I promised I would upload photos, and I did! =D
Check out Talking to The Moon for some Mid-Autumn Festival action (not really =.=) or Day 7 & 8 of Holidays (Slumber Party!) for some bitchy photos.
Just scroll DOWN DOWN DOWN if you wanna see them. And please, DO read my other stuff too! =D
Oh, I'll keep you guys updated.
I'll blog about DAYANG'S soon. I've got a little surprise. ;D But I want pictures. From Puiyann or anyone else who was there... You guys took A LOT of pictures. Don't think I didn't notice. =.=
Finally Updated Angel
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Majlis Mohon Restu #BOP
Today was a crazy day. It's one of those kind of days that makes you smile and think: 'What the eff happened?!' when you recall back. =]
We barely stayed in class today. There was this major event -- Majlis Mohon Restu. The students were supposed to give their thanks to the teachers, ask for forgiveness and receive a blessing for our upcoming PMR exams (gulp!). It was a very... Malay thing. (Chinese Primary School, remember?)
It started off with an inspirational video. Me and my babes weren't really paying attention. It was just some really awesome pictures with a bunch of motivational quotes and phrases. We were passing notes. Childish? I know. But it was really funny. Look:
It was pure nonsense. Pity we had to stop. Some other bunch of students were caught passing notes, love letters, apparently.
Then there were them speeches. Boring! It was raining. The hall was dark and and the weather was cold. Perfect for sleeping. But of course, no one dared to sleep when the principle, Mr Tay, was speaking. The whole damn school is terrified of him. Wonder why? *Innocent Smile*
And another guy. Some Dato'. Hah! He tried to make us more spirited! Seriously, And the way he did it... *Yawn* He asked us to show the PEACE sign (or as he calls it, victory). And scream: '.............. (win?!)' It was so boring I forgot. Lame.
And after that, another inspirational video about Nick, a man born without limbs. Joyanne was shocked that they played it in school, it was a Christian video. He was so inspiring. He could swim! Without arms and legs!!!
Then there was food. Meh. It was 杂饭 (Mixed rice?) Boring. We were supposed to go receive our food by race. (My school is kinda racist).
So we asked Ash: 'When you fill in those official forms, what do you put for "Race"?"
'Lain-lain' (Others), she said. She's Portuguese Eurasian, if you didn't know. Hah! We teased her after that. =D
After that break, things got really really crazy. We (pengawas, Prefects) weren't dutying. So the whole hall was seriously messy. The teacher's tried their best... BUT... *evil laughs* Oh God, they forced us to sing I Had A Dream by ABBA! Freaky. But, I was already hypering then... xD
THen came the time which we had to mohon restu (seek blessing? says Google Translate). By the time I was already really, really crazy and hyped up. I blame Ash! We kept singing LMFAO's I'm Sexy And I Know It. Utterly HILARIOUS.
We lined up to give thanks to the teachers. It was an awesome sight. Over 700 students lining up to shake hands and hug 30 plus teachers. *ooooohhhh....*
There were some heart-warming moments with some teachers who are practically friends with me. They hugged me and wished me all my best in PMR, blessing me with luck. Miss Low (Discipline Teacher) even lifted me off my feet! I squealed like a little girl. =D There were also some awkward moments with some teachers who you don't know! Specially with guy teachers. Sadly, I didn't get to hug Mr. Tay. xD Haha! After receiving a bag of (free) stationary, we started wishing the other students good luck.
This was the most illogical part of the day. My body was pumping adrenaline and LMFAO was replaying in my head over and over again. I remember a lot of laughter, squeals, teasing, butt slapping, hugs, handshakes...
Good Lord, the most memorable moment was at astaka. =.= All that fuss just for a hand shake. I would've shook his hand if the 'audience' hadn't started howling. The noise freaked me out and I did the only thing I could think of -- escape. Which I did. *sighs*
And that Zulhilmi! Along with my so-called best friends!!! They kept trying to set me up with Furqan!!! Yeeeeeesh. Awkward.
