Monday 12 December 2011

Christmas Caroling

Hey Humans! Miss me? Haven't updated for a while... Sorry. =P My life was too boring to blog about. Plus, I was lazy. And, Mum wants my hands off the computer. Gah. Life confined in the house... *rolls eyes*

Enough of my ranting. So, Christmas is just around the corner!!! *snowflakes* (Malaysia doesn't snow, sadly) And, to celebrate this festive season, Mum decided to invite friends (her friends, obviously) and family over for a Christmas Celebration. 

It was... Fun. The people who came all brought their kids. Unfortunately, they were all not even at Primary School yet. But they were cute though. I tried hard to play with them and please them. Apparently Bro thought that 18 was too old to play with little kids so he abandoned them and instead played with his extremely 'good' friend: NDS. *rolls eyes* But my extremely hot cousin ;D Played Monopoly with me and the kids after I begged him to. He's so annoying and so sweet. AND CUTE. xD

The people who came: 
Jackie Aunty and Mum
Tee Mama (Don't laugh, that's what I've been calling her that since young, she's my Aunt) and Angel (Devil's Imp)
Uncle Godfather (Don't laugh too! He's my brother's Godfather and I've been calling him that since young too) and Yan Fen Aunty, Qi Rui and Xi Yue (It means Joy)
Alan Uncle and Evon Aunty. The Guy is damn hilarious. 
Aron and Bro, Adam. 
Aww. Look at that little girl! Her name's Ee Xuan and she's Alan Uncle's daughter. She's only four. I don't know why, but she kept sticking to me the entire night. Climbing to my lap, and dragging me off to jump on the trampoline. ADORABLE
This, is her Sister, Hong Yi. Cute right? Missing two front teeth. Don't be fooled. She is only 6 and she's as huge as a 10 year old and she weighs 30 kg. And, she hits people, LOADS. Since I got stuck as babysitter, I had the chance to enjoy the pleasant whackings from our dear little girl here. Another Imp of the Devil. 
Awww, so cute. 
Everyone enjoying Mum's cooking. 
The food was marvelous, obviously. There was Lemak Laksa, Kuaey Teaow Teng, Miang Kam and of course , Mum's famous Bubur Cha Cha. (Google the food if you don't know what they are, am lazy to translate) I ate full to the brim. I'm so greedy. =D

After eating, the adults went in front and started drinking wine. And I had to entertain the kids. We danced and played the XBox Kinect! It was so cute and hilarious! 
Yes, we were dancing. Yes, I know I look horrid. 
Oh, Babysitter Angel had to play Monopoly with the kiddies too. =D It was horrible cos they were too young to understand. 
Yay! Aron came and played with us. xD <3 you!
They had time to do other things too. Look:
They were actually snatching my precious Barbie Doll collection book (yes, I was obsessed, once!). If I saw this for myself, I would scream and claw them. No kidding. 

She's so cute! That's Aron's Nintendo DS. I say, they're polluting they're minds, they are. 

Then, the highlight of the day; Caroling! Actually, they- the BEC members, came to our house to carol. It was really sweet! 
The two girls in red, they're twins, one called Yashwini and another Yashwina. So cute! 
Santa Claus is coming, to town! =D
So many carolers! 
Everyone came out to watch and sing!
Santa gave sweets to Ee Xuan and everyone else. She was so happy!
*Jingle Bell!*
It was so amazing! They sang 3 songs, and everyone was just singing along happily! Love loved loved it! After all of them shook our hands and wished us Merry Christmas, they left. 

Before they left, the carolers left a Christmas Card. Mum had the bright idea to ask everyone to sign it and the little girls were so funny as they signed it! 
Busybody 6-year-olds! xD
All busybodies!
He was teasing her, obviously. xD
We then played around. It was hilarious. 
She loved the trampoline so much! She was practically begging me to bounce up and down with her! She's so adorable!!!
Playing the Hula Hoop, #LikeABoss
We played this silly game, fitting everyone in the Hula Hoop. It was filled with screeches!
EVERYONE GOT IN!!! Even Aron!!! 
Laugh Die Me. 
Jumping through the hoop. It was like training your dog. xD
Limbo Rock!

Well, after the silly games. The slightly drunk adults brought their kids home. And I was left with a LOT of dishes to wash. Bummer. 

I really enjoyed this day. And had loads of fun! I made a special friend, Ee Xuan. And made an enemy, her sister, Hong Yi. Well, best of both worlds. 

Errr. I'm gonna update another post soon. Stay tuned! ;D

Feeling Christmas Angel


  1. SPECIAL NITE , :)
    wheeeeee , noell semakin KURUSSS ! :D
    ps: Jingle Bell ! :)

  2. OOOPPSSS! Sorry for the late comment . I was busy :D NICE partayh ! HAHAHA! Noel got a title called --> Babysitter Noel xD

  3. Aww *jealous*
    I hope our Christmas party will be as fun as this! The pics are AWESOME! ^_^
    And yes, LIMBO ROCK! XDD
    The kiddies are cute. And I like those "Devil's Imps" ;)

    Imma blog soon :P


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