Tuesday 14 February 2012

Stalkers as My Valentine

You walk on the sidewalk, a little skip in your walk. Flash-backing about your day today. They sky is already dark. You shiver a little in your thin cardigan. You think about the warm mug of chocolate your are going to drink when you reach home. You smile at that warm thought. 

Tap, tap, tap. You hear a weird noise. You frown to yourself. 'Don't think nonsense. Just keep walking.' You quicken your pace.  

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. The noise comes quicker, in pace with your hastened footsteps. Your heartbeat quickens and you stop. 

Tap. The noise stops. 

You take a deep deep breath and you slowly turn around, with your eyes closed. Not wanting to look at what you are going to see. 

You open your eyes. 

What do you see?

What I see, are my stalkers on the Internet

What? What are you giggling about?? I do have stalkers too, you know. 
And apparently, loads of people satlk me. Be it on facebook, or at my own blog. One even me stalked me in school!

Hey my Humans! Long time no see, yeah? I've been slightly busy with them school stuff, so I don't really have time to blog. And yesterday, I was wireless-able-gadgetless, so I couldn't update what I wanted to.

Well, guess what? Today is Valentine's Day! Lovey-duvvey, mushy-wushy Valentine's Day! And since I'm #ForeverAlone, I shall talk about my dear stalkers to make me feel less lonely feel cooler.

I don't know exactly who stalks me on my blog, but... I'll try to name a few.

1. My Parents
Don't look at me funny. My parents really DO read my stupid blog. They do it loads. Its really annoying, because I have to watch what I say and restrict most of my stuff to PG13. *eff* But its kinda their silly way of supporting my... Literature (??) So I can't really complain.

2. JehSinnnnnnnn
She's this girl I (don't really) knew back in primary school. She stalks me and I didn't know about it till she told me. Its really creepy/sweet. She's really cool and funny and she thinks I'm a RockStar :D

3. Enice!
Yes! Enice! My friend for 10 years! WOW. She's really awesome. And I stalk her, and she stalks me back too. :D Its part of how we communicate! Check out her blog! She's freaking AWESOME!!! (K-pop fan)

4. Arvie
She... I've never even met her before. I stumbled upon her on an online chat box. What? Its safe there! It was in a story-writing website! We started chatting, I clicked her profile, found her blog, and followed, and got hooked. And I think that its kinda the same for her too? xD I don't know. She's damn awesome too! She's from Philippines! Her blog! Is so AWESOME!

5. Joyanne a.k.a. Bestie of all Time
Nah, she doesn't stalk me. She just reads my blog upon my demands. xD Which is nice of her to even do it. *evil smirk*

6. Esther
This came as a surprise. She said she stalks me when she's bored. So, Esther, if you can read this, I'm guessing you're bored! *waves*

Yes, the same girl who contributed her existence to The Boy Problem. THE VERY SAME ONE. Apparently she's hooked to my blog. Ahahaha! Which is... Weird. But... Hey, who can blame her right? *perasan* The creepiest thing about her is that she talks to me... On her blog... *shudder* I put her blog beside mine, and I started clicking her archive starting from 2010. And... Yeah... I didn't like what I read, but ah well. At least the storyline is clear in my head now.

Um... I guess there's more. But I'm supposed to sleep now.

Valentine's Day at School! It was fun, it was awesome. :D #SweetDieMe
From our Discipline Teacher, Miss Low! She's so nice :D
 From our Assistant Head Prefect, Keishok! To me, Shelvin and Ashley :D He's so sweet xD
Yvonne, she made this for me. She gives me something every year! Naww! So sweet! 
From Joyanne (the rainbow one) and a Mysterious Gift. I have no idea who that is from. A secret admirer? A prank? Weird. 
Yes, Keishok. I hope the camp rocks too! :D
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the lollipop! <3 Love you, Joyanne! Rock it out like best friends forever!

And... Ummm... We haven't had any interaction since that fight we had. Are we even friends anymore? I don't know. Happy Valentine's Day anyway. Wish you all the best.

I'm happy today. I really am.

Good Night. No more posts till after the test!

ForeverAloneCelebratingValentine'sWithMyBestiesButStillEnjoyingIt Angel


  1. :O!!!!

    I feel all special and stuff for being on your blog! Seriously, it's so unexpected. xD

    You rock, Noel!
    And yes, I be-stalk you always. ;) Not ashamed of it either. Haha. *smug*

    1. Awww! That's so sweeeeeet! I shall stalk you always too! :D


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