Friday 18 July 2014

The Hobo Has An Important Announcement

I have been wanting to create this post for a while, but I never really got the chance to. That's a big lie, I had loads of chances, I just preferred to spend it on tumblr instead. But today, the stars have aligned. Today, I will tell you.

I'm going to university. 

Yes. I waited a month to tell all of you this. Which is kinda dumb, really, because the people who matter most know already. But somehow, things don't really feel real unless I blog about it. 

I'm going to university. Saying it aloud always seems so surreal. Especially when people ask me: 'Which university?' And I answer: 'National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan // 国立成功大学,台南,台湾.' 

Here's the thing. When I was a little girl, I had already planned out my life. It was 小学,中学,大学 (primary school, secondary school, university) then a job, marriage and kids. But then I got older, I realized that after Form 5, it was not obligatory to further your studies, and if I were to want to, I had to go through pre-university first. And pre-u was not cheap. That kind of tainted that secondary school to university order a little bit.

I don't know how it works for you, but in Malaysia, once we finish our SPM (O-level equivalent), we have a choice to further our studies or not in Form 6 (A-level equivalent), or to go into college for pre-u (A-levels, foundation, matrix). Most of my friends have already started out in college already. January intake because they are able to afford it plus they have good results. Even if they didn't take the January intake, most of my friends started their pre-u after we received our SPM results. 

I didn't really enjoy talking to people the first few months after SPM. 

Unimportant Adult: Oh Noel, what are you doing now?
Me: *smiles sweetly* I'm not actually doing anything ma'am.
Unimportant Adult: *creases eyebrows* You're not studying? Not working? (GIRL ARE YOU NOT DOING ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE GIRL?? YOU WASTE OF SPACE YOU LARD)
 Me: *smiles sweetly* No ma'am I'm being a hobo (A FUCKING PRETTY AND AWESOME HOBO THANK YOU VERY MUCH BITCH) 
(No, the words in Caps Lock didn't actually happen out loud, but I'm sure it happened internally)
A pretty hobo who has kickass hair hangs out in bookstores holla

I wasn't doing anything extremely productive. I haven't been doing anything productive for a few months already. But then again, I'm not exactly doing nothing. I have been learning French for a few months (Bonjour, ça va? Tu es une putain) and also met up with some of my Twitter friends, I even travelled a little. 

But of course, I had to continue studying. That was the big dream. So after receiving my SPM results, I immediately applied for a uni in Taiwan. And I was thoroughly blessed to be accepted into NCKU (成功大学) which is not only one of the top 5 universities in Taiwan, but also my brother's university. 

Remember early this year when I went to Taiwan, I went to a temple in Taipei and I got my fortune told?
This fortune can be translated as:  Attends a gathering with a single sword and slays six generals, crosses path with brothers in ancient city. Looking back at this fortune, I get chills. Tainan is a historical city. My brother is studying in Tainan. I wouldn't say I went through my applications alone, but I sure went through a lot of shit to get my applications done, hence the six generals (whom I slayed, obviously). So this fortune came true. And all I can do is shake my head at how marvellous the universe is. 

I had no idea I was even qualified to be accepted into the university because I had only my SPM results which honestly wasn't very good. But I guess my co-curriculum helped a lot, as I highlighted a lot of my adventures in high school being a Prefect, scouting, debating, being a teen journalist... I don't really have a true explanation as to why I'm one of the 52% accepted into this acclaimed university. I guess I'm just truly blessed. And it overwhelmed me for quite some time. 

But I don't want to feel overwhelmed by me being accepted to uni any-more. A wise young man told me:
When the opportunity lands on your hand, you don't question it. 
You take it, you thank you Lord and you proceed to justify why you got the opportunity. If not to the world, then to yourself.  
You say thank you, you move forward and glance behind once in a while, but never stop moving forward.

I'm honestly extremely excited to start my university life. The things I'm going to learn. The people I'm going to meet. The places I'm going to go. The adventures I'm going to have. 

Of course, besides the excitement, there is also worry. The 'thing' I'm studying is Environmental Engineering. I'm doing my Bachelor's Degree. Without foundation/A-levels/STPM/Pre-U whatsoever. I don't know if I can handle all the Mathematics and the Science. Although everyone will be 18 as well, their high school syllabus is much more advanced in these two fields than our local one. Will I be able to catch up? Will I even be able to understand? Everything will be in Chinese. Traditional Chinese. Of course, the textbooks will be in English, but the teachers will teach and speak in Chinese all throughout the lectures. Me being Chinese, of course I can understand the spoken language, but the written language is a different story all together. I can read it well enough, from all the Taiwanese news and tv shows I watch, but I can't write in traditional Chinese for nuggets. My brother faced the same problem, but he informed me that all the reports I have to do will all be typed out and I might even get bonus points for writing in English. But still, how will I cope?

I have no solid plan on how I'm going 'make it' in university. But I guess 'working hard' and 'shamelessly seek for aid' will have to do for now. 

Also, I will be moving to Taiwan for four years. I don't know how you're feeling about me leaving, but I'm fucking excited (that is the only word that can express how truly excited I am right now). I don't feel that melancholic about leaving my friends behind, as we have sort of parted ways already, what with everyone going to different colleges and us not being able to see each other as often as we used to. As for my family, Mum has already planned to visit me in October and again during my Spring break. Also, it's not like I'm stranded in Taiwan. I will be coming back for Chinese New Year, and also for 3 months during Summer break. Taiwan is only four hours away, after all. And ultimately, I have my brother living just a few blocks away. 

Besides, I swear I'll constantly tweet and update my instagram (although my brother warned me that there is no wi-fi in the dorms and instagram eats up a lot of mobile data so we'll see about that). It'll be like you were right there next to me. 

So please don't give me the: Noel, I'm gonna miss you so much. Life is gonna be so weird without you. Please don't leave, Noel. 

No bitch. I'm leaving. I'm definitely leaving. I ain't gonna change my plans for you. And heck, you can live your life just fine without me. What generation are we living in? It's bloody 2014 yo. If you truly miss me you can loop my youtube videos all day or blow up a photo of my face and staple me to your wall. Don't give me your melancholic sap. Be happy for me. Root for me. Teach me math

I'm a university student. I'm a NCKU student. And I'm hella excited to start my adventure. 

NCKU Bound Angel

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry gurl, you gon be hella awesome at uni.


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