Tuesday 6 December 2011

A Singaporean Birthday for Mummy

 Hey Humans! This post is gonna be long! No pictures, sorry. I finished typing yesterday, but then I pressed 'Undo' too many times and all my text disappeared. I was like: '@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@', of course. *sigh* Now I have to type all over again. =D Enjoy though.

Oh, and my page-view counter hit to over 10,000!!! *CONFETTI* OmiGosh! So happy!!! Proves that people actually read my blog (even though most of them are just here to spam my CBox...)

Back to the real story:
Happy Birthday Soo Yang! =] You like a Big Brother to me! You 24 now, be good. xD

Started off the day with breakfast with the TANGs (Mum's side). Was Hilarious, as usual. My cousins so adorable. =D

After breakfast, we started our 5-hour journey to Johor Bharu, to drop-off  my 2 cousins to their dad (complicated family story *rolls eyes*). The car ride there was awfully hot and boring fun and bonding. But Yves and Wayne were cute in the car, though.

Me and my family drove to Singapore after that (Yes, you can drive to S'pore from Malaysia). There was so much difference between just the customs! Malaysia was slow, disorganized and downright lousy; Singapore was fast, well-organized, and absolutely efficient. *applause!* Mum was complaining about Malaysia's lame government all the way. *agony*

Now, I don't wanna sound like I've never been to S'pore before, I've actually been there twice: Once when I was 10/11 and last year, for ASEAN Jamboree <-- Clicky! Forgive me if I admire S'pore too much, cause compared to its big neighbour, M'sia, it really is awesome! (and very English Speaking too...)

We're staying in one of my parents' friend's house. The house is a condo, surprisingly big, and very neat. Nice. The friend has a 13-year-old daughter and a freakishly tall (6 feet!!!) 15 year-old son. They're both very quiet and shy and I hope I make friends with them. Oh, they dude has a Epiphone guitar and an Epiphone Amp. Efffff, he's rich.

Had dinner at a German restaurant (don't ask why). Food Good. Yum yum. Am fat.

Day 2 in S'pore. Started off the day with breakfast at a food court. Damn weird. Eww. Then we went to the beach, at Marina Crescent. The sea was reasonably clean, san was really soft. Wish I brought swimming stuff.

After that, we went to Orchard Road by MRT (independence! We Ain't parasites! x]) It was really awesome there. The whole of Orchard Road was so Christmassy. NICE! The overall feel for Orchard was like Bintang Walk in M'sia. Very nice. Had Ice Cream there. Oolala! Enjoying life. ;D

Mum went shopping. She's the Queen of Shopping, seriously. We went to Ion, Takashimiya and other places (don't know <3 names cos all connected! =P) I kept staring at how people dress and their shoes. Ahahaha. I know I'm weird, right? Singaporeans dress good! =D Really! Very, retro and cool. And I played Kinect there.. I think I got the highest? Me Gusta!

Basically I spent the whole day in Kinokuniya in Takashimiya. 'Twas Awesome! I spent the first 20 minutes getting wonderfully lost. And I kept making books fall on the floor. Damn. There was just so many books! The books in S'pore are newer and more updated compared to M'sia. *sigh* M'sia sucks. Mum bought me 2 books there: The Longest Whale Song - Jacqueline Wilson and Hereafter by woman-I-forgot-her-name-oops. Read the Jacky Wilson's book and cried. =D There was just sooooo many books that I wanted to buy..... =[ Not that wealthy of course. If I was in S'pore, the books would've considered cheap, but with the currency change, that is not the situation...

After meeting up with Bro (who hung out with his Cosplay friend) we went for dinner with Mum's friend's family aka Wong family. Crab. Yum. Was fabulous. Yay. Very full. Awesome. Damn full.

Gah, going books sales tommorow! =D So excited!!!

Happy Birthday Mummy! Its your birthday, Oh My Goodness. No presents, sorry! I love you! You're the BEST!!! Love love love love love you!

Oh yeah. 3rd and Final Day in S'pore.

Me and Brother slept in. Which was a bad thing to do  but no one woke us up... So... Doh.

Urm... We then went to this Parkway Parade and had Mummy's birthday lunch. Yum yum. Chinese food! =D


Yeah. Pretty much says it all.

Then we came back and went home to M'sia....

End of story.

Lazy to say anything else. =P


A Little Singaporean Angel


  1. Uhhh... didn't you go there too when you're twelve? *sprays confetti*

  2. I bought 11 books from booksale and that's how far I got. :P

    ^^ good to hear you had fun!


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