! The Newest!!! Goodbye Lullaby!!! I was so hyped!!! Its what I really really Wanted!!!
I couldn't sleep for half the night!
Then, morning came. I jumped up at the first ring of the alarm. (That's how excited i was!). So, when I reached school, I straightaway went and disturbed my besties-- Joyanne, Shelvin and Ashley. Goodness me, they were so cold. I said:'Hey babes! To them and they just ignored me!' I tried like, a few times and they still ignored me. Grrr. Of course I knew something was up but then it still kinda pissed me off. So, I turned around. And... Suddenly? They all screamed:'Happy Birthday!' and hugged me.
Well, I screamed! xD That was awesome.
Then? What happened? Haha. During taklimat (briefing) Ash told the whole group that it was my birthday today. And they sang the birthday song to me!!! OMG!!! So, so unexpected! Throughout the whole day, people kept wishing me:'Happy Birthday!' It was so, so, extraordinary!!!
Then, we went back into class. Teacher was missing, so I took my guitar out and jammed by myself. Hah. It was kinda lonely but at least I was happy? ;] Then, it was recess!!! Yay! Recess!!! Where er go there and EAT!
And when I went down there, guess what? They had a cake! A cake!!! AHHHHH! Black forest cake!!! My apologies for not taking pictures... No one brought one. =[ Ah well, that's what memories are for, right? We all ate it.. It was NICE! Then, they presented me my birthday card. Oh my Goodness. It was... REMARKABLE! They got almost everyone I knew to sign!!! Then they smeared my face with cream. Haha. Thank goodness no pictures! =D
After that, there was this launch for some run in school and I was involved... Then whilst it was going on, Dayang and Jessica gave me a kiss! On the cheek! Shocked me to the bone! The sang me my birthday song then *kiss!* *kiss!* Goodness me.
Then, then, I don't really remember... Just the teasing when I received Furqan's prezzie. It was a box of Morrison guitar strings. And a puppy. According to him, the puppy reminds me of him... (WTF?) Yeah, that was memorable...
Yeah, that was kinda what happened in school...
Now, family time! We went to this place called Hall Market. It was really cool.
Koh Wayne and me! *knuckle punches!*
My favourite babeh! ;D
HAHA! Thanks Tze Jian!
This is one, weird guy...
Hehe, He's obviously taller... xD
I made a wish 3 times!!!
My turn to jam!!!
Hohoho. That was really really fun. But then, my third celebration... At home with my besties! We were a crazy bunch!!
Heheh! Bff's forever!!! ;D
Bitching out! xP
I love this mutant!
Flying PIG!
Oh God, they wrecked my room...
Kinect TIME!!!
Yeah, that puts an end to my AWESOME birthday celebration... I have put on weight, trust me... xD
About the presents? I'll post it as soon as possible... Cuz my camera is currently unavailable. But a big big THANK YOU to my parents, besties, old classmates, and So on... LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Hyped up Angel
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