Thursday 27 March 2014

Selfie Posing Marathon

(do you get the joke)

Well. It was a very crazy assed rushed experience (?)

I spent the night before in jitters. As concluded in the Bojio whatsapp group, all of us were shaking inside. I stayed up laaaaaaaaaate. And I couldn't even read because my night light wasn't working. It didn't even make sense to be nervous because nothing could be changed.

Then suddenly it was here and I had to put on my 'u can't sit with me' outfit just for armor's sake.

But then when I reached school, it all evaporated. Caught up in the: 'OMG NOEL??!!" 's and "I've missed you so much!" 's, I had no time in my head to be nervous.

I don't think I can describe the morning. We were all waiting, but at the same time, we were trying to nab as many photos as we could. So it was honestly very very  chaotic.

So.. I guess I'll let the photos say what I want to say? (totally irresponsible blogger behaviour, I know)
With the Scouts!

Muka banyak A


Idk why I keep taking pictures with Koo

Basically I just raised up the camera and... This.. Sort of just... Happened

Diz iz called how not to be pretty when all ur frenz lookin' gorgeous


Totally not awkward at all


With my sampat
 Then the scary part came. The school started announcing the pass rates of each subject. And everyone was cheering because our year did good, we hiked up the marks percentage of the school by a lot. So naturally we were all pumped and shiz.

After that, they started announcing the students who did well. And they were calling and calling and tiba tiba NOEL NG NUOBEI. I had my Jennifer Lawrence moment right there. My mind went: WTF?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LSDKJFLSKJFEIOJDSOJCVOMODVJOIFJSLDKJ I basically ran up the stage ( didn't trip though, what a shame). It was such an epic feeling. I swear.
Cue the badly taken photo from the school multimedia team. Like guys?? Seriously? This angle??

The impossible to track duo

..... idk man. this is just a very awkward photo


do u kapal diz? bcoz i do

We all look so nice here :D

Then a wild Nelson appears

With Yvonne! Idk we look so happy here

Then afterwards. We went to this place called Butter Up. The food there was okay, I guess. Western things. But the service was reeeeeally bad. The waiters were as clueless as us customers. No really. On the menu, there were lots of orders with the name: "Mrs. Butters Chicken Chop" or "Mrs. Butters Summer Lemonande" (these are not actually real orders but you get what I mean). So naturally, I had  to do something about it.
 Poor Waitress: Hi, okay, here are your orders.
Noel The Annoying Customer: Hi, umm, can I ask you a question?
Poor Waitress: Yeah. Sure. 
Noel The Annoying Customer: Could you tell me who the hell is Mrs. Butters?
Poor Waitress: ..................................
Poor Waitress: ..................................
Poor Waitress: ..................................
Poor Waitress: I don't really know. I'm so sorry. 
Everyone at the table: NOEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was the part where my friends had to literally pull me back and shut my mouth to not bully the poor girl  anymore. I know. I am a bad human being. But seriously though, WHO IS MRS BUTTERS???!!!!

Anyway, we had a great time there, talking about everything and nothing.

And then after lunch, I went to Joyanne's place. To *ahem* professionally *ahem* record our covers. We did our all time favourite, Jet Lag by Simple Plan, and... Well, let's just say, if you sing something live, no one will hear the tiny mistakes you do, but if you record it with an expensive mike, you start to see your tiny mistakes and they start adding up to something much more horrible so... Ugh. Yeah. And plus, I got super nervous and kept forgetting the lyrics even though I actually already know the lyrics? *Shudder*

Anyway, here it is, prepare to wince.
Thanks to Joylene Ling for the professionalism and enduring our takes and retakes because you're awesome. Like, check her out if you want to do professional photography and recording and stuff. Yeah.
Being all Kawaii and poo
I had a great time at her house, because basically there are no parent's supervision. And I'm not allowed to swear in her house, because there are underage kids there so we had to switch everything into polite words. But it's not like Joyjane doesn't know all the swear words already, am I right Joyjane? And it was seriously hilarious, the things her younger sisters would say.

Joylivia: I will kill you.
 She did say that.

Then Phuah picked us up in a total Mean Girls way and we went off to PARTAYYYYYYY. No actually it was really mild, the only hot and steamy thing being the barbeque pit.

Basically I spent the night there making gibberish songs about any random person I see. The tune and lyrics don't make sense. But I am Taylor Swift so shut up. 

Noel is so swek and shit

And Huiying kept spamming the camera with her selfie??!!!
And I had fun bullying Chai Yi Yang, by refusing him to touch my uke because I am super mean like that hahaha.

It was really cute how we had a jam session right and there. I think it was their first jam session, with learning new chords right at the spot and impromptuing all the way.

And then, let the selfie war begin.

The amount of selfies we took were so large, that when Yiwen sent it to us on whatsapp, my phone choked, sputtered, and basically fainted for a few minutes. 

Okay, I'll end this post with two of my favourite GIFs of the night :)

I have a thing about GIFs hahaha

Okay, I guess now that that magical day called SPM results day is now permanently recorded on my blog, I can sleep a little bit happier now :)

Selfie Pro Magnificent Angel

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