Hey my Little Rockers! If you're reading this, you're
awesome! Waddup, Humans? I'm feeling tired but slightly awesome!
Kem Jati Diri Lembaga Pengawas 2012- Camp R.O.C.K. has officially came and went! *
According to the teachers and 75% of the campers, the Camp R.O.C.K. was a success!
Camp R.O.C.K.!
Okay, if you're wondering what does Camp R.O.C.K. means?
R= Responsible
O= Optimistic
C= Courageous
K= Knowledgeable
We had a little *ahem*
problem with
the camp banner and theme. Teacher didn't like it, said it was too
musical and had nothing to do with us Prefects. Naturally, that pissed
the person who suggested the idea. Who was obviously
MOI. So,
instead we went with the acronym instead (whatever you call it). Plus,
the difference between last year and this year was, our camp was only 2
days 1 night. That's like one whole day lesser than last year. :[ I got
into loads of trouble with the teacher because I was too rebellious and
had my own mind. I also talk too much. Which makes me vulnerable because
it can be used against me. (And my Head Prefect dream might be dangling
See? The banner is so awesome!
And this is the booklet. Its pretty awesome too, but it was supposed to be awesomer. Just because the teacher thought it was too expensive, it was reduced to THIS. :[
Never mind, its all over already.
Day 1
registration! They were so funny. It was the first time I screamed at
them in this camp. They were all very young and sweet looking. :D
Chen Kuan Ho, the Pen. Ketua Pengawas (Asst. Head Prefect) of Sesi Petang (Afternoon Session). He's really sweet. I like him a lot. :D
Guess who turned up? Thum Qi Yang, our Ketua Pengawas (Head Prefect) 2009/2010!
Mwahaha! Epic shots! I was the one holding the camera :P He's Koo Yung Han, the Ketua Kumpulan A (Asst. Group Leader A)
That's Joyanne's hands, by the way.
Their luggage
Our Camp Commander, Chan Geng Ding. He's also our Pen. Ketua Disiplin (Asst. Head of Discipline) in our Prefectorial Board. He's a nice guy. But Bad in language.
Hui Ying! She's our Treasurer in the camp, Head of Food & Beverage. She's also Pen. Bendahari (Asst. Treasurer) in our Board. She's really responsible, nice, and sweet.
Unfortunately, that is me up there. I was just screaming for them to shut up.
This is when the briefing really starts.
two boys in the photo, right one, Ong Ting Sun. Left one, Koh Kok
Loong. I like like like like like them both! They are both sooooo adorable! You can say they're my favourites in Form 3. :D
Ice breaking (Part I)!
that's me! Holding the file.
After that, we went to duty Perhimpunan (Assembly).
Look at her go! That's Low Yi Wen, she's our Asst. Camp Commander. And she's also a Pen. Ketua Disiplin in our Prefectorial Board. She's really responsible and a huge Torres fan! It was her birthday on the 9th!
conducting the Sesi Petang Perhimpunan
Look at Yi Wen's face! She's stressed out.
Usually, their perhimpunan is super super loud and noisy. But when we, the sesi pagi (morning
session) Prefects went down to help. It was silent. Absolutely silent. I
felt #LikeABoss xD Although there was a case involving a F*CKING B*TCHY B*TCH troubled schoolgirl, it didn't really get me down.
Then we had to waste some time, in order for the Opening Ceremony to start.
Our dear Facilitators!
Another briefing
me teaching my little rockers how to 'Break It Down Now'
From left: Yap Pik Hung, Asst. Head of Security and Safety, Kong Kah Ye, Head of Facilitator in Camp Rock, (Pen. Ketua Kumpulan D) and Loke Zheng Guo, Head of Security and Safety
Zheng Guo is also Pen. Ketua Perhimpunan (Asst. Head of Assembly) in the Board.
Ashely and the boys. *WORD*
Kenneth and Zheng Guo
Ashley being the emcee for the Opening Ceremony
Pn. Parames giving a supposedly 'short' speech.
Teacher tore the newspaper off this whiteboard. It was supposed to be cool.
they had to go Duty for recess. At the same moment, the students from
SMK Puchong Permai arrived at our school for registration. Ashley,
Shelvin and Dhipa took all of them for a tour around the school.
Prefects from SMK USJ 12. They were all smitten by Ashley's performance xD
Ice Breaking (Part II)!
