Sunday 27 November 2011

God is With Me

Hey Humans! I'm back from Church Camp! Warning: This post is gonna be really long with loads of pictures. So sit back, relax and get the popcorn. :P Oh, there are really LOADS of pictures of me too. Beware!
Friends <3

First day of camp! Yay!

On the way to Golden Sands Beach Resort Port Dickson. (Its actually just a Baptist Centre)

We are so lifeless on the bus. =D
The beautiful Teressa. (That ain't my camera)
Lavene and Amelia. 
Oh Gosh, I so bulat.

The bus ride was kinda long, we arrived when it was afternoon-ish.
Can you believe it? It rained as soon as we checked in! 

The dorms were really NICE! It had air-conditioning and toilets were really clean too!

After the rain, everyone got down to the beach, the tide was in... The sun was setting... It was so BEAUTIFUL.

The pictures are a bit confusing. They were taken by 2 different people, so the settings and stuff are different. The sky looks different too, but its taken at the same time! Really! Which just makes it all the more awesome. =D
Photographed by Teressa Arrias. 
Photographed by Teressa Arrias. 
Photographed by Teressa Arrias.
Photographed by Shantal Soh.
Photographed by Shantal Soh.
Photographed by Shantal Soh.
Camera in hand, Bible in the other. This is just so cute!
Shantal!!! This is cute too! <3
Retarded look. =D
Melanie and me!
Amelia and Lavene!
Jump shot! <3 Me and Melanie
The two Photographers: Eric and Teressa! So sweet, right?
We were so hyper when we saw the beach!
The pinkish hue of the sky
Another shot!
Look at this crazy girl. =D
Love this picca! But my face looks funny! xD
Teressa and Shantal. Pretty right?

Melanie is so cute!!!
They sky was still bright, honestly. 
Us, knee deep in the water. No crazy person wanted to jump in. 

We had dinner later. The food was surprisingly nice. I'll spare you the photos of food!
We then had sessions, in a air-conditioned hall. Wowowow. This campsite is so awesome! 
Rosary first! =D
Getting ready for Rosary. 
Melanie's face. =D

Guess what? The first day of camp was Melanie's birthday!!! Coincident or what? So, before we started the sessions, we had a CHOCOLATE CAKE!!! Yum yum!
The cake was nice. =D
She was so surprised! She had no idea whatsoever! 
She was blushing so muuuch. xD It was so cute!
We sang the Birthday Song for Melanie! It was soo funny to watch her turn red and squirm! <3 

Sorry, Melanie, for not wishing you in person for the whole day! Teressa wanted it to be a surprised and I was so confused that i didn't get to wish you, and give you a hug! SORRYY! But I really with you have a blessed year ahead of you! <3 <3 

We then watched this Christian movie bout... Something hard to describe. Its called Facing The Giants. And its really motivational and inspirational. =] Miracles happen. Nothing is impossible.

2.40am 26/11/2011
I watched the beautiful night sky with Sherman, Warren Austyn and Seanil. Yes, they're all guys. What a waste, spending the such a beautiful night with them! =P I was jamming in a pondok with Sherman, he can play tabs. =] The sky was just soooooooo beautiful!!! It was honestly scattered with stars! Unfortunately, Teressa and Shantal had went to bed so there were no cameras around. *sigh* 
Warren, Austyn, Seanil and Sherman
I sincerely hate you, Warren. =.=

I would've LOVED to write a song under the starry sky, listening to the waves... But Warren freaked me out with his endless ghost stories. So I went to bed.

We had to wake up at 6am for prayers. No big deal? Remember the part when I said I was jamming with Sherman till 2.40am? Yeah, and I didn't sleep till 3am then. 

Teressa was scary. She slept later than me, chatting to Lavene, and I could've sworn she was the first to jump out of bed, filled with her endless energy!!! Respect! (Y)

We had prayers, facing the sea. It was so nice. 
Dawn is Breaking
Marcus is so awesome. 
They were all staring at a toad. =D
Breakfast was nice!!!

After breakfast we took pictures again! The morning sun was AWESOME!
*Wheee!* Pigs can FLYY! 
This Shantal eats so slowwww... But she's cute in this shot. =D
Morning, Sunshine!
I have no idea why I love this shot. xD Perasan. 

We got our stuff (stationary, bibles and books) and we started off the day with worship. I was so happy cos I got to worship with Marcus, Sherman, and Teressa! 
I look like a pro, but I'm not.. xD
Marcus's face is so sincere! I respect that!
Me, Sherman and Teressa. We the Last-Minute-Guitarists. 

The worship session was really really nice. =] Marcus was amazing, he really worshipped Lord from the heart. I feel guilty that I'm treating this as a performance, not as an act for singing to the Lord, praising Lord from the heart. Sorry, Lord. I'll try to be more sincere. 

So, after worship, we had a sexuality talk. Which was not bad, but I knew everything they said already. So it was slightly pointless. 

Yay! We went to the beach again, of course!!! So, many pictures! The timeline is a bit confusing, but I'll try my best to put those pictures in the correct order. Even though I forgot what happened. Ah well, just enjoy these epic shots.  =]

I feel like going back to the beach after seeing this. <3
Holidayyyy~! <3
Nobody hates the beach. 
Feeling the sand
Adrian's sexy legs. xD
I love the SUN!!!
Teressa and Derrick. He's a really awesome guy. (Y)
Awesome picture of Eric.
Love this shot! =D
Hmmm... Romantic
Why Shantal so cute? =D
Dig Dig Dig! 

