Friday, 26 February 2010

Intro to My Besties...

Ok. Let's face the facts. Exam is coming up and i am so not ready. My dillema? I'm not focused enough. What with my stupid floating class and all.

Scouts is starting to get stressy, too. I mean with the Log Usaha deadline and stuff.



Ok. I'm so lazy I don't even bother to write my blog.

*double sigh*


Chinese New Year and Valentine's day was okay. Nothing special happened...

Oh. I should tell you bout my friends.

J. She's been my best friend forever We met when we were in standard two, which is when we were eight. She was sitting in front of me. We were chatting and I noticed her weird accent. She has it cuz she doesn't use Chinese at home and my school is Chinese school.
So I asked her (in Chinese):'Do you speak English at home?'
She said:'Yes!'
I asked her:'Why don't we speak English? I can speak it too!'
And we've been best friends ever since.
J is very sweet and cuddly. She's thoughtful, and a really good friend. Throughout the years (seven!), we've enjoyed bitching together. ;p She has 3 sisters, and she's the second. Her baby sister is adorable. And she is super smart. Especially in Math. Which I suck at. So we're kinda like a perfect duo. We're both pengawas, prefects at our school. Oh. And, she's left handed.


Moving on, we have S. Or P. Which ever one you wanna call her. I would prefer to call her S, but the P stuck. So I call her according to my mood. XP S is really funny. She's extremely Happy-Go-Lucky (even more than me!). We met only last year. My first day was weird cuz i had just gotten to Secondary School. S came waddling with her Malay and one Indian friends into the class. Late. This struck me as weird cuz in my school, Chinese stuck as ONE. Yes, racism is going on in my school. Her appearance wasn't very good then too. She was quite lala-ish. Then Cai Li, a girl from my last year class, went to introduce herself to everyone in class. Unfortunately, she had somehow tempted me to sit next to her in class... Anyway, she went to interview S so i tagged along. Ok, I admit I was a tad curious. She was chatting to Cai Li about something unimportant while I was half listening. Then, I noticed a tattered book on her desk. I flipped it about and on the last page, there were four words:'So Damn F***ing BORING!!!! I was mildly surprised cuz most of the people in my school don't even know the word 'DAMN' existed. Plus, her conversational skills in Chinese was not extremely good. So I asked her in English:'Do you speak English at home?'
Her eyes lit up and she replied:'Yeah!'
Then we became friends.

My other bestie is A. She's this extremely pretty Eurasian-Portuguese girl. Her eyes are huge. Even bigger that mine. Then she is really thin. Unlike me, which is quite plump... Plus, she likes to dance. She's really good at it... Oh, and she's appeared in quite some ads. She's really pretty. She's really nice too. Me and her like to gang up and bully S. Its just teasing her shortness and her rumored 'boyfriends'... Just the usual bitching stuff. I met her trough S. They are best friends since standard 4. Which is when they're 10. I noticed her in school straightaway. One can notice a pretty Eurasian girl in the midst of all the Chinese faces. We got talking and... Voila! Best Friends!!

These three above are all my besties. And I LOVE u guys!!!

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