Wednesday 18 June 2014

Adventure Time: Sunny Sunny UUM

Hello sweltering humans! "It sure is hot, isn't it?" types Noel, whilst sitting in her air-conditioned room with a fan blowing directly at her.  I'm here with more sunny photos that will make you sweat, which were taken in my Father's hometown, this little town in Kedah called Changloon.

It took me a long time to come up with my title because I couldn't pinpoint what to call my little adventure in Changloon (it's actually spelled Changlun but I like to call in Changloon just because I like to say 'loon' because it sounds Thai).

The purpose of me going back to Changloon was to visit my Popo, who had a major surgery recently. She's doing quite well but on the second day there, Mother suggested that us teenagers should go and visit the UUM campus which isn't located far away from Changloon. I jumped at the idea because we were basically hibernating in our room as there was no wi-fi.

So we drove to UUM. The main purpose was to check out their Deer Garden (Taman Rusa)  so we were pumped. Well, I was, anyway.

The UUM campus was surprisingly H-U-G-E. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was definitely not it's vastness. We just drove right in because nobody stopped us (okay lah, it's an open campus, anyone can go there). I drove really slowly because it was my first time there, but we still managed to miss the turning to the Deer Garden so we just followed the main road. But then we magically ended up at UUM's front gates again. So we went for the second time. And finally, we found the Deer Garden.

To call it a garden  would be giving it too much credit. It was more like a sangkar. There was a map showing how large and organized the Taman Rusa was, back in the day, obviously. But now the deers are all just rounded up in this sealed off perimeter where they stare at cars passing by. I'm not even joking.

When we reached the cage, we realized that curious humans have also come and visit the deers and they brought food for them. So naturally kiasu, we had to feed the deers something too. So we started pulling the grass surrounding the fence which the deers could not reach and fed them that. They got pretty excited.
My Snow White moment. I didn't even have grass then. She was just licking me.

It looks like an emoji hehehe

My cousin couldn't feed it because the deer kept snorting at her. 


It was interesting how they weren't afraid of humans. We could just touch them easily.

Their noses are quite soft okay

The less nosey deers were just chilling there.
Then we decided to go to this lotus pond we saw on our first attempt to find the Deer Garden because... I wanted to camwhore. I'm sorry there really isn't much to say, I really just wanted to share these photos with you because it was a happy day.

Do I look like a sun child

Itchy butt alert

 My cousin brother asked me to jump like a star. Apparently my cousin sister didn't get the memo.

And then and then I climbed a tree. I am so wild. When I sat on that extended branch, my cousins said: "Are you sure it'll hold?" IT FCUKING HELD OK 

This was the can we pls go to an air conditioned room it's fucking hot but okay i'll pose awkardly for this one photo

Oh, Kedah is so beautiful.

The place where we took the photos was actually a golf course. There's a golf course inside the UUM campus. I don't get it, but it was a gorgeous place to be.

And butterflies. There were so many there. While I sat my huge ass down for the itchy butt photo, they were literally dancing all around me. It was pretty rad, but my cousin sister is actually terrified of butterflies. She runs away when we scream: 'BUTTERFLY!' at her. It's pretty hilarious on our part but incredibly traumatizing for her. We had to try multiple times to take that photo of us sitting on the grass without her flinching from a butterfly 10 meters away.

I realize it doesn't really matter what I type here anyway because the size of my thighs blind you and you are already forming your own opinions about my body, my weight and how I should slim down to be pretty. But you know what? I'm so done caring. I know my thighs look hideous in your eyes. I know I have short legs. I know I'm not skinny. But that doesn't wipe my sunny smile off my face. I still look absolutely happy in these photos, and that's what matters the most to me.

Basically; fuck off with body shaming thanks

So, I have lots more photos of Alor Star and outings with my friends which I haven't posted anywhere else, so I'll be back soon. 

Sunny Angel

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