Saturday 22 February 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

Title: The Fault in Our Stars
Author: John Green
Publisher: Penguin Books
Genre: Contemporary, YA
Pages: 313
Release Date: January 10th 2012
Book Source: Joyanne Ling

Behind the Book:
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. 

In Front of the Book:
I don't find it special. I'm numb from seeing it all over tumblr + instagram. I don't thing it portrays what happens in the story in a smart way either. Maybe the clouds are for the deceased in the story (which is quite a lot, trust me) but I don't find it cute or quirky. Bleh. 
To be honest, I was actually reluctant to pick up The Fault in Our Stars (or tfios as the whole internet refers it as) because I've heard many things about this book and since the movie is coming up this year, I didn't want the movie to wreck my imagination, thus me picking up this book. Besides, my inner hipster was skeptical at all the hype over this book. I didn't want another Twilight.

As I started the book, I was extremely confused to the point of frustration because I kept reading Hazel's voice as John Green - accent, puff and all (I blame vlogbrothers). And it was just so awkward. But then that lasted for about 10 pages and my brain switched back to Hazel Grace and everything was cool.

I suppose I like Hazel Graze. Her narration made the book light and sarcastic, even though she had a bleak future. Her view of the world is unique and and she has a lot of depth (and death) for an average sixteen year old portrayed in YA novels. I also liked reading about how her parents dealt with her sickness and their relationship dynamics in their family.

I didn't really like Augustus that much. *GASPSHOCKHORROR* He was sweet and cute and seriously funny (just like Hazel) but I didn't think the love story in the book was believable. It honestly seemed a bit far-fetched for me. But of course, I don't have cancer. Or a boyfriend.

Saying that, I felt sad towards the end, when the plot twist was revealed. But it wasn't bawl-my-eyes-out kinda sad. It was just a blue melancholic feeling that had my mind in turmoil because I saw it coming thanks to tumblr and the rest of the internet. I suppose by being funny, I got quite attached to the characters of the book and it was sad to detach in the end.

I put down the book with feels because John Green just had to end it on that note, didn't he.

Honestly, I enjoyed myself reading this book. But it wasn't as phenomenal as expected. I would like to say I enjoyed the death and cancer part more than the romance part but that would make me sound like a sadist (but it is the truth). I just found the romance cute and fluffy, which was okay. And I think that the book is very quotable, but it kinds of puts me off reading some of the overused quotes: My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations. (I actually tweeted this before, and I didn't even know it was from the book!) and of course the cigarette metaphor.

This book makes you think. And that's so much better than just the romance. So it's worth picking up. Can't wait to get my hands on his other books.

I give it four feathers

"... because there is no glory in illness. There is no meaning to it. There is no honor in dying of. "


 Anyway, I would like to tell everyone that since I'm finished with this book, I'm giving it away. Yeah. Just giving it away for no reason. So if you would like to have this book, please do leave me a comment and we'll work things out.


Here's the trailer + poster for the TFiOS movie. Can't wait to watch it! :)


How did you like my first review? I'll try to do more in the near future, maybe even doing regular reviews. Tell me how I can improve myself or even debate with me if you want. Maybe you should suggest me new books to review, I will try my best to get these books into my hands (but preferably not new books, as new books are expensive). 

Till the next book!

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