That about sums up my day.
BOPing Angel
Today was a crazy day. It's one of those kind of days that makes you smile and think: 'What the eff happened?!' when you recall back. =]
We barely stayed in class today. There was this major event -- Majlis Mohon Restu. The students were supposed to give their thanks to the teachers, ask for forgiveness and receive a blessing for our upcoming PMR exams (gulp!). It was a very... Malay thing. (Chinese Primary School, remember?)
It started off with an inspirational video. Me and my babes weren't really paying attention. It was just some really awesome pictures with a bunch of motivational quotes and phrases. We were passing notes. Childish? I know. But it was really funny. Look:
It was pure nonsense. Pity we had to stop. Some other bunch of students were caught passing notes, love letters, apparently.
Then there were them speeches. Boring! It was raining. The hall was dark and and the weather was cold. Perfect for sleeping. But of course, no one dared to sleep when the principle, Mr Tay, was speaking. The whole damn school is terrified of him. Wonder why? *Innocent Smile*
And another guy. Some Dato'. Hah! He tried to make us more spirited! Seriously, And the way he did it... *Yawn* He asked us to show the PEACE sign (or as he calls it, victory). And scream: '.............. (win?!)' It was so boring I forgot. Lame.
And after that, another inspirational video about Nick, a man born without limbs. Joyanne was shocked that they played it in school, it was a Christian video. He was so inspiring. He could swim! Without arms and legs!!!
Then there was food. Meh. It was 杂饭 (Mixed rice?) Boring. We were supposed to go receive our food by race. (My school is kinda racist).
So we asked Ash: 'When you fill in those official forms, what do you put for "Race"?"
'Lain-lain' (Others), she said. She's Portuguese Eurasian, if you didn't know. Hah! We teased her after that. =D
After that break, things got really really crazy. We (pengawas, Prefects) weren't dutying. So the whole hall was seriously messy. The teacher's tried their best... BUT... *evil laughs* Oh God, they forced us to sing I Had A Dream by ABBA! Freaky. But, I was already hypering then... xD
THen came the time which we had to mohon restu (seek blessing? says Google Translate). By the time I was already really, really crazy and hyped up. I blame Ash! We kept singing LMFAO's I'm Sexy And I Know It. Utterly HILARIOUS.
We lined up to give thanks to the teachers. It was an awesome sight. Over 700 students lining up to shake hands and hug 30 plus teachers. *ooooohhhh....*
There were some heart-warming moments with some teachers who are practically friends with me. They hugged me and wished me all my best in PMR, blessing me with luck. Miss Low (Discipline Teacher) even lifted me off my feet! I squealed like a little girl. =D There were also some awkward moments with some teachers who you don't know! Specially with guy teachers. Sadly, I didn't get to hug Mr. Tay. xD Haha! After receiving a bag of (free) stationary, we started wishing the other students good luck.
This was the most illogical part of the day. My body was pumping adrenaline and LMFAO was replaying in my head over and over again. I remember a lot of laughter, squeals, teasing, butt slapping, hugs, handshakes...
Good Lord, the most memorable moment was at astaka. =.= All that fuss just for a hand shake. I would've shook his hand if the 'audience' hadn't started howling. The noise freaked me out and I did the only thing I could think of -- escape. Which I did. *sighs*
And that Zulhilmi! Along with my so-called best friends!!! They kept trying to set me up with Furqan!!! Yeeeeeesh. Awkward.
That about sums up my day.
BOPing Angel
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Hello! Update
Oh Gosh. Two weeks left. Give or take a few days. I'm so... Nervous?
The purpose of my update is to tell the whole world that I got number 13 in class!
Oh Gosh, I'm so happy. =D Obviously, it's not 13 in the whole school, there are better people from other classes. I would probably place myself in top 15 in the whole school? One can hope.
