Saturday 1 October 2011

Dayang's Open House #BOP

Ooooh. I included Dayang's name in the title... ;D


Today was... Indescribable. But I'll try my best.

There was school today, extra classes curtsey of our dear Mr Tay. Had to suffer 2 hours of Chinese! Ugh. *sigh* Shelvin got to skip it! (Pig doesn't take Chinese.) Damn.

Then came afternoon. Well, there was Dayang's Open House (It's Raya!)... I was going, but I didn't have her precise address. So I voluntered to take Puiyann there cuz she knows. Unfortunately, she was having a haircut (?!)... So I had to wait. Till 4pm. But 4pm came and she says she hasn't reached home yet. So, change of plans, she's picking me up instead, But then the dude who was sending here got (hopelessly) lost (SERIOUSLY?!). And she forgot how to come my house. =.= Time wasting.

They look sweet. Not that thing behind. 

*Phew!* Finally got to Dayang's house. OMG. Its like, walking distance from mine. She lives in a Semi-D (rich!). And now I know where she lives... *evil laugh* Puiyann didn't come down with me. She had to go back home and bathe. 

So, basically, I was alone, with only my guitar. Freaked out? Heck yeah I was! Feeling along and insecure amongst a bunch of people that you don't know is the most horrible feeling. EVER. Then Dayang came and greeted me, commented on my... Shirt... And... Boobs. (We have a thing with boobs xD) Then she passed me to Zul and Furqan. Oooh. Awkward much. I was supposed to eat But then... I wasn't really feeling hungry (must be the nerves)... So sorry, Dayang! I'll eat next time? =P 

Well, things went past in a bit of a blur after that. There were a lot of awkward moments. Why? They kept trying to to force me to take picture with Furqan! Jeez. Pffft. All besties are the same, aren't they? Look, the results are horrid :

Hmm. Chubbiness overload. 

Mwahahahaha. That's really scary. I spent most of the time in front of Dayang's piano. Its an electric Yamaha. Not bad, but mine has more effects and fuctions *scoffs*. xD Umm. What did I do in front of the piano? I played. It was pretty lame. I could never finish a song. And I didn't wanna sing when I played chords so... *sigh*

I'm not awesome! All I'm doing is faking it!!!

Oh yeah, for my b*tches who are dying to know, I jammed with Furqan (again). Me on piano, him on guitar. My piano chords sucked. I played everything in root! No inversions at all! Guess my brain wouldn't function properly. It's really weird to play piano when someone plays your guitar. Usually when I jam with Joyanne and Ashley, I'm on guitar, Joyanne's on piano and Ash sometimes play guitar too. So to have a role-reversal was... Extra ordinary. 

Hehe. My guitar. 

In front of the piano. This is a really weird angle. 

Chubby Puiyann! (You're not FEI! You're awesome just the way you are! =D)

Thank you for being there. Or else I would be scared to death. You were my only normal friend there. Tee Hee.

But you make me worry. Your transport problem? *sigh* A girl like you should be more careful. (Seriously)

Now, to lighten up the mood, let me tell you a little story... ;]

There was a boy. He wanted to go pick up this girl he was crazy for. Accrording to a 'friend', her house was really near Dayang's. And the friend told him that the girl was planning on walking there. 

"It's not really walking distance, you know?" The 'friend' said, "It's quite far. You wouldn't want her to walk here, under the hot sun, all alone, don't you? Why don't you go find her house and walk here here?"

Of course, and sane person would've classified what the 'friend' said as pure crap. But of course, people who are blinded by love (?) are not considered sane. They have a fire that burns in their souls, cutting out all rational thoughts...

And so he went. With the excuse his mother came. He walked in the direction the 'friend' pointed.He didn't know what her house looks like. But that didn't matter. He didn't know her address. That didn't matter either. Heck, he doesn't even know where it is! Of course, it all doesn't matter. All that matters is her

He reached the supposedly location of her house. He was quite shocked at the number of houses there. Very soon he got hopelessly lost. So he called the 'friend' asking for the girl's address. Of course the 'friend' had no idea! All the 'friend' could say was: 1. She has a big, big white dog. 2. She has a fish pond in her front yard. 

Lost and exhausted, he started walking around aimlessly. That fire of passion that was burning so brightly just now, had almost dwindled down to nothing. He felt damn useless. 

Then. IT happened. 

The car stopped in front of him, and she got out from the passenger seat. She couldn't have looked any cuter. A DSLR pack slung over her shoulders. Eyes bright and shining. 

She smiled at him and said: "Lets walk there together." 

Those four simple words, just made the boy a very happy boy. 

Awww, Zulhilmi. Enjoyed that? That was for dropping my guitar and those other annoying things you did. *Innocent smile* Revenge is so sweet. Of course, I'm not sure which is fact, which is fiction. So if I said something that wasn't true, don't blame me. Blame my imagination!

*ahem ahem* ;D

Mmmm... Now an incident that happened that I've decided to not blog about. Even if I did BOP it. If you wanna know it. Just ask me in person. =D 

A special shout out to Dayang, for taking and editing those amazing photos. =D Even though I'm so ugly in them (must be the face...)! I love you! You can check her out at her blog => She's awesome, I tell you. 

Random fact: I mentioned your name 7 times. Hah!

Well, I think that's about it. PMR is 3 days away. I should not be blogging at a time like this. So sorry. Couldn't resist. =]

Sleepy & Sleepless Angel



  2. Aww you guys looked like you had so much fun! ^^ Nice. I love the 5th photo! You looked cute in it! Haha. XD


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