Tuesday 17 January 2012

This Is Me?

Today in school, I was chatting to a friend. He's a weird guy. We've been friends since Form 1 and we're okay.

So I was chatting with him about our blogs. (In Chinese) You can read his here <-- Clicky!
Angel said to him: 'You really should turn your comments back on.'
Kwung replied: 'Why should I?'
Angel said: 'Because I wanna comment?! I don't like commenting in the CBox, sangat susah...' (Very hard)
Kwung did his signature hand-open-I-don't-care gesture and said: 'Well, I blog because I like it. I don't have to please the whole world.'
Angel rolled her eyes at him but he continued speaking: 'I'm not like you, showing off your life with your blog.'

showing off... Showing Off... SHOWING OFF... SHOWING OFF...

After hearing him say that. I immediately got effing pissed at him and I stood up and walked away. Rude? Of course it was. But considering that we had 4 years of friendship, does he seriously not know that my blog is like my life??

Really? Am I really just showing off in my blog? Are my words that worthless? My pictures that meaningless?

Does anyone not know how long it takes me to perfect my posts? And how it utterly pisses me off when I see those Girls or Boys who gets so many followers just buy posting a few words.

I don't wanna be that popular, but to know and realize that I'm just screaming my thoughts and feelings out to a never-ending vortex that is already filled to the brim with screams from other angsty teens? Is just a freaking wake up call.

I really... Don't know who I am anymore.

We were supposed to write a Chinese essay titled: 'Who Am I?'. As usual I'm horribly stuck. If it was an English Essay, I would write pages and pages of it. Unfortunately, it was Chinese. I was thinking: 'How in the world was I supposed to jam ME into a 400 word essay. And I don't even know who I am. Isn't that what teen life is all about? Searching for who you are?'

And with those thoughts churning in my head, my pen did not move, at all. I'm so giving up on essays.

Basically, I'm just ranting.

I don't know who I am anymore. I can't find myself.

Is so Funny. 
People make it Sad. 

So is Life 

Lost Angel

1 comment:

  1. I wanna hurl something - anything! - at that guy. He doesnt know what he's saying. Probably ate the wrong food and got something bad in his system..

    No, your blog isn't worthless. Neither is it meaningless.

    YOUR BLOG IF FRIGGIN AWESOME! Who the heck cares if one guy thinks it's NOTHING?? PSHAW. Maybe he's just insecure. Maybe he really likes your blog and can't bear the fact that yours is way awesomer than his. You never know with guys... -.-

    Anyway, ROCK ON, Angel. You're way better than to listen to some goofball.


People who comment are sexy

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