Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Speccy Blues?

Well, yeah. I wear spectacles now... Its..... ok? I guess? I'm just slightly short sighted...

Ok, cutting to the story... Sooooo...

Last Friday. Me, I was just chilling out with my friends... Well, we weren't doing that! We were frantically eating because the bell rang and we are pengawas (prefects) and we had to go duty.

Blah BLah BLAH...

So, as we were stuffing our mouths with food, someone tapped my back. I whirled around, slightly shocked, and there was this Form 4 AJK (Ahli Jawatan Kuasa which means someone with a position). 'Okaaaaaaay...' I thought.

One of them said:'We want to see you after you finish eating.' She turned to my other friend, Yvonne and said:'Oh. You too.'

Hmm... Creepy...

We went there, expecting something horrible, and it came. She said:'Okay. Why I wanted to see you? You spectacles. Change them. I want to see them changed on Monday. The principle has complained that its too fashionable...'

Fashionable my A*S!!! LOOK AT IT!!!


Okay, so its BIG and SQUARE.... You got some problem? BLOODY A**!!!


But things turned out okay. Yvonne went and asked the teacher in charge of us. She said there was no problem with our specs (she had one like me too)....

HAH! Told'ya so!!!

Mwahahaha. To think I was tempted to wear contacts again! Oh well, I still am tempted... LOL

Okay... so these are the pictures of me and... MY specs.... LOL
My FIRST specs... Oh, how i miss you!!! 

Most recent one.. ewww i look UGLY

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