Wednesday 28 December 2011

Chiang Mai

Hey hey, humans! Waddup? Stop throwing stones and Justin Bieber CDs at me!!! I know I haven't updated for a while (13 days to be precise)... But I'm starting now. I'll finish what happened in these 13 days in 3/4 posts. :D

So, some of you may know, I went to Chiang Mai, Thailand for 5 Days 4 Nights.

Uhhh... Lots of interesting stuff happened. And I'm really rushing through all my posts, so I apologize if I don't type lots. And I also apologize if there's too much pictures. :P

We drove from Changloon (Dad's hometown) to Sadao, Hatyai. (I do this almost every year) And we went to the Airport there to catch the plane. And *woo-hoo!* the plane was delayed suffering from technical difficulties. We spent 2 hours waiting. Gah.

Oh, so after journeying for most of the day... We reached the hotel! *Yippie!* It was, okay. It had free Wi-Fi so us technology-addicted hard working teens were content. :D

We had dinner by the riverside. It was nice. And cold (15 Celcius). And I wore shorts. Yay Mum.

That's our Hotel. Vingbua Mansion. Its okay. 
Mum forced me to cam-whore, I swear!

Then, naturally we took loads of pictures.
And the day ended just like that. What? Don't look at me like that. I told you I was lazy to talk.

Soooooo. We went to this famouse Temple which has a really nice story. I forgot the Temple's name, cos it was in Thai. It vaguely means White Elephant Temple. Its cool. I mean literally cool. It was practically freezing! And growing up in hot hot Malaysia, we do NOT have these freakin' cold temperatures. And my darling Mummy apparently underestimated the power of COLD*... So I was wearing shorts. When it was Morning. On top of a Mountain. When Thailand was in Winter. *YAY!*

Amazing pics though. 
What? Don't laugh, you mean human. 

Me, Olivia and Wennie. 

Ahhh. So sweet! Grandpa and Grandma. 

So Thai, right?


Our Converses. :D

Yummy Strawberries! They taste AWESOME! <3
Then we went to the zoo! Yay! FUNNNNNNN. 

It totally sucked, of course. But hey. Its a ZOO. 
Bro pushed Grandma who has a spinal issue like an Angel. LOL. Mum forced him. 

Baby Elephant! CUTE!

You had to pay to watch the Pandas. So we took a cheaper way:

Amazingly, everyone was in the shot. :P I don't look pretty though. xD
Then we had LUNCH!*yumyumyum*

 Then we went to a silk factory. It was 1 part factory 9 parts store. Yeah. Waste of time. :P And I hate bugs. Eww.
The cocoons. 

I love this picture. Ahahaha. I took it. xD
Then we went to a Honey... Trap? It was all direct selling. Eck. *hates*

Like the Ice Cream, though. 
Then, to the umbrella factory! Waste of time, again. *rolls eyes*

After that tiring day, we retreated to our hotels but of course, the women started SHOPPING!
At a shoe shop, which I bought 2 ballet flats. :D
The we went to the marketplace near our Hotel. It was nice.
Amazing Sweet curry puffs! <3
Yeah, I look like an Idiot. :P
We bought bubble tea from the dude up there ^. It tasted just like the bubble tea from Taiwan cos the dude up there was Taiwanese. Made me miss Taiwan. He was surprised the the Chinese from Malaysia could speak Chinese so well (Yeah, that was me showing off trying to make it easy for him ;D) And he was so generous too! He gave us 3 free cups of tea, saying they were new flavors and wanted us to try it! He's NICE.
Yeah. And we ate dinner. And there was nothing much to say. 

End of Day 2.

Well. It started off bad this day. I woke up late, so there was no breakfast for me. (@#$%^&) Ah well. 

We went strolling off to some place I can't name. It was like deserted. Speaking of desserts, I ate some pretty amazin' desserts at a little Cafe called Mont Blanc. 'Twas AWESOME!
After the treats, we went to a Flora Expo! It was... Pretty. :D Took loads of pictures with Luke's Camera but Blogger's wonky, so I wont upload them. Ahaha. 
Yeah, that's me. Looking like an idiot. Taking picture. :P 
The Chicken tried to kill me. I'm not kidding. It tried to peck me to death. 
Ferris Wheel!!!
Yeah. The Ferris Wheel. Us kids rode that. Including Bro. Did I mention he was afraid of heights? And... You could turn the Ferris Wheel gondola. He was so scared, he kept memorizing physics concepts throughout the entire journey. He didn't even bother to look!

Night Came... And we were supposed to watch fireworks. But then. Too late. Mum pissed. So... Yeah. No fireworks. :[
And as we were waiting, some Thai cub scouts sitting next to us! :D They were cute!
Yeah. And then Dinner near some cabaret show. It was nice. Thai food is nice.
We had a great time there.
And after dinner. We went shopping at the night market. It was awesome. BTW, we changed our Hotel to one closer to our Hotel. It was fun. Didn't buy anything but food. I'm gonna be fat. :P
C-O-C-O-N-U-T :D
This is cool. I didn't take it. 
Then. We slept. :D

We went to their traditional market early in the morning. Two of my Aunts disappeared with Grandpa and Grandma. :D Freedom.

There's Wi-Fi in the market, by the way. And its really clean. And feels like it has air-conditioning. And I was checking my PMR result there too. Stupid Malaysian SMS system.
Checking PMR results. :P
Uhh. I sorta forgot what happened after that and there was no pictures to show what I was doing, so... Lets imagined it never happened, yeah?

Dinner was awesome. No pictures sorry. No time to write anything else also. 

And.... Night Market again. Went to buy souvenirs for my girls. Loved it :D
These Vampire Dolls are so cute!!!
Buskers. They were great! Canon in D!

Day 5, we going back! Yippie! 
We had lunch at Chiang Mai. 

And... That's about it. 

You can check out Wennie's blog (clicky!) to find out more... No wait. I have more pictures. Ah well, check her out nonetheless. :D

I'll seriously try to finish my Christmas post and Gathering post (29/12/11) by this year? :D I'll try

Okay. Its really late. 

And apologies for not blogging properly. Cos Blogger's wonky. And well, I'm lazy too. 

Crap. I need to clean my room. 

Anything else?

Bless my family. They're too good for me. 

Rushing Angel


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