Sunday 6 July 2014

"In front of @NoelHasFeathers 's house. Waiting for her to open her door."

July 2nd was a strange day. By 6.40am our plane has touchdowned from Tokyo and when I reached home it was 8.30am. Confused and tired, I slept till 12pm, all thoughts of turning 18 gone with the bloody 7-hour flight back to Malaysia.

I then spent the rest of the day cleaning up the house and sorting through laundry. I was just taking a short break, I kicked back on my sofa with the Oat Chocho thingy wanting to savour this moment when I switched on Twitter, and I saw this tweet:

I was confused. Is this a prank? What is wrong with her? They live more then 10 kilometers away. Oh God what is happening??? Then I looked out of the window and my mind exploded. Joyanne, Ashley, Shelvin and Huiying were standing right outside my house gate with a Secret Recipie box in hand.

The first thing I did was to shove the whole bar of Oat Choco into my mouth. Yes. I have no explanation for that. This resulted in me running out of my house in hobo-wear (shorts and tee), my mouth full of Oat Choco, and exclaiming: WHAT THE HELL??? OH MY GOD GUYS WHAT???

Them: Surprise Noel!!!

Yes, surprise Noel. More like surprise, Noel's mum. Hello my dearies. We are Chinese, don't forget that. Being Chinese means, when people come over to our houses we need time to prepare, to make the place clean, to make it presentable. Plus, we just came back from Tokyo. There are lots of laundry and unpacked things lying about. No wonder my mum went into instant panic mode.

I was panicking too, actually. MY HOUSE IS SUCH A MESS AND I AM SUCH A MESS I LOOK LIKE A REAL HOBO WITH MY MOUTH STUFFED AND PEOPLE ARE STARING AND JUDGING ALERT ALERT. I really am Chinese at heart ok. But thank God they allowed me to go and change.

When I came down, they had already prepared the cake.
Ashley: Damn tumblr hor?

Ya Ashley, very tumblr.

Ashley: Noel do that leg thing you always do

The candles have melted beyond recognition, Ashley.

We then spent the next few minutes eating cake and basically Noel blowing water.

This wasn't about my boobs. This was about my Batman shirt.

Thank you my loves. For the cake and shit.

We decided to go to C180 because it was near my house and they haven't been there before. Since there were too many restaurants and cafes there, we decided to walk around before deciding where to yumcha. I was the only person who has ever been there so I showed them around and to their delight, we found this fountain and we decided it would be ingenious to take photos inside the fountain.And also because #YOLO #WeCameOutToHaveFun and #WeAreYoungAndWeAreSupposedToDoCrazyThings
Here is me looking fly among the water

Here is Huiying, Shelvin and Ashley running to the waterless fountain

Here is the water height being all cute and shit

Here is all of them running terrified because the water decided to have a spontaneous erection

And here is a decent photo finally

And here is me and Joyanne lookin' all cute and shit
And here is a GIF of the precise moment the water level decided to rise suddenly and us going from all fab to all terror
Everyone got wet.

 After strutting down the whole C180 Sex And The City style (with damp shoes), we decided on a little cafe called Sweethut where they serve 'snacks' with more potato than snacks. It's really weird. We basically sat there and swapped stories whilst constantly annoying the waiters to refill our plain water because we refused to order other drinks.

Anyway, there was an incident at Sweethut which Joyanne so accurately tweeted:
I even have the photo.
Pain, u kno.

As yumcha sessions usually go, we talked about our lives. But the true highlight was probably Ashley's weird Facebook courters. I would screenshot them and post it here if I could. But I can't because Ashley is nice. But I can tell you, boys who stare at gorgeous Ashley from afar and then resort to Facebook to send her romantic messages have issues. "Random like summer rain."

It was really nice, to be able to hang out with them again. So of course, to celebrate, we camwhored, Noel style (TIMER TIMER TIMER GIFs GIFs GIFs)
The relatively normal  one
The really awkward one where pedestrians passed by
The almost there one where we starting to let loose

The wtf are we doing one

The goodbye image one

And towards the end; the we were trying to be creative tapi we sesat one

 And finally, car selfie GIFs. Ashley was driving Shelvin's Myvi because she said she like Myvis and I rode shotgun because I'm Queen. 

I want to thank Joyanne Ling for planning this. Thank you for freaking my mother out and also for the cake and also for the damp socks. And the rest of them too. Huiying, thank you for coming specially for me. And Shelvin, for using your tiny car. And Ashley for dangerously driving us around and telling me awkward boyfriend stories. I truly love you all. (And not forgetting Yiwen who was with us the whole time on snapchat/whatsapp). 

I have the best people as my friends man. Ya'll rock. 

Every second spent with these bitches are worth it. 

Surprised Angel

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