Hmm. Kay. Its in the past.
Why I really wanted to blog today was because of what our dear principal said during assembly a few days ago.
He was talking about some of the usual school stuff. I was half listening and half daydreaming. Then he said: 'Saya nak cakap sikit tentang masalah Facebook.' (I want to talk a little bit on the problem on Facebook) And all of the students were like, WUHH? Attention turned on. Full blast.
He went on to say (dang, I'll just translate right away instead of typing the Malay he said. Or did he even speak in Malay? Oh dear. I forgot.): 'Recently, there is a stupid student who went and scold the teacher bad words on the Facebook.' (He really did say the Facebook!) Instant rustles of discussion in the assembly hall.
'I will print out what the student said. And I will show it to his/her parents.' he said. Disbelieving faces all around. 'How can a student write something so bad and so rude about their teacher? The teacher scold you for your own good, somemore you can scold the teacher back so rudely? Not only you didn't learn your lesson, you increased your wrongs.'
Chittering from students, not believing what's happening.
'And.' He purposely accented that single word, to shut the students up 'It has over a hundred likes.' You can practically hear the students going WHOAAAAAAAAA in their minds. Probably jealous. 'The people who like this status are stupid people too. And some more, one of them is a Prefect. The name starts with a "K". I'm going to print out the names of the people who liked it, and I'm going to paste it in front of the school, so everyone can see what you all did.'
Instant uproar.
He then went on about to lecture us about protecting the schools reputation, and how students from other school can see this.
Well, I absolutely DISAGREE with what our dear principal is doing.
I mean, why does the SCHOOL wants to control our freedom on the Internet??
Isn't the Internet a free place, where people get to voice out their opinions? Where people get to connect with other people? Where people get to gain information? Where Teenagers let out their angst?
Why does the SCHOOL have to take it away?
I get that they are unhappy because their teacher got scolded for doing something right, but that doesn't mean you can take away our freedom of saying what we want on the Internet!
And I also understand that that student has issues with the teacher, but that doesn't mean that our school is filled with swearing teens waiting to shout profanities at teachers!
I beg you, SCHOOL, don't mess with Facebook, don't mess with the Internet.
And, another thing. Why do people, especially adults, like to control what we post online?
I got into trouble countless times because of my blog. Apparently people, especially adults, aren't really happy when I say my mind. And post happy pictures of me and my friends. They say being too honest is bad. So should I like, LIE? Should I fake all my posts? Fake all my smiles?
Just stop. Just stop it. Stop controlling us. Stop controlling me. I just wanna blog what I think. Why is it so hard for the world to take it? Its just me. Its just Noel. Its just a young and hopeless Angel. Why can't you guys just ACCEPT??
Teenagers. Are. Meant. To. Let. Out. Angst.
Just be grateful, that we're not raping people, doing drugs, and doodling on the walls.
Encik Tay Keng Lee of SMK Seri Kembangan, if you have a problem with what I wrote, sue me.
Urgh. I'm reading back what I wrote, and I'm feeling depressed at my slowly devolving English composition skills.
Maybe they just want to watch our souls burn
Time is running out. I need to study. Finals.
Goodbye. Till we meet again.
Pissed At Over Controlling School Angel