But, I did manage to beat Shelvin. *Jeng Jeng Jeng!* Yes! I did beat her!!! It's considered a big achievement for me because it's been what, 3 years? Since Form 1, I've been in the same class with her. And I've only beaten her once, which is when we were in Form 1. Since then, I've never beaten her. Especially this year, when we were having our Tahap I (First Stage) exams, Shelvin got number 4 in the whole class!!! Shocking!!! And I got like, 15? 16? 20 something? I forgot. But, that was really sad.
Then, during Tahap II (Second Stage), Shelvin dropped... Quite a lot, honestly. She dropped below number 10. Haha. Lazy PIG. xD And I was worse, I got number 26, I think.
Basically, I beat Shelvin this time because I took one more subject more than her. Which is Chinese (Can't believe it actually did me some good!)... Jaw-breaking eh?
This trials, I... Am content? Am I? I don't think so. Well...
I didn't get the highest in class for English. I lost to Tai Wai Jin (Top 2 in class!) by just one measly mark!!! If, I had not changed my stupid answers for 2 questions in Paper 1, I would have gotten 92%! Instead I got 90%. =.= Well, at least that was some improvement. Teacher gave me 89% at first. But then I was damn pissed because I got 27/30 for my essay. Damn. It was a 3 page letter to my friend about a gotong royong campaign. 3 freaking pages yow! I don't think anyone in the whole SCHOOL wrote that long.
So I went and asked teacher. I was a bit mean, honestly. I compared my essay with Shelvin's (sorry, Piggie! I didn't mean to insult you! ). I told teacher: 'How come my essay marks are the same as her? I don't get it. It's not like her grammar is perfect. You can practically count my grammar mistakes on one hand and even teacher missed out a lot grammar mistakes in Shelvin's paper! I am unsatisfied. Would you care to explain?'
Teacher was very calm. She said that I couldn't spell centre, center. Yeah, I didn't know that. And... A few minor ones... I didn't see the problem. Honestly, I think my structure is better than Shelvin's. I hope you don't mind me saying this, Piggie, but you're honestly not a writer. You're a MATHEMATIC GEEK! But at last, when I checked my results, teacher already added ONE mark to my English. Hehe, thank you Puan Hasni! =D I love you!
Oh, no A for Chinese and KH. Expected lah. Never study also. (It's a little sad for Chinese cuz teacher said that if I wanted to upgrade my Chinese, I had to read more and write more. That kinda broke my heart...)
What to do? I HAVE to get straight A's!!! Laptop and phone.... What Mum promised me. Is it enough to push me? Is it? I hope it is...
I shouldn't blog anymore.
This is probably the last one till after PMR.
I'm gonna be really strict with myself.
Determined Angel
Oh Gosh, I'm so happy. =D Obviously, it's not 13 in the whole school, there are better people from other classes. I would probably place myself in top 15 in the whole school? One can hope.
But, I did manage to beat Shelvin. *Jeng Jeng Jeng!* Yes! I did beat her!!! It's considered a big achievement for me because it's been what, 3 years? Since Form 1, I've been in the same class with her. And I've only beaten her once, which is when we were in Form 1. Since then, I've never beaten her. Especially this year, when we were having our Tahap I (First Stage) exams, Shelvin got number 4 in the whole class!!! Shocking!!! And I got like, 15? 16? 20 something? I forgot. But, that was really sad.
Then, during Tahap II (Second Stage), Shelvin dropped... Quite a lot, honestly. She dropped below number 10. Haha. Lazy PIG. xD And I was worse, I got number 26, I think.
Basically, I beat Shelvin this time because I took one more subject more than her. Which is Chinese (Can't believe it actually did me some good!)... Jaw-breaking eh?
This trials, I... Am content? Am I? I don't think so. Well...
