Friday 16 May 2014

Let's Talk About: Twitter!

Epic editing fail.

 If you know me (and I'm assuming you do), you would know that I am a bit Twitter crazy.

"A bit?!"


You don't believe me?

Check out my current number of tweets:


*update* it's not really this number now lol

So I wanted to just... Vent out my affectionate feelings for Twitter on my loving blog here. Mainly because I can't do it in 140 characters. And also, recently I reached 500 followers on Twitter! *pops confetti*. Of course, not that the numbers matter that much, but I consider it as a unlocking a tiny achievement.


All right. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

I started out on twitter on November of 2009. I was thirteen. I don't really know why I set up a Twitter account, actually. I just heard about it and I was curious. So I got myself a Twitter account. And guess what?


No really. It was so quiet  on Twitter back then. I would only have updates from the official Twitter account and we all know how often they update themselves. Facebook proved to be so much more exciting with photo tagging (!) and status updating (!) and learning how to stalk my crush back then (!!!). Ah, how fun. Sorry Twitter. 

And I didn't know how to tweet at all back then. I assumed it was like Facebook, you just posted something and naturally your 'friends' would come and 'like' it, or 'comment' on it. So what the heck was this 'retweet' thing and this 'favourite' thing?? Twitter is so weird. Hence, let us wince at Noel's first tweet. 
13 year old Noel complaining about insomnia? Hahahaha. She doesn't know what's coming at her. (And I even tweeted this during the school holidays. Such badassery)

And btw, my tweethandle/username back then was @DarkAngel3663 because HEYYYY, I AM AN ANGEL RIGHT. And WHO CARES ABOUT CREATIVITY?? DARKANGEL3663 I PUNK AND ROCK AND COOLZ ENOUGH.

Then, I met Teressa (@CheekyTeressa_X), who taught me how to use Twitter. She said it was for her to vent out basically everything she's feeling. I guess we were both quite hormonal back then so that's when Twitter started to be my ribbish bin of feelings. Everything else was still quite lame though I only followed like, 20 accounts? Yeah. But it was my safe place because no one from school used Twitter back then. 

It was then I decided that @DarkAngel3663 was too awkward for anything (it was still my blog url until recently tho), and I changed it to @AngelOfRockstar!!! Because well.. I am an angel. Who is also a rockstar. Please don't question my adolescent thoughts.

It was then more and more people joined Twitter, though arguably none of them were extremely extremely close with me. So it was still my personal playground of feelings (lol wtf). Then    s   l   o   w   l   y    my friends started to get Twitter. Most of my Malay friends anyway. I sincerely remember a Chinese girl saying back in 2010/2011: "Twitter is fun meh? All Malay people play only." But let's not go into that, in case Noel picks a war. But yes, at that period, most of my timeline was filled with tweets from my Malay friends. But it was great, because my friends were funny and it was like we were in our secret hipster club.

And I guess it was around that period that I decided that I was not a Rockstar anymore. I was a Hippie (I was really into headbands during that period). Hence, the username: @TheHippieAngel. I think that one stuck with me the longest because I was incredibly proud of it, actually. It was even my instagram name at the start.

I want to call my @TheHippieAngel period my Zaman Kegemilangan. Because it was then that I managed to persuade most of my close circle of friends to get Twitter so we would sometimes all go online at the same time and tweet indirectly and have the craziest time ever (LOL JK WHO AM I KIDDING WE STILL DO THAT SOMETIMES). And it was also then I started to make more cool Twitter friends whom I would interact a lot online, but more on that later.

 I also really loved Twitter back then because we weren't supervised there. We could swear all we wanted, we could complain all we wanted and it was just so free. But of course, my Zaman Kegemilangan had to come to an end, just like all the glory days have to end. And I supposed mine ended when my parents discovered my Twitter account, which is public, and read my tweets. And that lead to a number of really depressing and sad events that I do not want to relive ever again and I was told to stay off Twitter mainly because it was bad for me. Srysly tho.

 But then again, I never really did stop tweeting. Not even during my SPM period, which I think helped a lot because tweeting really allowed me to let out all my bottled up frustration because I was also disallowed to blog. Which is kinda dumb now that you think about it, because my final year at school has gone to waste because I never blogged about it.

 And now, Hobo Noel is still extremely active on Twitter. Though arguably with less material to tweet about (no teachers to complain about, no random bitchiness to bitch back, no constant interactions with schoolmates to embarrass them), I still try to keep my Twitter fun and lively with happy tweets.

 My "COOL" Twitter Friends

 I know people say don't simply make friends on the internet, but honestly, I made lots of friends through Twitter. And they are really awesome people.Well, obviously I wouldn't know if they were secretly a psychotic murderer, but most  of them who I have taken the time to get to know well, are honestly very nice and friendly people.

I hope my parents don't freak out, but I really want to meet my 'internet friends' in real life because then only I feel that we are legit friends? Not that they aren't friends with me now, but just so I can bond closer with them and maybe take a few selfies because they simply are amazing people. Of course, not all of my Twitter friends are strangers, most of them I've met them once at camp, or through the Starstruck! program, but we got to bond closer over Twitter, which I think is really great.

What I like about people on Twitter is that, because it uses the 'follower' system, I don't have to put up with annoying feed like on my Facebook newsfeed (which I will not go into because this is already longer than necessary). If I like what you tweet, I'll follow you. If I don't, then I won't. But if you want to follow me because I'm cool, or anything. I don't have to be obliged to follow you back, because that's just how life is.

But of course, there are those people who like to be play:
It's basically where you follow an account and that person handling that account has, say, 10 'empty' accounts so they will follow you back so it's like you gain lots and lots of followers. But the catch is: You have to - "Retweet for a free follow". It's pretty hilarious. And kind of annoying actually. And honestly, it's quite pointless because these people don't care about what you tweet, they don't care about your life. They are only there to give you numbers, which don't really mean a thing. And I just feel really sorry for these people because imagine how tiring it is to try and track all your followers everyday? And actually care  when you lose this one 'follower' who might be a robot whirling in cyberspace.

But on another note, I truly appreciate all my followers (who I know, more than half of them are just dunce accounts or inactive accounts, but still) because I am able to scroll through my Timeline everyday and actually have a really good time there. Yeah.

So yes, Twitter is not just a great site. It is basically part of my life now. And I'm pretty okay with it being that. 


So, how did you guys like my first "Let's Talk About" post? Allright. I have a confession to make. Since I am in full Hobo mode right now, I have been watching lots of YouTube videos. Lots of British YouTube videos. So basically I typed this whole post out with a British accent. 

Yes I agree, Sweetie.

And in like a YouTube video, I hope to make this a running series, where I rant properly about my favourite sites, favourite objects, or even favourite people. But of course, I can't do that if people aren't remotely interested in my thoughts. I'm really interested in feedback from my non-existent readers because I like people.

So if you liked this "Let's Talk About" segment series thing (???), please let me know in the dooblydoo (u see what I did there) below! Or you could just tweet me, because I'm on Twitter 24/7.

And of course you should probably follow my Twitter account: @NoelHasFeathers because it's where I moan about life and post updates about my blog.

So I guess I'll see you next time! Tweet ya later! 


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