Sunday 5 February 2012

Kem Motivasi 2012 14/01/2012

Hey hey! I promised I would post about the Newbie Camp, didn't I? Well, here it is! :D I apologize in advance if the pictures are a little... Sh*tty? :P Well, I wasn't the cameraman.

And. I'm lazy to write extra stuff. So.... Yeah. Just look at the pictures!
Morning Briefing
Me and Koo, in charge of the activities. :D
Koo took them for a tour around the school! 
Breakfast time!
our 70th Petaling troop leader, Gan Jia Sheng teaching them the Chicken Dance
I don't know what this is called in English. 

We had our HQ, which was in Bilik Tayangan. We used it to ditch the camper's bags, opening ceremony, and everything else, pretty much. Why we stayed in it for so long? It had air-conditioning. 
Setting up for Opening Ceremony
Our Camp Commander, Chan Geng Ding (left) and Asst. Camp Commander, Lim Kok Ping (right). Our Commander is Artsy. He designed the camp logo. :D
My Darling Facilitators! <3
Puan Diong! Our supervising teacher!
The souvenir. It was a bit lame, honestly. 
Damn round. 

Then, the Station Games started! Unfortunately, due to lack of students participating, we only had less than 40 campers. :[ So, my carefully planned activities for more than 80 campers were unfortunately wasted. There were 12 stations and 10 minutes were given per station. Lame, I know. Don't judge me, its my first time planning something major like this and I didn't plan a Plan B!!! But at least they looked like they had fun.
This is super cool. Watch. 
WOW. They're just 13-14, you know. That's pretty amazing. I did not expect them to succeed doing this. The short-haired girl is Gan Jia Sheng's sister, Gan Xin Li. 
Butt walk!
Where is Mr. Bean?
They used their feet to draw something. XD Its pretty hilarious. 
After the Station Games, there was The Amazing Race. I prepared clues, hid them throughout the school and they had to figure it out. In some stations, they had to do some tasks in oder to get the next clue. Pretty ingenious, if I say so myself. But... The campers didn't like it.

There's no photos for the rest of the activities because apparently the cameraman didn't bother to bring a charger and the camera ran out of battery before lunch. *rolls eyes*

So, we'll skip the Amazing Race and Water Fight, straight to the Malam Kebudayaan (Campfire night).

Well, Malam Kebudayaan, Koo was in charge of it. He was supposed to plan what we should do... But he didn't. Instead, he spent most of the day inside the air-conditioned HQ, SLEEPING, whereas I, his partner, kept running around the school, making sure my activities were run properly. So when we got to MK, it was all up to spontaneous performance. God. Just enjoy it lah. I have nothing to say.
I love love love these twins! They're so incredibly funny! Plus, they bully me. Which is mean cause they're only 14 and I'm already 16. It was their birthday on that day! And so was Phuah's :P We sang for them! Woo hoo!
Campfire Lighting Ceremony
That's Lim Kok Yee, by the way, our Ex-Senior and my Brother's Archenemy. 
It's an artificial campfire. Cool!!!!
Seniors and Ex-Seniors plus, that skateboard. 
I kinda look demented. 
'Getting Warmth' xD
I see them chillin', I hatin'. == seriously. 

Then we had some... Really cute photographing sessions. xD
That's really cute!!!! Ahahaha!

And of course, MK won't be MK without any crazy dancing. ;D And... As usual, I'm the one showing off :]
uhh... Yeah, me and Meng Fatt did the tango. HILARIOUS!
Koo did some somersaulting. that was cool. 
Don't laugh at my stupid facial expression. == i had no idea what I was doing. 
Yay! In the end, we watched some slide shows about our day... And we gave the prizes... And It was all over. 

Oh yeah. The final group photo!

It was pretty awesome. 

So, yeah. That was pretty much what happened. And... Here are some sad things...

So when we were having our tea, I asked on of the twins (I don't know which one): 'So, which of the activities are your favourite? Do you like them?'
The reply was: 'Nah, they're fine. But not really fun.'
'So which one you liked best?' I asked, a little disappointed. 
'Oh, MK was the best! It was utterly AWESOME!' he replied excitedly

Wow. MK was the best activity, according to the campers. I got the same answer from practically everyone, from the campers, to the facilitators. Am I disappointed? Of course I am! So, the activity that I did not plan, but handed to Koo to plan (which he didn't) was apparently the best and fun-nest activity of all?? What about the station games and The Amazing Race which I racked probably the WHOLE of my brain to think up?? :[ I'm sad. 

Fine. Its over now. I have new challenges to face!

I'm done. 


Scouting Angel

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