I didn't get the highest in class for English. I lost to Tai Wai Jin (Top 2 in class!) by just one measly mark!!! If, I had not changed my stupid answers for 2 questions in Paper 1, I would have gotten 92%! Instead I got 90%. =.= Well, at least that was some improvement. Teacher gave me 89% at first. But then I was damn pissed because I got 27/30 for my essay. Damn. It was a 3 page letter to my friend about a gotong royong campaign. 3 freaking pages yow! I don't think anyone in the whole SCHOOL wrote that long.
So I went and asked teacher. I was a bit mean, honestly. I compared my essay with Shelvin's (sorry, Piggie! I didn't mean to insult you! ). I told teacher: 'How come my essay marks are the same as her? I don't get it. It's not like her grammar is perfect. You can practically count my grammar mistakes on one hand and even teacher missed out a lot grammar mistakes in Shelvin's paper! I am unsatisfied. Would you care to explain?'
Teacher was very calm. She said that I couldn't spell centre, center. Yeah, I didn't know that. And... A few minor ones... I didn't see the problem. Honestly, I think my structure is better than Shelvin's. I hope you don't mind me saying this, Piggie, but you're honestly not a writer. You're a MATHEMATIC GEEK! But at last, when I checked my results, teacher already added ONE mark to my English. Hehe, thank you Puan Hasni! =D I love you!
Oh, no A for Chinese and KH. Expected lah. Never study also. (It's a little sad for Chinese cuz teacher said that if I wanted to upgrade my Chinese, I had to read more and write more. That kinda broke my heart...)
What to do? I HAVE to get straight A's!!! Laptop and phone.... What Mum promised me. Is it enough to push me? Is it? I hope it is...
I shouldn't blog anymore.
This is probably the last one till after PMR.
I'm gonna be really strict with myself.
Determined Angel
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Talking To The Moon
Have you ever heard this song? By Bruno Mars. It's so, so sad. I just LOVE Bruno Mars, he's just so damn talented!!!
Well, well, well. Have I said no more Internet? Well, who could resist?
In less than one freaking month, I'll be sitting for the dreaded PMR. Afraid? Gonna pee in my pants.
Well, lets not ruin the festive mood, shall we? My condolences to those wo suffered in 9/11. Be strong.
I am currently at my cousin's house, my HOT cousin's house! xD I'll post pictures soon. It's 中秋节, Mid-Autum Festival, Mooncake Festival. We're gonna have steamboat. Woo-hoo! xD
Gonna help set-up. Ciao first.
I could've uploaded more, but the quality's wonky. =[ I have no idea why...
Well, well, well. Have I said no more Internet? Well, who could resist?
In less than one freaking month, I'll be sitting for the dreaded PMR. Afraid? Gonna pee in my pants.
Well, lets not ruin the festive mood, shall we? My condolences to those wo suffered in 9/11. Be strong.
I am currently at my cousin's house, my HOT cousin's house! xD I'll post pictures soon. It's 中秋节, Mid-Autum Festival, Mooncake Festival. We're gonna have steamboat. Woo-hoo! xD
Gonna help set-up. Ciao first.
Hello! I promised pictures right? =D Here it is
Preparing the candles...
The Girls =D
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Last Day of Holidays
Whoa. Its a lazy Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining outside but I can't feel the heat. Why? The air-conditioning is on. My Mum is sleeping on the sofa. Mu dad is watching the TV... Brother went to Sungai Wang with his friends... The house is quiet... Ignoring the TV.
Well, well, well. Its the last day of holidays already. =] I feel a little melancholic. But it's something I can't change. Whoa. I sound so mature. Haha. Well? There's nothing to blog about today. BORING! Instead, I'll blog about school. *Evil laughs* Don't give me that look.
Tommorow will be Monday. Everyone's dreading it because us Form 3s will be getting our Trial papers back. I don't think after receiving my papers I'll have time to blog... I don't think I will blog during September, FULL STOP.
See, I'll rate my test papers by myself, one by one.
Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) =-=-= Well, I hope I get an A? I don't think I will, seeing that the essay I wrote on was about Teacher's Day and how I'm supposed to recompense to a teacher. (I have no idea what that means, if I'm wrong, blame Google Translate) Well, everything I said was a total lie. It was about doing my homework on time (yeah right!), paying attention in class (I sit with Shelvin in class...), and that kind of stuff. I think teacher will give me really low marks. =[
English =-=-= *ahem* The only subject that I have confidence at. Some crazy dude challenged me. To get the highest marks. Well, he's crazy. XD I just hope that I'll get highest in class. *sigh* I'm not the best in class, and that pisses me off a LOT.
华文 (Chinese) =-=-= Horrid. I am not gonna get an A. Essay sucks, Paper 1 sucks. Oh help! I'm a disgrace to my family, to my race... *frowny face*
Science =-=-= Well, I got my results already. Unfortunately, I did not get a 90 and above. I only got a 84% its an A, but a really low one. I got the same marks as Shelvin! Again! I think the teachers might suspect we cheat or something. I sit right in front of her during exams.
Mathematics =-=-= Ahhhh!!! I hope I don't get a 60 something again. I've worked hard to improve my Maths. But, I don't have talent... *sigh*
Sejarah (History) =-=-= I'm so excited about this one. I've worked my freaking Arse off for this. If I don't get an A, I would burn the school. Heck, I'm willing to be an arsonist for this. I'm aiming for a 90++. I really am. It's pure suicide but I hope I get it. Lord, bless me. =]
Geografi (Geography) =-=-= Just hope that I can manage an A. I didn't study hard for it. =P It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have the heart and time. Mwahahaha. Geography is interesting, correction, World Geography is interesting. Malaysia is NOT interesting at all.
Kemahiran Hidup (Ekonomi Rumah Tangga) [Living Skills (Home Economics)] =-=-= Whatever that means, I think Google Translate is wrong. Anyway, I got my results it's 79%. Shock! Horror! One more mark and I could've gotten an A. Boo! I didn't study. I got 16 questions wrong. If only I studied... Haha! It's not that I didn't want to study, I was having an awful headache that day... (Excuses, excuses...)
See? Just one A. Damn. I don't think I wanna see my Moral paper. I did not study.
Well, I think that's about it. I think you will get to see anymore update. *sigh* I'm so sad. BUT. I promise I'll upload those bitchy photos of us. =] And, You (Reader), has to promise me you'll read back. In support of me.
Thank you.
Goodbye Internet. I will miss you
A video for all of us taking PMR:
Sad Angel =[
Well, well, well. Its the last day of holidays already. =] I feel a little melancholic. But it's something I can't change. Whoa. I sound so mature. Haha. Well? There's nothing to blog about today. BORING! Instead, I'll blog about school. *Evil laughs* Don't give me that look.
Tommorow will be Monday. Everyone's dreading it because us Form 3s will be getting our Trial papers back. I don't think after receiving my papers I'll have time to blog... I don't think I will blog during September, FULL STOP.
See, I'll rate my test papers by myself, one by one.
Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) =-=-= Well, I hope I get an A? I don't think I will, seeing that the essay I wrote on was about Teacher's Day and how I'm supposed to recompense to a teacher. (I have no idea what that means, if I'm wrong, blame Google Translate) Well, everything I said was a total lie. It was about doing my homework on time (yeah right!), paying attention in class (I sit with Shelvin in class...), and that kind of stuff. I think teacher will give me really low marks. =[
English =-=-= *ahem* The only subject that I have confidence at. Some crazy dude challenged me. To get the highest marks. Well, he's crazy. XD I just hope that I'll get highest in class. *sigh* I'm not the best in class, and that pisses me off a LOT.
华文 (Chinese) =-=-= Horrid. I am not gonna get an A. Essay sucks, Paper 1 sucks. Oh help! I'm a disgrace to my family, to my race... *frowny face*
Science =-=-= Well, I got my results already. Unfortunately, I did not get a 90 and above. I only got a 84% its an A, but a really low one. I got the same marks as Shelvin! Again! I think the teachers might suspect we cheat or something. I sit right in front of her during exams.