So spirited!
Then, they had to present their group name, slogan and their identity. It was so cute and funny xD
'Are you readyyyyy??!!' 'Yes!' 'I CAN'T HEAR YOUUU!!!' 'YES!!!'
Their presentation
Believe it or not, I was asking them about football. I don't know anything about football.
They're cute!
Believe it or not, the boy holding the mike is 15 already. He's so damn ADORABLE. Chai Chun Hou is his name.
Ice Breaking, there was another briefing. It was a strict warning to
them about violating the camp rules. Then, they got to bathe.
After they're fresh and clean, the campers got to eat dinner. The food was acceptable lah.

After dinner, they had to suffer be motivated by the very boring talented En. Abu Salim bin Cheertoe
at the same time, I was giving the facilitators a briefing about our next activity: Night Treasure Hunt
Al- Kautsar (right) and Firdaus (left). They're the only Malay guys in
our whole Form 4 batch. They're both very sweet. :D Half the pictures
here are taken by him/with Al's RM 3000 DSLR xD
Ash and Yi Wen
Nah Boon Kit! He's really really active on Facebook xD
preparing the clues for the Night Treasure Hunt. Lim Kok Ping (the
middle guy with the thumbs up sign) is my Assistant of Activities
Department. He was in charge of this game.
Shelvin and Dhipa
Activities start! :D
They were... 'working hard' xD
Beans transporting!
they were supposed to suck the beans and take them to somewhere else :D
Halfway through the game, it had to be cut off because Lim Kok Ping, my Asst. of Activity Department/
Pen. Ketua Kumpulan C made
a huge huge mistake. He put the wrong clues in the envelopes, so lots
and lots of groups came to the same station. He was so sad and emo when
he realized that. It was a pity. It was a good game. :[ Its okay, Kok
So, instead, we had to make do with Plan B. First I played the
Woo, ah leh leh, ah leh leh chicka bomba! Woo ah eh, woo ah eh, woo ah woh ah! game. It was fun. :D
I'm in the middle there, somewhere. :D
We adore this fan. Especially when I finished an activity and am sweaty. ;]
Okay, Plan B no. 2. Lead by
Alvin & The Chipmunks!!! Nah, just kidding it was Alvin, Min Li and Miew San. They're Prefects from SMK USJ 12. They're awesome!
Al is (not very) secretly obsessed with The Ashley. xD Boo yah.
Audrey, Firdaus and Nazmi! And the Balloon.
Babi lah, them. No me one. ==
Joyanne, bestie/Secretary of Camp Rock/Pen. Setiausaha (Asst. Secretary) of Prefectorial Board and James Hoo, Head of Amplifiers, Pen. Ketua Perhimpunan of Prefectorial Board.
Game start! Its a slightly complicated Ice Breaking Game. But they were playing till they were screaming... So... Yeah. :D
They were so... High!
We were controlling the crowd. No, I'm not doing the catwalk. :D
So unfair they get to pose for so many pictures. :P
Ho Khoon Meng, Head Prefect 2010-2011 came back! I was sooo happy to see him!
They were confused by the game, obviously. xD
Day 2 (What? It was over midnight!)
Woo-Hoo! Yes, I had to spoil they're hyperness by bringing them to the next activity -Mystery Night!
kidnapped one of their group mates, placed them in one of the blocks, and the rest of the team's 'mission' was to save them.
that mean person sitting there is me. I was really mean and strict to
them at this game, because that was the whole point. They were all so...
Silent. :D Objective reached! I briefed them, scolded them, and then the game started.
advisers (Form 5'ians) were hiding. This was what the rest of the
campers would've done when they saw one of the facilitators. :P It was
pretty funny the way the campers did it. They were so smart (at least
they thought they were) xD
Yeah, that's me. We were supposed to look scared. :D Cute right? And after my phone fell two floors. Amazingly, it survived!
Aiyer! Perasan (Narcism!) xD
I looked... Stressed? I was working! :P
I like this one! :D
after that activity, all of us AJK's and Facilitators got into deep
crap. Why? Because during the Mystery Night, the Advisers turned it into
a 'Haunted House'. They banged doors, screamed loudly, pounced on
campers. And the noise was so loud, even the police came (yes! I'm not
exaggerating this part!). So we had to cut the next activity. Which was a
pity, because it was the Night Walk. :[
I was so sad and pissed because well, that's
my activity!!! I was so sad, melancholic, and emo, that I started playing guitar.
