Wednesday 26 March 2014

You know how in Doctor Who there are 'filler episodes'?

So I suppose this post is something like a filler episode.

Just here to let you know, that I am currently swamped in Uni applications, and that Captain America is coming out tomorrow and nobody wants to watch it with me and also I suck at making plans and generally being a teenager.

Idk whether I should blog about SPM results day, but it was such a happy and eventful day it'll be a shame not to remember it. It's collecting dust in my drafts ._______________________. 

I don't want the other events in my life to go unremembered on my blog. I already missed out on Confirmation, Majlis Perpisahan, Christmas, Trips and stuff, I don't want to forget more.

I realize that I have a crap crap craaaaaaap long term memory.

Today, Sweetie asked me what was the best compliment I've ever received. I blanked for a few minutes. And I realized that I honestly can't remember what was the best compliment I've ever received. I know that many people have said lovely things about me, but all I can remember is a warm red and orangey colour when I read the kind words. 

I know. Noel is so abstract. Noel is so poetic. I know.

And Noel is so forgetful.

But you know what? They funny thing is that I can remember the weirdest things, but I never seem to remember normal  things.

 Preach Sherlock preach.

Empty-Minded Angel

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