Mathematics =-=-= Ahhhh!!! I hope I don't get a 60 something again. I've worked hard to improve my Maths. But, I don't have talent... *sigh*
Sejarah (History) =-=-= I'm so excited about this one. I've worked my freaking Arse off for this. If I don't get an A, I would burn the school. Heck, I'm willing to be an arsonist for this. I'm aiming for a 90++. I really am. It's pure suicide but I hope I get it. Lord, bless me. =]
Geografi (Geography) =-=-= Just hope that I can manage an A. I didn't study hard for it. =P It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have the heart and time. Mwahahaha. Geography is interesting, correction, World Geography is interesting. Malaysia is NOT interesting at all.
Kemahiran Hidup (Ekonomi Rumah Tangga) [Living Skills (Home Economics)] =-=-= Whatever that means, I think Google Translate is wrong. Anyway, I got my results it's 79%. Shock! Horror! One more mark and I could've gotten an A. Boo! I didn't study. I got 16 questions wrong. If only I studied... Haha! It's not that I didn't want to study, I was having an awful headache that day... (Excuses, excuses...)
See? Just one A. Damn. I don't think I wanna see my Moral paper. I did not study.
Well, I think that's about it. I think you will get to see anymore update. *sigh* I'm so sad. BUT. I promise I'll upload those bitchy photos of us. =] And, You (Reader), has to promise me you'll read back. In support of me.
Thank you.
Goodbye Internet. I will miss you
A video for all of us taking PMR:
Sad Angel =[
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Day 7 & 8 of Holidays (Slumber Party!)
I am so, so SORRY!!! I didn't update yesterday. =P I was at Shelvin's house. Last minute slumber party. Hoho.
Crazy, crazy time. xD
I'm really sorry. The file cannot be read. =[ Stupid technology. I'll upload the photos soon! I promise.
We're honestly damn bitchy. Mwahahaha. Damn them. Shelvin and Ashley wanted to watch horror movies. But me and Dhipa were strongly against it. (Yes, I'm a wimp. So what?) But we lost, cuz we were at Shelvin's house. *Grr.* So, we had to go through not one, but two horror movies. Quarantine 2 and Descent 2. It's way GROSS. I mean, the whole story is: A bunch of people go someplace that is totally infected with disease or zombies. Then, they die out slowly, one by one. Their deaths are horrific with a lot of scary sounds and effects and a whole lotta BLOOD. But the blood in Descent is really fake. 'It's like watermelon juice!'-- to quote Dhipa. She's not exaggerating. =.=
I did not enjoy those two movies. In the end? Only one survivor. BLEH. Lame much?
Enough about horror movies. =.= It makes me sick.
I like Shelvin's house. Its very big. She has two adorable dogs! Tommy and T-Rex. She has a hot sister. *Evil Laughs*. She has a PS2 (a little bit outdated xD). And she has a maid. Parents who don't care bout us. Things I don't like? Her dad smokes. Ugh. It stinks! I HATE HATE HATE people who smoke. It's so evil. =[ Ah well. That's about it. Haha. Oh we had tea today, at her house. It was hot! The tea, and the weather. Geez. Don't know how that Shelvin can stand the heat. =.=
Well, today went pasar malam (night market) with my Mum and Brother again. At Alam Damai. Had stinky tofu. Huhuhu. Damn nice. xD I don't think my chubbiness will decrease anytime soon. Hahaha!
Well, I'm really pissed that I didn't upload those pics Ashley took. I'm gonna upload (even if it's after PMR!)
See Ashley's dogs! Husky and Patches. They just got shaved by Ash's Mum. =.= Husky looks like a pig!
Well, that's all I've got. =[ I wish I had more. (pictures!!!) Ah well. I'll upload! I PROMISE!!! And you gotta promise me to read back, kay? =] Thank you!
