Sunday 4 September 2011

Last Day of Holidays

Whoa. Its a lazy Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining outside but I can't feel the heat. Why? The air-conditioning is on. My Mum is sleeping on the sofa. Mu dad is watching the TV... Brother went to Sungai Wang with his friends... The house is quiet... Ignoring the TV.

Well, well, well. Its the last day of holidays already. =] I feel a little melancholic. But it's something I can't change. Whoa. I sound so mature. Haha. Well? There's nothing to blog about today. BORING! Instead, I'll blog about school. *Evil laughs* Don't give me that look.

Tommorow will be Monday. Everyone's dreading it because us Form 3s will be getting our Trial papers back. I don't think after receiving my papers I'll have time to blog... I don't think I will blog during September, FULL STOP.

See, I'll rate my test papers by myself, one by one.
Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) =-=-= Well, I hope I get an A? I don't think I will, seeing that the essay I wrote on was about Teacher's Day and how I'm supposed to recompense to a teacher. (I have no idea what that means, if I'm wrong, blame Google Translate) Well, everything I said was a total lie. It was about doing my homework on time (yeah right!), paying attention in class (I sit with Shelvin in class...), and that kind of stuff. I think teacher will give me really low marks. =[

English =-=-= *ahem* The only subject that I have confidence at. Some crazy dude challenged me. To get the highest marks. Well, he's crazy. XD I just hope that I'll get highest in class. *sigh* I'm not the best in class, and that pisses me off a LOT.

华文 (Chinese) =-=-= Horrid. I am not gonna get an A. Essay sucks, Paper 1 sucks. Oh help! I'm a disgrace to my family, to my race... *frowny face*

Science =-=-= Well, I got my results already. Unfortunately, I did not get a 90 and above. I only got a 84% its an A, but a really low one. I got the same marks as Shelvin! Again! I think the teachers might suspect we cheat or something. I sit right in front of her during exams.

Mathematics =-=-= Ahhhh!!! I hope I don't get a 60 something again. I've worked hard to improve my Maths. But, I don't have talent... *sigh*

Sejarah (History) =-=-= I'm so excited about this one. I've worked my freaking Arse off for this. If I don't get an A, I would burn the school. Heck, I'm willing to be an arsonist for this. I'm aiming for a 90++. I really am. It's pure suicide but I hope I get it. Lord, bless me. =]

Geografi (Geography)  =-=-= Just hope that I can manage an A. I didn't study hard for it. =P It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have the heart and time. Mwahahaha. Geography is interesting, correction, World Geography is interesting. Malaysia is NOT interesting at all.

Kemahiran Hidup (Ekonomi Rumah Tangga) [Living Skills (Home Economics)] =-=-= Whatever that means, I think Google Translate is wrong. Anyway, I got my results it's 79%. Shock! Horror! One more mark and I could've gotten an A. Boo! I didn't study. I got 16 questions wrong. If only I studied... Haha! It's not that I didn't want to study, I was having an awful headache that day... (Excuses, excuses...)

See? Just one A. Damn. I don't think I wanna see my Moral paper. I did not study.

Well, I think that's about it. I think you will get to see anymore update. *sigh* I'm so sad. BUT. I promise I'll upload those bitchy photos of us. =] And, You (Reader), has to promise me you'll read back. In support of me.

Thank you.

Goodbye Internet. I will miss you

A video for all of us taking PMR:

Sad Angel =[


  1. haha! GOOD LUCK! wake you up when PMR ends ? haha! then , you're not taking PMR ? haha! JK ..
    WE , the !@$#^! Supports You Always . Bye Angel ! xD

  2. hahaha , WE ALL WILL SUPPORT U ,
    GIVE ME UR "N" "O" "E" "L" xD
    haha, arse ? hahaha biology again ? xD
    gud luck noellllllllllllll !!


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