Thursday, 5 January 2012

This One Is For The Girl

After reading my post title, I keep thinking about Nikki Minaj's Super Bass. <-- That was random.

Hi, Girl. This post is dedicated to you. :] I'm gonna be nice to you, cause I don't see the point in hating you. I used to, but maybe I grew up? I don't know. I'm not sure if you even bother to freaking read this. 

Okay. Why am I typing this? Well, I stumbled upon your blog. Not exactly 'stumbled', more like given-link-by-the-Boy-to-my-bestie-and-then-to-me. No, don't give me that unicorn look. I was curious. And it took me so long to get so curious, I should've gotten curious like, when I found out about you? Well, I didn't. Cause I didn't wanna pry. 

Anyway, I stumbled upon it, and read it, this morning. 

It was... Cool :] I like your background. It's really cool. And your English is surprisingly good (no offense, but I just assumed that people from Independent School, prefer to use Chinese and they have bad English. Shallow, right?) And you post, a lot. Which is kinda the point of blogging? Oh, and your blog name is really... Awesome. Original. 

I didn't read all of your posts (should I apologize? Hmm...), but they're quite entertaining. And Girl, you're so... Emo. And you turn to your guitar when you're sad. (These are just my own observations. I'm not judging.) 

I'm wondering, if I say that I think I'm alike you in a lot of ways, would you get pissed off and swear at me? Cause you seem to swear, a lot. Not that I don't, too. :P Cause if maybe we hadn't such an awkward relationship, and circumstances see us well, we may actually be friends. #justthinkingoutsidethebox 

Uhh, well, you're a Christian, and you're really faithful. Which is really sweet. For God, of course (I'm a Catholic). 

And, yay, you play guitar! *salutes* I don't have much female friends who play guitar and I'm really happy when I find a Guitar Chick. :] 

And you're a Little Black Star like me! Avril Rocks! -\m/

And... Well, you seem to dislike me. I mean, from what I've read. 

I read the one where you said your Daddy told you not to steal other people's things, so now you're giving him back. Uhh, well... The Boy is not a thing, Girl. He's a person. You can't just 'give back' a person. That's kinda like passing on a toy you're tired of playing to someone else. And the toy is now, broken. Well, he is, isn't he? He's broken. And so damn confused. And so damn angry. 

And I don't want him back. Sorry to disappoint you, and your act of kindness, but yeah.Feelings are hard to erase, as you are experiencing it right now. But no, I really don't want him back. He's a great friend, made me laugh, made me giggle, made me smile. He made my primary school life beautiful. But I'm not in primary school anymore, and I've realized I need to move on. 

I don't wanna lose a friend, as I am losing him right now. But hey. Its too late. Friendship is lost. Peace is lost. 


Well, sorry to waste your time, reading all this crap about what I think you are. But hey. I needed to say this, or else I would burst from over-thinking. :] Hope you understand. 

Oh yeah, See you at Avril's Concert? Fate shall decide. 

And... I kinda want to follow your blog, for no particular reason but cause I like reading blogs... Can I? 

If you're reading this, comment? You can scold me back if you found it offending. 

Whoopsie. I may have started a war. 

And yes, I am crazy for doing this. But you know, I just wanted to.

I'll smile at you. :]

Don't Know What She's Doing Angel


  1. I'm Starting to like the 2012 Noel Ng Nuobei :D
    Goodluck TomYam Seafood (Y)

  2. This reminds me of...ME.
    I can't help but think that THIS is EXACTLY the kind of letter/post I would do if I were in the same position as you. So, kudos! ^^ You rock, ANGEL! :D


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