Ciao. Mum says today is the last day of freedom. So... I'm not sure... That I'll be able to update. =[ Or even touch the damn computer. *sigh* I'll have to go back into study mode. Which means: No facebook. No social life. No fun.
Goodbye Internet. =[
A Bit Down the Weather Angel
Crazy, crazy time. xD
I'm really sorry. The file cannot be read. =[ Stupid technology. I'll upload the photos soon! I promise.
We're honestly damn bitchy. Mwahahaha. Damn them. Shelvin and Ashley wanted to watch horror movies. But me and Dhipa were strongly against it. (Yes, I'm a wimp. So what?) But we lost, cuz we were at Shelvin's house. *Grr.* So, we had to go through not one, but two horror movies. Quarantine 2 and Descent 2. It's way GROSS. I mean, the whole story is: A bunch of people go someplace that is totally infected with disease or zombies. Then, they die out slowly, one by one. Their deaths are horrific with a lot of scary sounds and effects and a whole lotta BLOOD. But the blood in Descent is really fake. 'It's like watermelon juice!'-- to quote Dhipa. She's not exaggerating. =.=
I did not enjoy those two movies. In the end? Only one survivor. BLEH. Lame much?
Enough about horror movies. =.= It makes me sick.
I like Shelvin's house. Its very big. She has two adorable dogs! Tommy and T-Rex. She has a hot sister. *Evil Laughs*. She has a PS2 (a little bit outdated xD). And she has a maid. Parents who don't care bout us. Things I don't like? Her dad smokes. Ugh. It stinks! I HATE HATE HATE people who smoke. It's so evil. =[ Ah well. That's about it. Haha. Oh we had tea today, at her house. It was hot! The tea, and the weather. Geez. Don't know how that Shelvin can stand the heat. =.=
Well, today went pasar malam (night market) with my Mum and Brother again. At Alam Damai. Had stinky tofu. Huhuhu. Damn nice. xD I don't think my chubbiness will decrease anytime soon. Hahaha!
Well, I'm really pissed that I didn't upload those pics Ashley took. I'm gonna upload (even if it's after PMR!)
See Ashley's dogs! Husky and Patches. They just got shaved by Ash's Mum. =.= Husky looks like a pig!
Hello T-Rex. =D
Mwahahaha! Piggie Husky!!!
At Ashley's House.
Ciao. Mum says today is the last day of freedom. So... I'm not sure... That I'll be able to update. =[ Or even touch the damn computer. *sigh* I'll have to go back into study mode. Which means: No facebook. No social life. No fun.
Goodbye Internet. =[
A Bit Down the Weather Angel
we wanted a group photo... It didn't work. xD
Smile! =D
The movies we watched. Ugh. Horror.
Hey! The lights were too bright! xD Damn ugly
Ash took these around 8am in the morning. She woke up, took pictures, and went back to sleep. Thats the pig, by the way.
Me and Dhipa... xD Teddy.
Hello breakfast. =D Look at Dhipa's hand!
Uhh... What's wrong with blogger? =.=
YAY! Finished!
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Day 6 of My Holidays (Rot at Home Day)
Hello! It's Day 6. =]
Another boring day. Today was so HOT! And I didn't even step out of my house. I was supposed to have breakfast with Grandma. But then... *Sheepish smile* Couldn't wake up.
Ah well. I spent the day killing flies. *Bzz bzz bzz!* Don't laugh. It's true. Mum and Grandma spent the whole day cooking. It was great cuz there was this awesome smell. But then the flies came. They came in hundreds. Couldn't stop them. All different sizes. From teeny tiny baby flies, to huge and buzzing fat flies! I shudder when I think of it. Ugh. How I hate these dirty insects!
Swatted them with a fly swatter. Unfortunately, I seem to lack hand-eye coordination. =.= Those flies are fast. But then, it was really fun. Not the killing part! Although those flies are gross, I kinda feel guilty for smashing them with the fly swatter... (Such a softie! xD) Enjoyed the fact that Grandma and Mum kept shouting to me: There's one there!' 'No, no! Over here!' 'Oh! Oh! This one's very very big!'