My expression doesn't look sad here, but I seriously was!
I loved the jam session I had with Joyanne and Ashley. I should've recorded ourselves. *oops*
And even during guitar, teacher had to kick us back to sleep. She wouldn't let us stay up and patrol the school. WTF man, its
our camp, please??
we still had time to eat cake. Yi Wen's cake. xD It was her birthday on
the 9th!!! And, we gave her a Nike football and Torres's face. She
The cake was AWESOME!!!
Yeah, then we really went to sleep.
the morning, around 6 something, the morning exercise started. I put
Ashley in charge, cause she's good at dancing. She was making it like it
was the hardest thing in the world ==. Which pissed me off
tremendously. And guess what? She showed up with a list of songs (which I
asked her to write down) and not a clue how she should host the thing.
Oh God, Ash. Least you could do was have a frame of what you should do!
All of us has hard things to do, okay? Like Geng Ding, he has to be in
charge of
everything! And Joyanne, she has to type all these
letters! And Hui Ying, she has to count our budget and stuff! And me, I
have to think and approve of
all the activities! Why couldn't you just make the activity a success?? :[ Yes, I'm super disappointed.
In my eyes, compared to last year, this morning exercise was so boring. But... I
hope they still had fun?
Yes, she looks charming. But... She didn't prepare. Which made me sad.
Chicken Dance! (Al only focused on Ashley. WTF)
We dancing. Damn you, Al, that blurry thing is me. == Party Rock Anthem was the closing song.
Yeah, glad that was over.
next activity! PK Station Games! It was like the traditional station
games, but with two teams going to one station and competing against
each other. I worked my ass off to make this game work, by putting
different groups to each station. So I nearly had a heart attack when
there was a minor problem: I typed the stations for the groups wrong. Oh
crap. But I settled it #LikeAPro (or so I say so myself :P).
Station 1: Shoe Against Shoe
Station 2: Charades!
It was supposed to be
Balls in My Pants but they thought it was too gross. Well, it was.
P.M. - Prime Minister! :D He's a funny dude!
Noel said: 'Okay, when you see me during station games, don't say: "Gooooooood Mooooooorniiiiiiiiiing Ketua Aktiviti..." Say: "Wassup, Ketua Aktiviti!!!"' They were smiling at me xD
Looking bored
Looking amused!
is Loke Yap Hwang. He's my Quarter Master. Without me, there wouldn't
be him. And without him, there wouldn't be me. Sounds sappy? :D
Ahahaha! They silly xD
Station 3: Blind Puppet
I am proud of this station. :D This is so funny. It wasn't supposed to be like this but, ah well. You never know.
The 'blind' had to be led through the obstacle course.
Station 4: Word Search
Campers had to search for words. It was boring, but yeah. :P
Station 5: Balloon Warfare
Their butts couldn't leave the ground. And the balloons kept accidentally popping. :P
Lukman and Akmal, the USJ 12'ians
Activity end! Look what my Commander and the Head of Security and Safety is doing. ==
Chillin' in the hammock, #LikeABoss!
Briefing the facilitators.
Okay, next activity was a total surprise. :D It was Adventure, or as I call it: Morning Wet Night Walk. xD
WTF. They kept taking pictures. :[ Without me!!!
Oh NOOOO! Super Chubby is here! ;D
Epic shot of Bokhar!
Preparations for the Adventure, on the way! :D
Me, being mean and briefing them again.
Blindfold on, game start!
Its not a ball. Its a freaking balloon. CHILDISH!
Torture time begins!
We could ask them to sit, squat, stand, crawl and so on. It was really funny xD
They were having fun bullying them,
while I sat there and looked after their specs. WTF. I'm the freaking Head of Activities!
Now for some shots of the game. There's a lot. And I won't say anything. So.. :D Enjoy!
Game end! They got all wet and muddy but they absolutely loved it!
Next and final activity! (We had to cut the
Water Station Games because we ran out of time. Pity, I was the one who planned it)
year we have one. I was sad to find that this year, our game was the
same as last year. Kok Ping didn't think my YLDP idea was
economical. So he went with last year's one. Sad. :[ Nevertheless, they had fun screaming.
have never experienced any Water War that was well organized and didn't
include loads of screaming from me. If you have any, please do tell me.