Digging crabs. Childish, I know!
The crab died. =[
Why I so bulat? =D
Me so childish! =D
Adrian was polluting, by the way. Evillll!
He looks good, I know. ;D
She sneaked up on him!!! They look so good together! <3
I'm so short short short. =P
Have I mentioned how much I love the beach? =D
Derrick: 'Noel!!! Don't die!!! Don't die!!!'
Aha! It was like I was throwing a tantrum in the sea! xD


You practically can hear the Bollywood music playing in the background!
Everyone wants a photo with the Bollywood star!
Christina and Glory caught some crabs! Awesome!
Wishy-washy!!! =D
These two dudes are FUNNY. =D

Haha, these photos are of Lavene and Amelia, photo shooting by the beach. =DD CUTE!
They so cute!

Reach out for God.

Teacher Prisca actually treated all of us to ride the Banana Boat! Awesome, weih! I love her! Thank you!
We got WET
She didn't drive, of course
Don't leave meeee!
We fell down. =D On purpose.
Shantal was afraid to fall in to the water... xD
Freakin' HUGE life jacket!

The guys rode the banana boat too. =D It was hilarious!
See that sakai Adrian Yap?
All of them JUMPED off the banana boat. 

Chillin' on the beach. 
I had no idea what we were laughing at. =P
Mel-mel in actionn
Mr Thaddeus treated us Ice Cream. =D Thank you!!!
Miss Prisca and Thaddeus actually brought tea down to the beach and fed us! <3 Awwww! I love them!
Dig Dig Dig!
They were building a tail for me. A mermaid tail. =D 
A NoelMaid, as Shantal calls it. xD
They like little boys!
Wet BOY. 
Haha! Then, the two photographers, Eric and Teressa started taking photos of the Sunset. Awwww. Sweet!
But we lifeless people just had to ruin it. xD

Group shots <3

Marcus looks so at peace. =]


Aha! We had sessions too! =D On sexuality, and sins. Meaningful! I learned a bout St. Scholastica. Remarkable woman, she is. =]
My group-mates. They smart. =D
The 7 Deadly Sins
We had to write about our struggles, with sins. Uhhh. We all had an issue with ENVY and SLOTH. We're trying to change ourselves, though. 
The Guy's struggles. =]
Those were the sessions. I learned a lot, but to imply them in our lives, thats hard. But, I'll try my best. Really. =]

The most spiritual part of this camp was the healing sessions. It was... Indescribable. I don't want to tell much about this session, but the Holy Spirit was there, telling Marcus what to say. And everything was spot on. That is the Power of God. I cried myself to bits. And I received a blessing. Thank you. 

After that touching Inner Healing session, we totally refused to sleep, and we sat somewhere and just chatted till 3am. It was really funny and memorable. Marcus was there, and he shared loads of things with us. He's really a remarkable person. =] I honestly am touched by his faith and God really cares about his sheep. 
My hair looks like grass. =.= I didn't bring conditioner. 
I will never forget us sharing. =]
She was stressed out bout something Marcus said. It was 'bout Eric. =D She was so cute!
Midnight snacks!

And we got freaked out, cos we thought Marcus was something else. Turns out that there really was something else there. And we didn't know. Scary.

The next morning, Teressa was the first one to wake up again, whoa. Energized!!! 
Mummy Melanie. =D
Becky, Natalie, Carmen and Priscilla. And that Melanie too. =D

We went for Mass. At this cute Port Dickson Church. I don't remember the Church's name, sorry. It was really nice. We nearly fell asleep during Mass, though. But the Gospel that day kept telling us: 'STAY AWAKE.' I'm not kidding! God really wanted us to stay awake!
I love these stained window. They're so nice!
This holy water thingy is so ADORABLE! It even has lights!

After Mass, we prepared to leave. Before we left, we had a Recap Session. It was really funny. Everyone shared their experience and most of the Jokers' were absolutely hilarious! 

We had been given envelopes, and we had to write what we thought about other people in them... It was a really great idea. And the guys (basically Adrian) started spamming everyone else's envelopes. It was really funny though. =D
Some last-minute writing. 
Last WORSHIP! We danced. =D

Have I mentioned how much I love this class? =D
With the teachers! Just wanna say a big big THANK YOU to Teacher Thaddeus, Miss Prisca and Miss Amelya! You guys were awesome! And thank you for spending so much money on us! I feel a little bit guilty!

Then it was over! Awwww. I had such a good time! 
Oh Gosh, Ian is freakin' adorable! xD We stalked him throughout camp. 

On the bus home, Teressa and Eric settled their *ahem* problem? With a pinky-promise. Awwwwww!  That was so, so sweet! Teressa and Eric, you have Noel's, Shantal's, Melanie's, Lavene's and Amelia's blessing. <3 <3 <3

I learned a lot, from this wonderful camp. I felt that I got closer to God. And I promise that I will continue to nurture this relationship with God, through prayer. =]

Bye bye Port Dickson! <3


Remember those envelopes everyone was spamming? =D I loved everyone's spam to me. It was all so beautiful and nice! 
-You're a talented musician!! 
-You're nice and friendly
-God's bless rush through you!
-It's nice to be friends with you!
-You very sakit kepala one lorr. But Horr... Very good friend! x) You have the talents! 
-Your cheek looks red.
-If you got harassed by them, tell me! I'll bash them up.
-You're an awesome talker.
-God bless you!
-Keep that passion for music! It may be how how God speaks to you with it! :)
-Love your confident, talent and your adventures!
-I don't know you well and thanks for your letter haha! Well, chat with me more! :P God bless
-Hi nice to meet you =) Smile always
-You're my 假的 (fake) Avril Lavigne!
-Hello! Have a nice day!

Awwww. These are just some snippets from what they gave me. Its really really sweet! There's one from Marcus, but its too private and I don't really wanna share. =] 

Just wanna credit Teressa Arrais and Shantal Soh for those AMAZING photos! And everyone else in the camp for giving me such a good time! 

Love you guys!

God Loving Angel


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