Grandma even said: '你是百发无中' (You're never not missing!) What the hell?!
I told Mum: 'I think I killed, like, over 20 flies today?'
She said: 'So? You think that they'll come back and haunt you?'
I shrieked: 'NO!!!'
She continued: 'At night, the Mother of all flies will come inside your room, and she, BIG and HUMONGOUS, will ask you:"Why did you kill my children? Now, you have to PAY!!!"'
I was screaming from the absurdness and the mere disgusting thought.
My Mum is very funny. I think I'm gonna have a nightmare about flies tonight. *Shudder*
To lightened up the mood, my cousins have left! Yay! Well, I'm kinda sad. Now the house seems so empty without Grandma and them. =[
Hey! That was supposed to lightened up the mood. Haha! I am so funny. xD
Here, look at this:
Oh God. Nothing to do!!! I'm so jealous of those people who get to balik kampung (go back to their hometown)... Usually, I get to go overseas or someplace... But this year, Mum says we're broke! Haha. So, everyday I'mma stay at home and ROT. Supposed to be studying. Hahaha. That ain't gonna happen. I'm gonna ENJOY this damn holiday even if I have to ROT at home!!!
Tommorow morning going to KLCC. Bwahahaha. I'm so happy. Finally out of the house! Woo-Hoo! =D
Catch me there if you can. xD
Fly Swatting Angel
Another boring day. Today was so HOT! And I didn't even step out of my house. I was supposed to have breakfast with Grandma. But then... *Sheepish smile* Couldn't wake up.
Ah well. I spent the day killing flies. *Bzz bzz bzz!* Don't laugh. It's true. Mum and Grandma spent the whole day cooking. It was great cuz there was this awesome smell. But then the flies came. They came in hundreds. Couldn't stop them. All different sizes. From teeny tiny baby flies, to huge and buzzing fat flies! I shudder when I think of it. Ugh. How I hate these dirty insects!
Swatted them with a fly swatter. Unfortunately, I seem to lack hand-eye coordination. =.= Those flies are fast. But then, it was really fun. Not the killing part! Although those flies are gross, I kinda feel guilty for smashing them with the fly swatter... (Such a softie! xD) Enjoyed the fact that Grandma and Mum kept shouting to me: There's one there!' 'No, no! Over here!' 'Oh! Oh! This one's very very big!'
Grandma even said: '你是百发无中' (You're never not missing!) What the hell?!
I told Mum: 'I think I killed, like, over 20 flies today?'
She said: 'So? You think that they'll come back and haunt you?'
I shrieked: 'NO!!!'
She continued: 'At night, the Mother of all flies will come inside your room, and she, BIG and HUMONGOUS, will ask you:"Why did you kill my children? Now, you have to PAY!!!"'
I was screaming from the absurdness and the mere disgusting thought.
My Mum is very funny. I think I'm gonna have a nightmare about flies tonight. *Shudder*
To lightened up the mood, my cousins have left! Yay! Well, I'm kinda sad. Now the house seems so empty without Grandma and them. =[
Hey! That was supposed to lightened up the mood. Haha! I am so funny. xD
Here, look at this:
I found these online, they're so CUTE! They're fly swatters, of course! xD
Oh God. Nothing to do!!! I'm so jealous of those people who get to balik kampung (go back to their hometown)... Usually, I get to go overseas or someplace... But this year, Mum says we're broke! Haha. So, everyday I'mma stay at home and ROT. Supposed to be studying. Hahaha. That ain't gonna happen. I'm gonna ENJOY this damn holiday even if I have to ROT at home!!!
Tommorow morning going to KLCC. Bwahahaha. I'm so happy. Finally out of the house! Woo-Hoo! =D
Catch me there if you can. xD
Fly Swatting Angel
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