War mode: ON
Spectating from 'upstairs'
I was briefing them. And yes, that is a water balloon under my shirt. My 'baby' xD
What's our game plan??
My judges for this game.
With two beeps of the whistle, THE WAR BEGINS!!!
It was a mess, obviously.
the game was going on, the rest of the campers were just sitting under
the sun, waiting for their turn. So, I asked them: 'Who wants
So I gave them WATER!!!
Throughout the game, I sat in the middle, to keep and eye on them. Nah, I just wanted to get wet. :D
Love this picture! But I'm slouching. xD My Baby' is in that shot too!
At one point, I even lied down.I didn't expect anything.
And of course all the water had to go all over me at that particular moment
Yvonne is watching us so intently... :D
The facis were watching :]
As I said, the game was super super messy. So, in the end. It was
ALL the campers against
ALL the facilitators! We got to use buckets, while the rest of the campers got the water balloons. MESSY MESSY MESSY :D
Fadalee, fadalaa, fadaleee, fadahahahahahaha!
Noel is being mean again. Noel asked them to pick up the balloon
pieces. It was a competition. Who got the most, gets wet. :D It worked
pretty well. *evil laugh*
But still, ALL of them got wet, of course. :D
Game end!!! They were forced to bathe, change and pack their stuff out
of the classrooms where they were sleeping. Then, it was the closing
Their tired little faces. Naww, my Little Rockers
Even the facilitators are tired! That's Chan Han Sheng, Asst. Quarter Master, with his Head. Thanks guys! You guys worked HARD!
Best Form One, Form Two, Form 3 Participant and Best Group Leader.
The Lost & Found. That, is an umbrella I'm holding. Seriously.
Camp song - We Will Rock You - Queen, one last time!
Then, the Closing Ceremony hosted by our very own Camp Commander, Chan Geng Ding!
Ahahaha! Shelvin wrote that script for him :P
Best Form 1: Hemachandran! He's Form 2, but we gave him Best Form 1. Sorry! Our Bad!
Best Form 2: Chen Kuan Ho!!! OmiGosh! Adorable!
Best Form 3: Wong Fok Yee! Well, there was seriously no one else.
Best Group Leader: Ong Ting Sun!!! He's damn damn damn cute too! And funny :D
Final speech by Miss Low.
Yes, I was being sarcastic :P
Then, we HAD to have the group photo session!
Oh My Gosh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Prefects to bits bits bis!
all the campers went back. We sat there and read the feedback form. It
was super super hilarious! The most liked facilitators/AJK's were:
- Ashley Denise Chai- friendly, outgoing, beautiful, funny, kind, nice, sweet, pretty
- Noel- Supportive (?!), kind, funny, awesome, nice
- Koo Yung Han- cool, friendly, nice, funny
- Yvonne Low- nice, friendly
We nearly died laughing.
Oh, I got some dislikes too. 2 that I know of. One didn't state a reason, and another said:
don't like Noel because she confuse me so much. Sometimes she is so
awesome. But sometimes she glares at us with her bloodshot eyes.'
Oh my Goodness!!! That was sosososososososo hilarious!!! *wipes away tears from laughing so hard*
that's the end of Camp Rock. I can't believe it. The camp which had me
headaching for so long, is finally over! Of course, I'm so, so sad.
apologies for the super long post. And also to my Little Rockers, and
the Facilitators from SMK USJ 12 and SMK Puchong Permai, I'm sorry if
this camp was a bad one. And if we've insulted you guys in any way or be
impolite to you guys.
*Phew* Finally got that off my chest!
I don't think I'll be able to blog as often as I want, but of course, I maybe still will. The Parent has asked me to STOP blogging. WTH.
And if you wanna know more about kem jati from the previous year(s), you can read about my Form 2
Kem Jati Experience (just my prize receiving feeling). I didn't blog last year, cause it was too long. And I wasn't a
pengawas yet, when I was in Form 1. You can read it
here <-- Clicky!
I haven't started labeling all
of my posts yet, so bear with me okay? I'll tell you guys once I do. So
you'll be able to access to my stuff more easily (Dafaq did I just
I think I may have lost some of my quirkiness. *Sobs*
I don't wanna dream about that person again. I'll try dreaming chocolate instead.
Peace. Music. Dream. Chocolate.
Camp Rocked Angel