Wednesday 4 February 2015

A Short Hello


Has one semester really passed? And have I not updated my silly blog at all?

I suppose I have some explaining to do.

But truly, I don't  have a valid explanation? Unless you count too busy living my life as an excuse.

All right, I just spent 10 minutes going through some old posts on my blog. I can't accept the fact that it's 2015 already, I seriously can't. I actually spent this New Year's doing some really cool things but I guess I'll keep those adventures to myself.

I'm here to update a little about my current life. I'm still quite awesome, it's just that I've switched my focus onto Instagram, as you can see:
I'm currently doing an a-photo-a-day challenge. I have been keeping my word and consistently posting photos and I'm a little proud of myself heh. So you can probably follow me (shameless self promotion is always fun) @NoelHasFeathers for more of my daily hipstur photos yes

That aside, HELLO EVERYONE. Noel is back! And I mean that literally, I've been back in Malaysia for two weeks and life has been extremely sweet (and fattening).

Well, I don't really know what to tell you about next because simply too many things have been going on in my life recently *hides under table*. But I have  been practicing guitar and I just acquired a new camera and I'm excited to merge these two together and show it to you guys (hopefully) very soon!

And since I'm on winter break now, I've also been devouring all my Big Bad Wolf book haul at a speed of about one book per day. I know, it's all very frightening. But I feel so... nourished, y'know? Reading makes me so happy, even if the content isn't that good.

Yes, can people jio me out yumcha pls, I need content to post on my Instagram.

Welcome back to the blogosphere, Noel

Craving For Chinese New Year Cookies  Angel

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