Wednesday 5 March 2014

Adventure Time Suckas

Hey humans! How did you like my newest book review? Absolutely fangirling over that book, sorry.

Anyway, I'm here to announce that I will be on an Adventure starting from tomorrow. I'll be going to Taiwan.

"But you already went there like, two times."

Yes Biatch, Taiwan is my 3rd home (2nd home is Thailand). It deserves to be visited countless times.

So, I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog during my time at Taiwan, as I might not bring the laptop, and I don't know if I should sacrifice precious time there to entertain you losers (no joke i love u all pls don't go away)

This time, it will be different. In 2012, I went during the end of Summer, so it was seriously hot there, just like Malaysian weather, but this time, I'm going at the start of spring. And according to that TVBS uncle, it's around 12 degrees celcius there. Hella cold. I'm excited to be experiencing cold weather but I'm also afraid that I'll freeze to death and take crap photographs. Because I want to take nice photographs. But I'm afraid I'll take crap ones. I don't know what it has to do with the weather there, but I'm just saying I'm afraid.

So, I guess this is just some sort of reminder, to please read my blog, eventhough I won't update it recently. Eheh.


So, in celebration of Taiwan, here are some photos from my last trip! :)

Yeah. Ended the stream of photos with a finger lickin' good one.

So, I hope this satisfies your hunger for Noel.

I'll try my best to blog, but till we meet again! :)

Taiwan-bound Noel

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